File 3 cz Flashcards
gripping /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/ The book was so gripping but the film didn’t do it justice.
scream /skriːm/ The children screamed in delight when the clown came on.
yell /jel/ Babies normally yell when they are given an injection.
entertaining /ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ/ It was an entertaining book that left me in a good mood.
staccato /stəˈkɑːtəʊ/ The staccato rhythm of the poem reflects authority.
nechal školy
dropped out of school /drɒpt aʊt ɒv skuːl/ He dropped out of school at the age of 15.
vyvádí mě to z míry
It freaks me out /ɪt friːks mi aʊt/ It makes me anxious. It freaks me out.
whisper /ˈwɪspə(r)/ People were whispering about the scandal.
depressing /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ It’s depressing to work hard and not be credited for it.
moan about /məʊn əˈbaʊt/ We’ve got a great lifestyle but we’re always moaning.
charge /tʃɑːdʒ/ There’s an annual charge to use the underground car park.
úrokové sazby
interest rates /ˈɪntrest reɪts/ When interest rates are low try to pay off your debts.
profoundly /prəˈfaʊndli/ Translations of the same work differ profoundly.
inflation /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/ The government was aiming to keep inflation down to about 2 per cent.
rozhazovat peníze
spend money like water /spend ˈmʌni laɪk ˈwɔːtə(r)/ She spends money like water, then has nothing left to pay the bills.
crash /kræʃ/ We heard the crash but didn’t see the accident.
moving /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ It’s a moving story that really touches your heart.
jednorázová částka
lump sum /ˌlʌmp ˈsʌm/ When he retired, he opted to receive a lump sum.
poutavý, záhadný
intriguing /ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/ It’s an intriguing mystery story that has you guessing.
nemoct si dovolit
can’t afford /kɑːnt əˈfɔːd/ People can’t afford to take holidays abroad this year.
tight-fisted /ˌtaɪt ˈfɪstɪd/ He was so tight-fisted he used to charge his children to use the phone.
šíleně drahý
cost a fortune /kɒst ə ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ The holiday cost a fortune but it was worth it.
planý, nevýrazný
bland /blænd/ The meal was bland, and in need of a few herbs and spices.
smooth /smuːð/ The unusual style of the original isn’t served by the rather smooth translation.
stock market /ˈstɒk ˌmɑːkɪt/ Some people make money on the stock market.
v peněžní tísni
hard up /ˌhɑːd ˈʌp/ I’m a bit hard up at the moment.
nesmírné množství
massive amounts /ˈmæsɪv əˈmaʊnts/ Massive amounts of money have been given to the developing countries.
shares /ʃeəz/ Many people bought shares in utility companies.
kousnout se do jazyka
bite your tongue /baɪt jɔː(r) tʌŋ/ I cannot tell her son off, so I have to bite my tongue.
zaměřit se na
focus on /ˈfəʊkəs ɒn/ We decided to focus on one issue at a time.
screech /skriːtʃ/ I heard the screech of brakes and then silence.
kývnout hlavou na pozdrav
nod /nɒd/ I nod to people at the bus stop but I don’t know them.
přiblížit se
come close /kʌm kləʊs/ Compared to our friends, our income doesn’t come close.
heavy-going /ˈhevi ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ The film’s great but the original book was heavy-going.
snore /snɔː(r)/ I can’t sleep if I share a room with someone who snores.
creak /kriːk/ I felt nervous when I heard the floorboard creak.
deposit /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ We must pay the deposit by Monday.
životní úroveň
standard of living /ˌstændəd əv ˈlɪvɪŋ/ Our standard of living has improved.
péče o dítě, hlídání
childcare /ˈtʃaɪldkeə(r)/ I don’t pay for childcare as my mum looks after my son.
usilovat o co
go for /ɡəʊ fɔː(r)/ I like my job but Bob thinks I should go for a promotion.
incomes /ˈɪnkʌmz/ Incomes have gone up, but so has the cost of living.
konzumní společnost
consumer society /kənˈsjuːmə® səˈsaɪəti/ We live in a consumer society that’s dominated by spending money.
výhodná koupě
bargains /ˈbɑːɡənz/ I’m very lazy looking for bargains.
dobře vycházet s penězi
money-wise /ˈmʌni waɪz/ I’m just an organized kind of person, money-wise.
implausible /ɪmˈplɔːzəbl/ If the books’ characters are implausible I stop reading.
životní náklady
cost of living /ˌkɒst əv ˈlɪvɪŋ/ The cost of living has risen so our money doesn’t go far.
rychle plynoucí kupředu
fast-moving /fɑːst ˈmuːvɪŋ/ The plot is fast-moving so you need to keep up with it.
in debt /ɪn det/ A lot of people are in debt and unable to pay bills.
groan /ɡrəʊn/ Approaching the crash, we heard a man groaning in pain.
click /klɪk/ Just click on that icon to download the software.
bang /bæŋ/ There was a loud bang that sounded like a gun.