Fallopian Tube and Ovary Pathology Flashcards
What are the most common bacterial cause of acute salpingitis?
Morph: minute, translucent cysts filed with clear serous fluid that are remnants of the mullerian ducts
Paratubal cysts
What fallopian tumor presents as a mass detect via pelvic exam with abnormal discharge, bleeding, and an abnormal Pap smear?
Primary Adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tubes
Def: unruptured or quickly sealed graafian follicles
Follicle/Luteal cysts
Cysts filled with clear, serous fluid and lined by gray, glistening membrane or yellow tissue
Follicle/Luteal cysts
Def: endocrine disorder characterized by hyperandrogenism, menstrual abnormalities, polycystic ovaries, chronic anovulation, and decreased fertility
What is the etiology of PCOS
Dysregulation of enzymes involved in androgen biosynthesis
PCOS is associated with an increased risk of _____ and _____
Endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial carcinoma
Morph: b/l hypercellular stroma and luteinization of stroma with uniform enlargement of the ovary and a white/tan appearance on sectioning
Stromal Hyperthecosis
What are the most common age ranges for benign and malignant epithelial ovarian tumors?
Benign = 20-45 yo Malignant = 45-65 yo
What is used as a serum marker for epithelial ovarian tumors
What can decrease the risk of developing serous epithelial ovarian tumors?
Tubal ligation
What mutation is associated with serous epithelial ovarian tumors?
What are the characteristics of low-grade serous epithelial ovarian tumors?
KRAS, BRA, ERBB2, TP53 mutations
What are the characteristics of high-grade serous epithelial ovarian tumors?
TP53, PIK3CA, RB, BRCA1/2 mutations
Morph: smooth, glistening cyst wall with small papillary projections and presence of psammoma bodies
Serous epithelial ovarian tumor
What is an extra-ovarian association with serous epithelial ovarian tumors?
What mutation is often seen in mucinous epithelial ovarian tumors?
Morph: u/l, multiloculated tumors filled with sticky, gelatinous fluid
Mucinous epithelial ovarian tumors
Def: extensive mucinous ascites, cystic epithelial implants on peritoneal surfaces, adhesions, and involvement of the ovaries
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
What are is the mutation seen in endometrioid ovarian tumors
Morph: b/l glandular pattern similar to those of endometrial origin
Endometrioid ovarian tumor
Def: neoplastic epithelial cells resembling urothelium
Transitional ovarian tumor (AKA Brenner Tumor)
Morph: u/l fibrous stroma marked by sharply demarcated nests of epithelial cells resembling the epithelium of the urinary tract
Transitional ovarian tumor/Brenner tumor
Morph: b/l unilocular cysts containing hair and sebaceous material with walls made of stratified squamous epithelium
Dermoid cysts (Benign/Mature Teratoma)
Morph: bulky cyst with smooth external surface and solid on sectioning
Immature/Malignant Teratoma
What age group are Immature/Malignant teratomas typically seen?
~ 18 yo
Def: u/l ovarian cyst containing thyroid tissue
Struma Ovarii
Def: u/l ovarian cyst containing GI tissue
Ovarian Carcinoid
What mutations are seen in Dysgerminomas
Morph: u/l cyst with solid, yellow-white/gray-pink appearance and soft, fleshy feel on cut surface
Sx’s = ab pain, u/l rapidly growing pelvic mass, elaboration of AFP
Yolk sac tumor
Morph: Glomerulus-like structure made of central blood vessel enveloped by tumor cells (Schiller-Duval body) and hyaline droplets
Yolk sac tumor
Morph: u/l encapsulated masses with yellow coloration on cut surface and Call-exner bodies (small, distinctive, gland-like structures filled with acidophilic material)
Granulosa cell tumor (Sex Cord-Stromal tumor)
What Sx’s are associated with Granulosa cell tumors in children?
Precocious puberty
What Sx’s are associated with Granulosa cell tumors in adults?
Proliferative breast disease
Endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial carcinoma
Granulosa cell tumors have elevated _____ and mutations in _____
Morph: u/l, solid, encapsulated, gray-white masses covered by glistening, intact ovarian serosa with well-differentiated fibroblasts
Sx’s = Pelvic mass with pain, ascites, and hydrothorax
Fibrothecoma (Meigs syndrome)
Fibrothecomas are associated with which syndrome
Basal cell nevus syndrome
Which tumors produce masculinization or defeminization of women?
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors have what mutation?
Morph: u/l, solid mass with gray to golden brown appearance on cut surface and a range of cell differentiation
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors
Def: GI carcinoma that metastasized to ovaries creating b/l masses composed of signet-ring cancer cells of gastric origin
Krukenberg tumor