File 2 Flashcards
for the sake of it
/fɔː(r) ðə ˈsɑːki ɒv ɪt/ jen tak na efekt He talks for the sake of it and doesn’t have anything to say.
backlash against
/ˈbæklæʃ əˈɡeɪnst/ silný odpor I don’t think there’ll be a backlash against technology.
get the impression
/ɡet ðə ɪmˈpreʃn/ mít dojem We got the impression he was angry.
/kriˈeɪt/ vymyslet si She created an implausible excuse for her behaviour.
/ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ oslava, velebení This is a celebration of the great painter’s work.
on time
/ɒn taɪm/ včas (v danou dobu) If you don’t get here on time I’ll leave without you.
/ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/ překonat These are limitations that we cannot overcome.
get your own back on
/ɡet jɔː(r) əʊn bæk ɒn/ pomstít se When he played a trick on me I wanted to get my own back.
/ˈfrendʃɪp/ přátelství Our friendship has lasted more than forty years.
get by
/ɡet baɪ/ vyjít s čím When Bob lost his job we had to get by on my salary.
get to know
/ɡet tə nəʊ/ poznat She’s actually really nice when you get to know her.
/ˈwɪzdəm/ moudrost Wisdom is a quality that increases with experience.
not get anywhere
/nɒt ɡet ˈeniweə(r)/ nemoct s čím pohnout I’m not getting anywhere with this crossword.
/rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ vztah They have a strange relationship but it works!
/ˈspektə(r)/ strašidlo I used to dream about ghosts and spectres when I was little.
get away with
/ɡet əˈweɪ wɪð/ projít komu People who cheat in exams don’t usually get away with it.
get hold of
/ɡet həʊld ɒv/ sehnat He couldn’t get hold of John because he was in a meeting.
get on with
/ɡet ɒn wɪð/ pospíšit si Could you please get on with your work and stop talking.
time on my hands
/taɪm ɒn maɪ hændz/ spousta času nazbyt After I retired, I had too much time on my hands.
/ˈpɒvəti/ bída He was born into poverty but worked hard to make money.
can’t be bothered
/kɑːnt bi ˈbɒðəd/ nechce se mi I really should make lunch but I can’t be bothered.
not much time left
/nɒt mʌtʃ taɪm left/ nezbývá moc času There isn’t much time left for them to score a goal.
by the time
/baɪ ðə taɪm/ v době kdy By the time we got to our hotel, it was midnight.
/ˈpɑːtnəʃɪp/ sdružení, společnost Jack and Pat have gone into partnership to open a shop.
save time
/seɪv taɪm/ ušetřit čas It’ll save time if we check-in online.
in time for
/ɪn taɪm fɔː(r)/ včas He didn’t arrive in time for the flight so he missed it.
time off
/ˌtaɪm ˈɒf/ volno After the accident she took a lot of time off.
/ˈdʒʌɡl/ vybalancovat She’s great at juggling her work and family life.
in (two days’) time
/ɪn (tuː deɪz) taɪm/ za(dva dny) I can’t believe we’ll be leaving in two days’ time.
have the time of your life
/hæv ðə taɪm ɒv jɔː(r) laɪf/ velice dobře se bavit I had the time of my life at the party.
/skəʊld/ vynadat komu She scolded him for breaking the window.
get on (sb’s) nerves
/ɡet ɒn nɜːvz/ lézt komu na nervy The loud music was really getting on my nerves.
turn up
/ˈtɜːn ʌp/ náhle se objevit I was amazed when a letter I sent last year turned up.
/ˈædʌlthʊd/ dospělost She spent most of her adulthood travelling.
from time to time
/frɒm taɪm tə taɪm/ občas There’s nothing wrong with a takeaway from time to time.
stamp on
/stæmp ɒn/ dupnout That woman stamped on my toes and didn’t apologize.
/ˈɡædʒɪt/ technická novinka My dad always buys the latest gadget for the house or home.
/pəʊst/ poslat I posted a message on her Facebook page.
/ʌnˈwɪlɪŋli/ proti své vůli She went along with the idea unwillingly.
get together
/ɡet təɡeðə(r)/ sejít se Let’s try and get together for lunch some time soon.
give (sb) a hard time
/ɡɪv ə hɑːd taɪm/ dát komu co proto My friend gave me a hard time because I was so late.
get the chance
/ɡet ðə tʃɑːns/ mít šanci Since I moved we don’t often get the chance to meet up.
get through to
/ɡet θruː tə/ objasnit I tried talking to him but I just couldn’t get through to him.
get the wrong end of the stick
/ɡet ðə rɒŋ end ɒv ðə stɪk/ špatně co pochopit Don’t get the wrong end of the stick – I’m trying to apologize!
liable to
/ˈlaɪəbl tə/ náchylný Are you more liable to get a cold if you feel cold?
take revenge on
/teɪk rɪˈvendʒ ɒn/ pomstít se She decided to take revenge on him.
for the time being
/fɔː(r) ðə taɪm ˈbiːɪŋ/ prozatím I’ll move eventually but I’m OK here for the time being.
/dʒɜːmz/ bacily I never had a pet because I thought it would bring germs in.
/lɒs/ ztráta The loss of his home sent him into a deep depression.
at the time
/æt ðə taɪm/ v té době He missed the eclipse as he was on the tube at the time. I have a bad back, which makes me irritable at times.
the whole time
/ðə həʊl taɪm/ celou dobu I spent the whole time yawning.
/ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ dětství I have good memories of a very happy childhood.