File 7 Flashcards
/kreɪv/ dychtit po When my mum was pregnant, she craved gherkins.
/raɪp/ zralý You can tell the bananas aren’t ripe by the colour.
/waɪd/ široký The river isn’t very wide here so we can swim across it.
/ˈslæpstɪk/ groteska Children love slapstick, especially if it involves adults falling down.
tell jokes
/ˈtel dʒəʊks/ vykládat vtipy A comedian is someone who tells jokes for a living.
/ˈstɜː fraɪd/ smažené za stálého míchání The great thing about stir-fried dishes is they don’t take a long time to do.
give (sth) a go
/ɡɪv ə ɡəʊ/ zkusit co I don’t like the idea of eating a dog but I’d give it a go.
/hɪˈleəriəs/ nesmírně legrační I think it’s hilarious the way he does that funny walk.
a backlog
/ə ˈbæklɒɡ/ nahromaděné nevyřízené objednávky There’s only one chef so there’s often a backlog of orders.
/ˈwaɪdn/ rozšiřovat They’re widening the road to make it into four lanes.
/ˈrɑːzbəri/ malina Raspberries go really well with apples in a dessert.
baked figs
/beɪkt fɪɡz/ pečené fíky When we were in Greece, we had baked figs for dessert.
steamed mussels
/stiːmd ˈmʌslz/ mušle vařené v páře The waiter set down a plate of steamed mussels.
/ˈpres ʌps/ kliky Men and women are meant to do press-ups differently.
/əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ zábavný We don’t all find the same jokes amusing.
challenge yourself
/ˈtʃælɪndʒ jɔːˈself/ dát si náročný úkol I decided to challenge myself by doing a ten-kilometre run.
/diːp/ hluboký Some people have deep beliefs in reincarnation.
/ˈsɔːspən/ kastrol, hluboká pánev We still use the saucepans we received as a wedding gift.
/ˈɡreɪvi/ omáčka He used the juices of the meat to make a lovely gravy.
/pɔː(r)/ nalít You need to pour the beaten eggs in a little at a time.
burst out laughing
/bɜːst aʊt ˈlɑːfɪŋ/ vyprsknout smíchy When he came in wearing a wig we burst out laughing.
mix (the ingredients)
/mɪks (ðə ɪnˈɡriːdiənts)/ míchat (přísady) You’re meant to mix the ingredients with your hands.
/ˈæpl/ jablko Apple goes very well with pork dishes.
burn calories
/bɜːn ˈkæləriz/ spálit kalorie To burn calories you need to undertake aerobic exercise
/ˈwɜːdpleɪ/ slovní hříčka Some cultures prefer clever wordplay.
/strɒŋ/ silný You aren’t strong enough to carry that heavy case!
get carried away
/ɡet ˈkærid əˈweɪ/ nechat se strhnout When I get carried away in the kitchen, I experiment with exotic spices.
a good sense of humour
/ə ɡʊd sens ɒv ˈhjuːmə(r)/ smysl pro humor A good sense of humour is essential when you’re doing a depressing job like this.
at once
/æt wʌns/ okamžitě When people dine here, they want their meals at once.
chopped onions
/tʃɒpt ˈʌnjənz/ nasekaná cibule Fry the chopped onions with the garlic.
/ˈwiːkən/ oslabit If you don’t eat enough you’ll weaken your immune system.
/ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ avokádo She won’t eat avocados because she says they’re fattening.
mashed potatoes
/mæʃt pəˈteɪtəʊz/ šťouchané brambory Would you like mashed potatoes or chips?
/wiːk/ slabý I felt weak and dehydrated after my long run.
heat (sth in the microwave)
/hiːt (ɪn ðə ˈmaɪkrəweɪv)/ ohřát (co v mikrovlnce) I like cooking but it’s easier to heat something in the microwave.
/ˈstreŋθn/ posílit This workout will strengthen your muscles.
/ˈʌvn/ trouba The oven needs to be very hot when you start roasting beef.
/kəˈmiːdiən/ komik It must be difficult for comedians to find new jokes.
/flæt/ rovný The ground was flat as far as the horizon.
/ˈhɒləndeɪz/ holandská majonéza Do you know how to make a hollandaise sauce?
attain a sense of unity
/əˈteɪn ə sens ɒv ˈjuːnəti/ docílit harmonii Yoga helped me to attain a sense of unity.
comedy series
/ˈkɒmədi ˈsɪəriːz/ komediální seriál There’s a new comedy series on TV.
drain (the pasta)
/dreɪn (ðə ˈpæstə)/ slít, přecedit After you’ve drained the pasta don’t leave it to stand for too long.
/ˈʃɔːtn/ zkrátit I shortened Ryan’s trousers for his little brother.
/prəʊn/ náchylný If you’re prone to back problems, you should seek advice before doing pilates.
political cartoons
/pəˈlɪtɪkl kɑːˈtuːnz/ polické kreslené vtipy Political cartoons are a vital part of satire.
toasted sandwich
/təʊstɪd ˈsænwɪdʒ/ zapečený sendvič I bought a machine that makes toasted sandwiches.
laugh at
/lɑːf æt/ smát se čemu It would be odd if we all laughed at the same things.
/ˈflætn/ vyrovnat, uhladit When making biscuits, you must flatten the dough.
/pʌnz/ vtip založený na slovní hříčce Word-based humour such as puns are commonly used.
/spaɪn/ páteř High-impact yoga may adversely affect the spine.
/ˈnɪbl/ uždibuje She nibbles at her food like a rabbit.
laughing at yourself
/ˈlɑːfɪŋ æt jɔːˈself/ smát se sám sobě Laughing at yourself is a way to stop people mocking you.
/ˈəʊbəʒiːnz/ lilek If you sprinkle salt on aubergines they taste less bitter.
minced beef
/mɪnst biːf/ sekané hovězí maso Minced beef is very cheap and versatile.