Fertilization Flashcards
Embryo is in the first 8 weeks
Prenatal Development
This is when after 1 week of fertilization, the fertilized egg will now move and attach to the uterus
Pre Implantation
When does Pre Implantation Occur
1st Week
Week where tissue layers are developed
2nd week
When does fetal period occur and the body parts will grow
After 8 weeks
Pregnancy is numbered and measured by
When does Fetal Development end
at Birth
Sperm cell attaches to the jelly coat of the egg
Number of days that sperm cells can survive in a woman’s body
3 days
Number of hours that oocytes need to be fertilized after being released
12 to 24 hrs
A mechanism that aids in fertilization where chemicals are released to drive sperm cells away
When the Sperm Cell attaches to the jelly coat of the egg, it first comes in contact with what
Corona Radiata
Contains digestive enzymes that eat away the jelly layer
Acrosome Cap
What the sperm cell penetrates the egg cell, it burst and is able to penetrate what
Glycoprotein layer of egg
What begins when the sperm and secondary oocyte meet
A species-specific boundary involved in Sperm-Egg recognition
Vitelline Layer
Formed during fertilization, when the DNA of the sperm and the egg combine
Diploid Zygote
Occurs when the DNA of the sperm and the egg fuse, and if the two sets of chromosomes called pro-nuclei appear
DNA Replication
Entrance of multiple sperms
The formation, maturation, and union of the Ovum and Sperm
Role of Ovum or Sperm?
Contribute the maternal component of genes
Role of Ovum
Role of Ovum or Sperm?
Reach and penetrate the egg
Role of Sperm
Role of Ovum or Sperm?
Reject all sperms but one
Role of Ovum
Role of Ovum or Sperm?
Activate the egg to nuclear and cytoplasmic division necessary to embryonic development
Role of Sperm
Role of Ovum or Sperm?
Provide food reserve until the embryo begins to feed upon exogenous material
Role of Ovum