Benign and Malignant Conditions of Vulva and Vagina Flashcards
What is the Tx for Labial Agglutination
E cream massage
Sx’s = pruritic, raised yellow cyst in axilla and labia
Fox-Fordyce Disease
Sx’s = Painless mass in lower outer region of labia majora
Bartholin cyst
Sx’s = painful mass in lower outer region of labia majora
Bartholin abscess
Sx’s = mobile, non-tender, spherical mass from obstructed hair follicle
Inclusion cyst
Lentigo and Nevi
Freckles and Moles
Sx’s = small, red outgrowth at distal edge of urethra
Urethral caruncle
Sx’s = tender, erythematous dots causing severe introital dyspareunia
Vulvar vestibulitis
Sx’s = smooth, small, nodular masses on inner surface of labia containing cheese-like material
Sebaceous cyst
What is the most common genital cyst
Inclusion cyst
What is the most common benign solid tumor of the vulva
Sx’s = slow growing mass of adipose cells
Sx’s = atrophy of external genitalia d/t loss of E
Atrophic vaginitis
Sx’s = thickened, leathery, raised surfaces from prolonged itching
Lichen chronicus
Biopsy of Lichen chronicus =
Elongated rete ridges
Sx’s = pruritic, onion-skin, cigarette paper, parchment-like patches on vulva of postmenopausal women
Lichen sclerosis
Biopsy of Lichen sclerosis =
Loss of rete ridges
Sx’s = purple, polygonal papules that may appear in erosive form with vulvar burning and severe insertional dyspareunia
Lichen planus
Sx’s = velvety appearance on vulva
Sx’s = erythematous presentation
Sx’s = autoimmune blistering disease
Sx’s = ulcerations in genital and oral areas with uveitis
Bechet’s syndrome
Sx’s = ulcers d/t chronic pressure or tissue being moist from urinary incontinence
Decubitus ulcer
Sx’s = sac-like projections in anterior vagina along posterior urethra
Urethral diverticula
What are some recurring issues that urethral diverticula can cause
Urinary leaking
Sx’s = infolding of vaginal epithelium along post/lat wall of lower 1/3 of vagina
Inclusion cyst
What is the most common vulvovaginal tumor and is usually u/l
Bartholin cyst
What is the most common Sx of vulvar neoplasms
Long-standing Hx of vulvar pruritis
Sx’s = pruritus, elevated lesions with “warty” appearance
Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia
What is the difference between “usual” and “differentiated” types of VIN
Usual = assc with HPV 16, smoking, immunosuppressed Differentiated = not assc with HPV 16 or smoking
Sx’s = itching, tenderness, and eczematoid red appearance with white plaque lesions that may also appear around nipples
Paget’s disease
Sx’s = lesions on labia minor and clitoris in postmenopausal white women
Malignant melanoma
Sx’s = cauliflower-like lesions
Verrucous carcinoma
What is contraindicated in the Tx of Verucous carcinoma
Sx’s = painless mass with no Hx of bartholin disease
Bartholin gland carcinoma
In what population of women would you most likely see Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Women w/ abnormal pap, hysterectomy, or no cervical lesions
Sx’s = abnormal vaginal discharge/bleeding, hematuria in women around 60 yo
Carcinoma of the vagina
Sx’s = vaginal discharge, fishy odor that gets worse after sex, clue cells
Bacterial Vaginosis
Which organism causes Bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella Vaginalis
Sx’s = pruritus, burning, irritation, and cottage-cheese like discharge with hyphae and budding yeast
Vaginal Candidiasis
Which organism causes Vaginal candidiasis
Candida Albicans
Sx’s = dyspareunia, dysuria, vulvar pruritus, strawberry cervix, green/yellow frothy discharge and motile organisms
Which organism causes Trichomoniasis
Trichomona Vaginalis
What are the risk factors for Bacterial vaginosis
New/multiple sex partners
What are the risk factors for Vaginal candidiasis
Increased E levels
ABX, steroids
What are the risk factors for Trichomoniasis
Unprotected sex