Female genitourinary tract Flashcards
what are the vulva disorders?
- Bartholin gland abscess*
- Condyloma acuminata*
- Extramammary Paget’s Disease*
what is this?
Bartholin gland abscess
what is this?/
Exudation associated with Bartholin gland abscess
what is a Bartholin gland abscess?
happens because of occlusion of duct of Bartholin vulvovginal glands due to infection with N. gonorrhoeae
what is this?
Condyloma Acuminatum, venereal warts, HPV, Human Papillomavirus
what is this?
HPV 6 or 11
episomal form
what is Condyloma Acuminatum?
what causes it?
what is seen at micro level?
Is a wart like, verrucous lesion.
HPV 6 or 11
lesion with proliferation of stratified squamous epithelium and some cell have perinuclear clearing (koilocytosis)
how does extra-mammary Paget’s Disease?
In what body part does it appear mostly?
malignant HPV cell contain what? what stain can be used? what can it lead to?
red, crusted sharply demarcated, maplike lesions.
labia majora
mucin, PAS, intraepithelial adenocarcinoma
what is this?
Extra- mammary Paget’s Disease
what is being shown in both pictures?
malignant cells
up - malignant paget’s cells
down - malignant pagets cells with mucin
extra mammary pagets tumors are derived from what cells?
most lesions are usually found where?
how does it spread?
primitive epithelial progenitor cells
in the epidermis
pagetoid spread = along the epithelium
what are the Disorders of Vagina?
- Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma*
- Vaginal adenosis and clear cell adenocarcinoma*
what is this?
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
what is another name for lesion presentation?
grape-like tumor
what is another name for Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma?
who does it affect?
how does it present grossly?
Sarcoma Botryoides
girls younger than 5 years
grape-like mass protruding from the vagina