Fallopian tube disorders Flashcards
what are the Fallopian tube disorders?
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Ectopic pregnancy
what is Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
STD that infects ascending
- from the cervix to:
- endometrium, fallopian tubes then pelvic cavity
- Forms an abscess. (tubo-ovarian abscess)
what causes PID?
N.gonorrhoeae or C.trachomatis
What organisms cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
how are they acquired?
N. gonorrhea and C. trachomatis
- sexual intercourse
- abortion (endometrial curetage)
what patients are at risk for Pelvic inflammatory disease?
- Sexually promiscuous women
- Endometrial curettage for abortion
what is the distribution of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
- Cervix = Cervicitis
- Endometrium = endometritis
- Fallopian tubes = salpingitis, pyosalpinx and tuboovarian abscess
- Pelvic cavity = peritonitis and pelvic abscess
Patients with PID present with?
- Fever >38.3 0C
- Lower abdominal pain (salpingits)
- Vaginal discharge (cervicitis)
- Midline abdominal pain (endometritis)
- Abdominal tenderness and peritoneal signs (peritonitis)
- Right upper quadrant pain (perihepatitis).
upon examination of patients with PID, what can you find?
- bilateral adnexal tenderness
- Chandelier sign: marked discomfort when the cervix is manipulated
what are the complications of PID?
- Tubo-ovarian abscess: Rupture may result in life-threatening peritonitis
- Tubal scarring due to healing = increased rates of ectopic pregnancy; and Infertility
how do you treat PID?
Foxy and Doxy (cefoxitin and doxycyclin)
what is an ectopic pregnancy?
it most commonly happens in what part?
Means implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the endometrial cavity.
the fallopian tube
why does ectopic pregnancy happen?
what causes the above?
Ectopic pregnancy results when passage of the fertilized ovum along the fallopian tube is impeded.
Due to:
- Scarring from previous PID ( damage to cilia)
- Scarring from Endometriosis
- Abnormal tubal motility
Clinical features of ectopic pregnancy (4T’s and 1S)
- Temperature > 380C (20%)
- Tenderness abdominal (90%) +/- rebound
- Tenderness on bimanual examination, cervical motion tenderness
- Tissue: palpable adenexal mass
- Signs of pregnancy (Chadwick’s sign, Hegar’s sign)
what is Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome?
what is another name for this?
violin string adhesions between the fallopian tube and the liver capsule