Female Reproductive System Flashcards
pair of almond shaped organs located in the pelvic cavity. Egg cells are formed and stored in the ovaries
ovum (pl. ova)
female egg cell
graafian follicles
100,000 microscopic sacs that make up a large portion of the ovaries. each follicle contains an immature ovum. Normally one graafian follicle develops to maturity every month between puberty and menopause. It moves to the surface of the ovary and releases the ovum, which passes into the uterine tube.
uterine or fallopian tubes
pair of tubes, attached to the uterus, that provide a passageway for the ovum to move from the ovary to the uterus
fimbria (pl fimbriae)
finger like projection at the end of the uterine tube
pear shaped/sized muscular organ that lies in the pelvic cavity, except during pregnancy when it is in the abdominal cavity. Its functions are menstruation, pregnancy, and labor
inner lining of the uterus
muscular middle layer of the uterus
outer thin layer that covers the surface of the uterus
corpus. or body
large central portion of the uterus
rounded upper portion of the uterus
cervix (CX)
narrow lower portion of the uterus
a 3 inch tube that connects the uterus to the outside of the body
fold of membrane found near the opening of the vagina
rectouterine pouch
pouch between the posterior wall of the uterus and the anterior wall of the rectum
Batholin glands
pair of mucus-producing glands located on each side of the vagina and just above the vaginal opening
mammary glands, or breasts
pair of milk producing glands of the female. Each breast consists of 15 to 20 divisions, or lobes
mammary papilla
breat nipple
pigmented area around the breast nipple
vulva, or external genitalia
two pairs of lips that surround the vagina
highly erogenous erectile body located anterior to the urethra
pelvic floor in both male and female. In females it usually refers to the area between the vaginal opening and the anus
first, beginning
colp/o, vagin/o
episi/o, vulv/o
gynec/o, gyn/o
hyster/o, metr/o, metr/i
mamm/o, mast/o
uterine tube
surronding (outer)
absence of a normal body opening; occlusion; closure
uterine tube
amenorrhea (a-men-o-RE-a)
absence of menstrual discharge
Bartholin adenitis (BAR-to-lin ad-e-NI-tis)
inflammation of the Bartholin gland
cervicitis (ser-vi-SI-tis)
inflammation of the cervix
colpitis, vaginitis (kol-PI-tis, vaj-i-NI-tis)
inflammation of the vagina
dysmenorrhea (dis-men-o-RE-a)
painful menstrual discharge
endocervicitis (en-do-ser-vi-SI-tis)
inflammation of the inner (linning) of the cervix
endometritis (en-do-me-TRI-tis)
inflammation of the inner (linning) of the uterus (endometrium)
hematosalpinx (hem-a-to-SAL-pinks)
blood in the uterine tubes
hydrosalpinx (hi-dro-SAL-pinks)
water in the uterine tube
hysteratresia (his-ter-a-TRE-zha)
closure of the uterus
mastitis (mas-TI-tis)
inflammation of the breast
menometrorrhagia (men-o-met-ro-RA-jea)
rapid flow of blood from the uterus at menstruation
menorrhagia (men-o-RA-jea)
rapid flow of blood at menstruation
metrorrhagia (me-tro-RA-jea)
rapid flow of blood from the uterus between menstrual cycles
myometritis (mi-o-me-TRI-tis)
inflammation of the uterine muscle
oligomenorrhea (ol-i-go-men-o-RE-a)
scanty menstrual flow
oophoritis (o-of-o-RI-tis)
inflammation of the ovary
perimetritis (per-i-me-TRI-tis)
inflammation surrounding the uterus
pyosalpinx (pi-o-SAL-pinks)
pus in the uterine tube
salpingitis (sal-pin-JI-tis)
inflammation of the uterine tube
salpingocele (sal-PING-go-sel)
hernia of the uterine tube
vulvoaginitis (vul-vo-vaj-i-NI-tis)
inflammation of the vulva and vagina
adenomyosis (ad-e-no-mi-O-sis)
growth of endometrium into the muscular portion of the uterus
breast cancer
malignant tumor of the breast
cervical cancer (ser-vi-kal KAN-cer)
malignant tumor of the cervix, which progresses from cellular dysplasia to carcinoma. Its cause is linked to human papilomavirus (HPV) infection
endometrial cancer (en-do-ME-tre-al Kan-car)
malignant tumor of the endometrium
endometriosis (en-do-me-tre-O-sis)
abnormal growth in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus in various areas of the pelvic cavity
fibrocystic breast disease (fi-bro-SIS-tik di-ZEZ)
a disorder characterized by one or more benign cysts in the breast.
fibroid tumor (FI-broyd TU-mor)
benign fibroid tumor of the uterine muscle
ovarian cancer (o-VAR-e-an KAN-cer)
malignant tumor of the ovary
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
inflammation of the female pelvic organs that can be caused by many different pathogens
prolapsed uterus (PRO-lapsed U-ter-us)
downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina
toxic shock syndrome (TSS) (TOK-sik shok SIN-drom)
a severe illness characterized by high fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea and myalagia followed by hypotension and in severe cases shock and death
vesicovaginal fistula (ves-i-ko-VAJ-i-nal FIS-tu-la)
abnormal opening between the bladder and vagina
cervicectomy (ser-vi-SEK-to-me)
excision of the cervix
colpoperineorrhaphy (kol-po-per-i-ne-OR-a-fe)
suture of the vagina and perineum
colpoplasty (KOL-po-plas-te)
surgical repair of the vagina
colporrhaphy (kol-POR-a-fe)
suture of the wall of the vagina
episioperineoplasty (e-piz-e-o-per-i-NE-o-plas-te)
surgical repair of the vulva and perineum
episiorrhaphy (e-piz-e-OR-a-fe)
suture of a tear in the vulva
hymenectomy (hi-men-EK-to-me)
excision of the hymen
hymenotomy (hi-men-OT-o-me)
incision of the hymen
hysterectomy (his-te-REK-to-me)
excision of the uterus
hysteropexy (HIS-ter-o-pek-se)
surgical fixation of the uterus
hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy (his-ter-o-sal-ping-go-o-of-o-REK-to-me)
excision of the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries
mammoplasty (MAM-o-plas-te)
surgical repair of the breast
mastectomy (mas-TEK-to-me)
surical removal of the breast
mastopexy (MAS-to-pexy)
surigcal repair of the breast
oophorectomy (o-of-o-REK-to-me)
excision of an ovary
perineorrhaphy (per-i-ne-OR-a-fe)
suture of a tear in the perineum
salpingectomy (sal-pin-JEK-to-me)
excision of a uterine tube
salpingo-oophorectomy (sal-ping-go-o-of-o-REK-to-me)
excision of the uterine tube and ovary
salpingostomy (sal-ping-GOS-to-me)
creation of an artifical opening in a uterine tube
vulvectomy (vul-VEK-to-me)
excision of the vulva
anterior and posterior colporrhahphy (A&P repair)
surgical repair if a weakened vaginal wall to correct a cystocele and a rectocele
conization (kon-i-ZA-shun)
surigcal removal of a cone-shaped area of the cervix
dilaition and curettage (D&C) (di-LA-shun ku-re-TAHZH)
dilation of the cervix and scraping of the endometrium with an instrument called a curette. It is performed to diagnose disese, to correct bleeding, and to empty uterine contents, such as tissue remaining after a miscarriage
endometrial ablation (en-do-ME-tre-al ab-LA-shun)
a procedure to destroy or remove the endometrium by use of laser or thermal energy; used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding
laparoscopy or laparoscopic surgery
visual examination of the abdominal cavity
myomectomy (mi-o-MEK-to-me)
excision of a fibroid tumor from the uterus
sentinel lymph node biopsy
an injection of blue dye and/or radioactive isotope used to identify the sentinel lymph nodes
stereotactic breast biopsy
a technique that combines mammography and computer assisted biopsy to obtain tissue from a breast lesion
tubal ligation
closure of the uterine tubes for sterilization by tying
uterine artery embolization
minimally invasive procedure used to treat fibroids of the uterus by blocking arteries that supply blood to the fibroids.
hysterosalpingogram (his-ter-o-sal-PING-go-gram)
radiographic image of the uterus and uterine tubes
mammogram (MAM-o-gram)
radiographic image of the breast
mammography (ma-MOG-ra-fe)
radiograhic imagining of the breast
sonohysterography (son-o-his-ter-OG-ra-fe)
process of recording the uterus by use of sound
colposcope (KOL-po-skop)
instrument used for visual examination of the vagina
colposcopy (kol-POS-ko-pe)
visual examination of the vagina
culdoscope (KUL-do-skop)
instrument used for visual examination of the douglas cul-de-sac
culdoscopy (kul-DOS-ko-pe)
visual examination of douglas cul-de-sac
hysteroscope (HIS-ter-o-skop)
instrument used for the visual examination of the uterus
hysteroscopy (his-ter-OS-ko-pe)
visual examination of the uterus
culdocentesis (kul-do-sen-TE-sis)
surgical puncture to remove fluid from Douglas cul-de-sac
gynecologist (gin-ek-OL-o-jist)
a physician who studies and treats diseases of women
study of women
pertaining to disease of women
white discharge from the vagina
pain in the breast
sagging breast
beginning of menstruation
pertaining to the vagina
pertaining to the vulva and vagina