File 3 Flashcards
/slɜːp/ srkat Don’t slurp your soup! Eat it quietly.
apply to
/əˈplaɪ tə/ platit o A lot of what he said could apply to a lot of people.
consumer society
/kənˈsjuːmə® səˈsaɪəti/ konzumní společnost We live in a consumer society that’s dominated by spending money.
cost a fortune
/kɒst ə ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ šíleně drahý The holiday cost a fortune but it was worth it.
bite your tongue
/baɪt jɔː(r) tʌŋ/ kousnout se do jazyka I cannot tell her son off, so I have to bite my tongue.
/slæm/ prásknout Please don’t slam the door. Close it gently.
/nɒd/ kývnout hlavou na pozdrav I nod to people at the bus stop but I don’t know them.
/ˈmuːvɪŋ/ dojímavý It’s a moving story that really touches your heart.
in hindsight
/ɪn ˈhaɪndsaɪt/ s odstupem času In hindsight, I shouldn’t have gone to university.
/ˈbʌdʒɪt/ rozpočet Our budget won’t allow for a big office party this year.
put a strain on
/pʊt ə streɪn ɒn/ našponovat Our second son’s arrival put a strain on our finances.
/ˈɑːɡjuəbli/ pravděpodobně The translator was arguably the first to introduce the great Russian authors to us.
/ˈmʌni waɪz/ dobře vycházet s penězi I’m just an organized kind of person, money-wise.
/bæŋ/ rána There was a loud bang that sounded like a gun.
/hɪs/ zasyčení The snake raised its head and gave an angry hiss.
there’s a lot to be said for …
/ðeərz ə lɒt tə bi sed fɔː(r)/ má to hodně do sebe … There’s a lot to be said for getting rid of your possessions.
/ˈnɪkneɪm/ přezdívka His nickname was red-top because of his ginger hair.
/faɪn/ pokuta He received a fine for parking in the wrong place.
/ˈɪnkʌmz/ příjmy Incomes have gone up, but so has the cost of living.
/ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/ poutavý The book was so gripping but the film didn’t do it justice.
/ɪmˈplɔːzəbl/ nepravděpodobný If the books’ characters are implausible I stop reading.
/ˈstæmə(r)/ zakoktat He managed to stammer an embarrassed apology.
/ˈwɪspə(r)/ šeptat People were whispering about the scandal.
/dəʊˈneɪʃn/ dar We give regular donations to a number of charities.
/rɪtʃ/ bohatý The couple became rich when they won the lottery.
/ˈtʃaɪldkeə(r)/ péče o dítě, hlídání I don’t pay for childcare as my mum looks after my son.
sick with envy
/sɪk wɪð ˈenvi/ zelený závistí He pretended to be thrilled, but he was sick with envy.
day in day out
/deɪ ɪn deɪ aʊt/ pořád dokola, každý den I hated having to do the same routine day in day out.
/ˈæfluənt/ bohatý The affluent west is better able to face global warming.
/vɑːst/ nespočetný His work has been translated into a vast number of languages.
/ˈbɑːɡənz/ výhodná koupě I’m very lazy looking for bargains.
can’t afford
/kɑːnt əˈfɔːd/ nemoct si dovolit People can’t afford to take holidays abroad this year.
/dɪˈpɒzɪt/ záloha We must pay the deposit by Monday.
in the black
/ɪn ðə blæk/ být v plusu We’re very optimistic now that we’re finally in the black.
/skriːm/ pištět The children screamed in delight when the clown came on.
/krʌntʃ/ křupání I heard the crunch of their feet walking through the snow.
/ɪnˈstɔːlmənt/ splátka The first instalment of your loan is due next month.
small talk
/ˈsmɔːl tɔːk/ společenská konverzace He hates having to stand around making small talk.
/hʌm/ broukat I don’t remember the words but I can hum the tune.
/ˈkʌrənsi/ měna What currency did Greece have before the euro?
interest rates
/ˈɪntrest reɪts/ úrokové sazby When interest rates are low try to pay off your debts.
/smuːð/ uhlazený The unusual style of the original isn’t served by the rather smooth translation.
/klɪk/ kliknout Just click on that icon to download the software.
/ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/ poutavý, záhadný It’s an intriguing mystery story that has you guessing.
go for
/ɡəʊ fɔː(r)/ usilovat o co I like my job but Bob thinks I should go for a promotion.
more money than sense
/mɔː(r) ˈmʌni ðæn sens/ víc peněz než rozumu Buying a car that they don’t need shows that they have more money than sense.
sticking to them
/ˈstɪkɪŋ tə ðəm/ držet se jich I’m not very good at making budgets and sticking to them.
/tɪk/ tikání That clock has a very loud tick.
/stəˈkɑːtəʊ/ stakatový The staccato rhythm of the poem reflects authority.
/splæʃ/ šplouchnutí There was a splash as she jumped into the pool.
/ɪnˈfleɪʃn/ inflace The government was aiming to keep inflation down to about 2 per cent.