Female Reproductive Disorders Flashcards
ovarian cysts arise from
follicles that continue to grow, accumulate fluid, and produce hormones
retention of a cyst may cause
hormonal and/or fertility problems
rupture of a cyst may cause
bleeding and acute pain
ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose because it
produces nondescript symptoms, such as slight pelvic discomfort, bloating, and/or fatigue
most ovarian cancers result from
abnormal epithelial cells on surface of ovary
more often a woman ovulates,
the greater her risk for developing ovarian cancer
pregnancy and nursing can
reduce number of ovulations
ovarian cancer is usually not detected until
it has metastasized
females who are at greater risk for ovarian cancer
smoke cigarettes and have a family history of ovarian cancer
early detection of uterine disorder usually results from
an annual gynecological exam
examination of external genitalia can identify
irritation, genital lesions or growths, or abnormal discharge from vagina
internal examination allows
vaginal walls and cervix to be examined visually
pap exam
removes cells from cervix and cervical canal
pap test is usually
90 to 95% reliable for detecting precancerous conditions of cervix
cervical cancer
was once the leading cancer killer of American woman,but now it ranks seventh because of increased awareness and early detection
cervical dysplasia
precancerous condition that changes shape, growth rate, and quantity of cervical cells
pap smears
tend to be reliable at detecting cervical dysplasia
human papilloma virus
is a principal cause of cervical cancer
women who have inconclusive pap smears
should be tested for HPV
women at risk for developing cervical cancer
sexually active early in life
multipile sex partners
use oral contraceptives
women, especially teenagers who smoke cigarettes
treatment of cervical cancer involves
removal of lesions, radiation therapy,chemotherapy and or hysterectomy
endometrial cancer
invades the inner lining of the uterus and is most common among women between 50 and 64, although women who have never been pregnant, women who are obese, and /or women who have diabetes tend to have a higher risk
an early symptom of endometrial cancer is
irregular menstrual bleeding
common uterine disorders
benign cysts or polyps or fibroid tumors are common
the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus because of menstrual reflux through the Fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity
in endometriosis, the endometrial tissue may
attache to ovaries, kidneys, bladder, or abdominal wall
ectopic pregnancy
occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity, usually in the ampulla of a Fallopian tube, and produces a “tubal pregnancy”
who is at risk for developing an ectopic pregnancy
women who use an intrauterine device for birth control, women who have developed pelvic inflammatory disease, women who smoke cigarettes
ectopic pregnancy cannot
continue and a tubal pregnancy MUST be aborted
fibrocystic disease of the breast
is the most common cause of breast lumps, which are fluid-filled cysts or alveolar thickening
fibrocystic disease symptoms
lumpy, swollen, tender breasts develop
are fibrous or solid tissue masses that are usually benign
any breast lump should be examined
breast cancer used to
be the leading cause of death among women between the ages of 35 and 44, but it has been replaced by lung cancer from smoking
breast cancer is most common in
post-menopausal women over 50 and approx one of eight women in US will develop breast cancer
familial breast cancer is ______________ and occurs in
occurs in women that have two defective copies of BRCA1 gene in her breast cells
spontaneous breast cancer occurs in
individuals with no prior history
women at risk for spontaneous breast cancer
women who are childless or who had their first child after age 34, women who began menstruation before age 12, women who entered menopause after age 50, who smoke cigarettes
more than 70% of breast cancers lack
any identifiable risk factors
early detection of breast abnormalities such as
lumps, tissue puckering, or abnormal nipple discharge is important for surviving breast cancer
women who should do a monthly self exam
ALL females over age of 20
base line mammorgram should be taken
between 35 and 40 to establish normal breast anatomy
treatment of breast cancer involves
removing the breast tumor and any affected tissue
removes only tumor if cancer has not spread
simple mastectomy
if cancer has spread, removes affected breast tissue
radical mastectomy
removes breast, lymph nodes, underlying pectoralis muscle and fascia
chemotherapy and radiation therapy
used as follow up treatment
drug therapies are recommended for
estrogen-responsive cancers
herceptin uses
bioengineered antibodies to jam estrogen receptors
tamoxifen is
an antiestrogen that blocks estrogens
tamoxifen is recommended for
pre-menstrual females
disables an enzyme needed to make estrogens
femora reduces
risk of cancer reoccurring in post-menopausal female