Fall Final Exam Flashcards
Occupies the 4th trophic level
tertiary consumers
What are the two steps of protein synthesis?
transcription and translation
Only eats plants
Which process makes the mRNA?
What are the 4 nitrogenous bases in RNA?
A, U, G, C
In RNA which bases are complementary?
A bonds withU
C bonds with G
The arm of a human and the front limbs of your dog is an example of
homologous structures.
Found inside of the nucleus. They synthesize the ribosomes
Process in which molecules move from an area of high to low concentration
Cell membrane detaches from the cell wall
Sex cell
What is is called when ammonia is formed during the nitrogen cycle?
nitrogen fixation
Most specific level of organization
Scientific study of passing on traits
Which type of RNA has anticodons
What is the role of mRNA in protein synthesis?
It is the message that contains the important information from the DNA and was made during transcription.
What is the cytoplasm of the mitochondria called?
What is an example of a heterozygous
During osmosis water moves from a _______solution to a ___________ solution.
hypotonic to hypertonic
Loss of osmotic pressure in an animal cell
What are hybrids
Crosses of offspring
Two types of electron microscopes
Electron Microscopes
An organism that has the same alleles for a trait
Three types of transport
Passive Transport
Active Transport
Movement of Macromolecules
Ecosystems with similar climates and domiant communites are known as
Telophase where the DNA remains in chromosome form
Telophase I
Scientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment
Two components of a solution
Solvent (water)
Solute (dissolved particles)
Final stable community during sucession is known as
climax community
Which scientist believed that organisms are born with the adaptations they will have that will hopefully allow them to survive
Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace
Chance of an event occuring
Where does glycolysis take place?
cytoplasm of the cell
Where two of the three phases of aerobic respiration take place
Single celled organism lacking a nucleus
Location within a multicelled organism where meiosis occurs.
Where is DNA located within the cell
During transcription, what is the DNA strand called that the RNA polymerase uses to make the message?
sense strand
Alternate names for cell membrane
Selectively permeable membrane
Lipid bilayer
Semipermeable membrane
Fluid Mosaic Model
What is passed between organisms in a food chain or food web?
energy (only 10%)
nutrients/organic matter
What is a genotype
Type of gene
Examples of detritivores
In order for a species to evolve what must exist.
Natural genetic variations
Which molecules react with pyruvic acid during fermentation?
What type of cells go through the cell cycle?
Somatic cell
diploid cells
Where does the Krebs Cycle take place?
Matrix of the mitochondria
Which enzyme uses the template to add a second strand of DNA during Elongation?
DNA polymerase
How many traits are crossed in a dihybrid?
Genotype with the same form of the allele
What is the formula for the phenotypic ratio for a monohybrid cross?
Most dominant phenotype: Most recessive
Briefly describe the process of translation?
- rRNA reads mRNA codon by codon
- rRNA sends a message to the complementary anticodon (tRNA) to truck back to the ribosome the appropriate amino acid.
- tRNA travels to the ribosome/mRNA complex bringing it’s amino acids.
- Amino acids hook together forming an amino acid chain or protein.
- When the ribosome finishes reading the mRNA it detaches and goes off to find a new mRNA.
- tRNA’s go off into the cytoplasm to find another amino acid.
- The mRNA may bond up with another ribosome and repeat the process.
Biological influence on organisms within an ecosystem
Exploding of an animal cell
Which enzyme untwists and unzips the DNA?
Once the transcript has been synthesize where does it go?
Out to the ribosome
A protein that initiates a chemical reaction
Swollen due to extra amounts of water
Type of symbiosis where both organisms are benefit
What are genes
Chemical factors that determine traits
Which type of RNA has codons?
What are different ways that probabiltiy can be expressed?
- decimal
- fraction
- %
- ratio
When comparing anatomy, which type of structures exist between different species that are only similar in function but not in structure.
Analogous Structures
Which nitrogenous base is complementary to Cytosine?
How many alleles are in a parent gamete in a dihybrid?
( on from each trait)
A complementary DNA strand is made using RNA polymerrase
What are the products of lactic acid fermentation?
- Lactic acid
- 2 NAD+
During translation what reads the mRNA?
(r for the reader)
What are the cells called at the conclusion of cytokinesis?
Daughter cells
Organelles only found in plant cells
Central Vacuole
Cell Wall
of divisions that occur during meiosis
Meiosis I and II
What codes for amino acids?
Codons on the mRNA
(codons code)
genetic makeup of an organism
Each step in a food chain or food web is known as a?
trophic level
Where does transcription take place?
Stage of water cycle where water changes from a liquid to a gas
evaporation or transpiration
Concluded that all animals are made up of cells
Theodore Schwann
Organism this is made up of more than one cell is called?
When the rRNA reads the mRNA what receives a signal from the ribosome?
The sides of a DNA molecule composed of????
alternating sugar and phosphates
Which form of DNA is condensed?
Type of solution that has the same concentration of solute as the other solution
Type of meiosis that is also known as the reduction division
meiosis I
(DNA has been reduced in half during Cytokinesis I)
Which nitrogenous base is complementary to Adenine?
Occupies the 2nd trophic level
Primary consumer
Type of microscope that can view a living organism
Light microscope
What is the study of the interactions of living organisms and the interactions of living organisms and their environment?
What bacteria add back into the biosphere
Type of solution that is more dilute than the other solution.
hypotonic solution
Organelles only in animal cells
Cilia and Flagella
When determining the parent gametes in a dihybrid, which of Mendel’s laws applies?
Law of independent assortment
(alleles sort independently of one another into separate gametes)
What are the three types of RNA?
tRNA ( transfer)
mRNA (messenger)
rRNA (ribosomal) also known as the ribosome
Type of commumity interaction where two organisms live closely together
Type of sucession that begins from bare rock
primary succession
What is true-breeding
Offspring is identical to themselves
A series of feeding relationships is know as a
food chain
Type of cross involving the crossing of one trait at a time
What is the human diploid number?
Gates within the cell membrane
Integral proteins
Plants use chemical energy to produce carbohydrates
When comparing anatomy, which type of structures exist between different species that are only similar in makeup but not in function. In fact some organisms may have a reduced form of the structure that serves no purpose.
Vestigial Structures
What are the products of cellular respiration?
- 6 Carbon dioxides
- 6 waters
- 36 ATP
Which scientist believed in the punctuated equillibrium theory
Gould and Eldridge
Consumes both meat and plants
Which products of Krebs Cycle move on to the ETC
Up to how many numbers are there in a phenotypic ratio for a dihybrid?
One cell
Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
carbohydrates that attach to hydrophillic heads in the membrane
Type of sugar found in DNA
What is the formula for a dihybrid phenotypic ration
DD : Dr : rD : rr
When you are completing a translation problem what molecule are you representing?
You are the rRNA or ribosome as you read the mRNA codon by codon. You then use the codon chart to determine the amino acids chain.
Movement of water from high to low concentrations.
An organism whose cell contains a nucleus
What is it called when humans breed specific animals such as dogs or horses
Artificial Selection
Consume food in order to get the nutrients and energy that is required for their survival
What are the 4 bases of DNA?
Studying the mineralized remains of organisms is called
fossil evidence
What is the responsibility of the codon?
Codons code for specific amino acids
(codons code!)
Only one trait is being crossed
Which scientist believed that Earth was millions of years old
Hutton and Lyell
Level of organization that studies the interactions of communities and between communities and their environment
Designation of the parent cell in meiosis that has two of every DNA molecule
Formula for percent deviaiton?
(Sum of the differences between expected and observed)
totall # of occurances
then multiple by 100 to get a %
What are the folds of the inner membrane called?
DNA goes back from chromosome to chromatin
Telophase II
Cells that result from cytokinesis II
- Haploid cells
- Gametes
How many alleles are found in a parent genotype in a dihybrid cross?
Phase of meiosis where the centromeres split
Anaphase II
During which phase of aerobic respiration is the water produced?
Process that allows autotrophs to synthesize their own food
Where does the electron transport take place?
cristae of the mitochondria
(inner membrane folds)
Category of transport that does not require energy from the cell
Passive transport
During which phase of the cell cycle does the cell split into two daughter cells?
C phase or cytokinesis
What is genetic segregation
Separation of alleles
Creates it’s own food(producer)
Creating a genetically identical organism from DNA
Cell membrane bursts
Examples of decomposers
bacteria and fungi
Phase where the tetrads like up along the equatorial plate
Metaphase I
Testing a hypothesis by making a lab
Cell division that produces 4 sex cells
Only eat meat
Trophic level
Shows the energy flow of food between organisms
Type of micoscope we use in the classroom
light microscope
Which phase is also known as the away phase?
What is the result of natural selection
A change in the traits within the species (strong traits increase and weak traits decrease in frequency or completely disappear)
Physical apperance due to the expression of a genotype
During which phase of interphase does the DNA get copied?
S phase
Contains the genetic material of the cell
Process by which chemical compounds are passed from one organism to another
Which biome do we live within
Temperate forest
What would be the gametes from the following parent
- TH
- TH
- tH
- tH
What is each half of a chromosome called?
sister chromatid
Another name for heterozygous
Phase where the chromosomes line up along the equator in a single file line
Metaphase II
Phase where the tetrads split
Anaphase I
Which scientist believed that species struggle for existance
Wallace and Darwin
Makes proteins for the membrane or for export to other cells
Rough ER
Which nitrogenous base is complementary to Thymine?
Act as name tags for the cell
What is the one influence that all the theories of evolution have in common
Evolution occurs because of the influence of the environment
The simplest level of organization where abiotic factors come in to play
Which sugar is RNA composed of?
(which is what the R in RNA stands for)
Nitrogen fixation
Process if turning nitrogen gas into ammonia
Which scientist believed that famine and disease keeps the human population down
Type of cell that has a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
eukaryotic cells
What type of bonds hold the two nitrogenous bases together?
Hydrogen Bonds
Which phase of mitosis takes the longest and why?
Prophase because the DNA has to condense into the chromosome form.
During which phase of the cell cycle does the nucleus divide into two?
M phase or mitosis
Process which organisms take in oxygen and turn it into energy
How many strands is RNA?
(single stranded)
What is the second stage of protein synthesis?
How do chromosomes line up during metaphse?
In a single file line
Which scientist believed that structures disappear because they are not used by the organism
What process synthesizes DNA?
DNA replication
Which type of selective pressure favors the norm and selects agains the extremes. Over time the organisms that fall within the norm increase within the population while the extremes decrease or completely dissapear.
Stabilizing Selection
What is the mRNA or the message also known as?
the transcript
(because it’s the product of ** transcript**ion)
Number of gametes from each parent during a monohybrid
Full range if biological conditions in which an organism lives
What are the three phases of interphase?
- G1
- S
- G2
What is genetics
The study of heredity
Which type of selective pressure lease to a shift in the norm of the trait to one of the extremes previous extremes.
Directional Selection
List how much ATP is synthesized in each of the three phases of aerobic respiration.
- Glycolysis: net gain of 2
- Krebs Cycle: 2
- ETC: 32
What are gametes
Sex cells
What is a phenotype
Physical attributes
Came up with the word cell
Robert Hooke
Which type of selective pressure favors the extreme and against the norm?
Disruptive Selection
Solid food and bacteria enter cells through
Physical or nonliving factors that shape an ecosystem
Type of passive transport involves the movement of gases across the membrane from high to low concentrations
Describe the activity of the centrioles during prophase
- Migrate to opposite poles of the cell.
- grow spindle fibers
Main part of the lipid bilayer
What enzyme put the DNA molecules back into the double helix shape during termination?
What are the reactants for cellular respiration?
- glucose
- 6 oxygen molecules
What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Type of symbiosis where one organism is harmed
Father of genetics
Gregor Mendel
Comparing the early development of organisms is known as
Comparitive embryology
How does the ribosome read the mRNA?
Codon by codon
Cell cycle
Series of events cella go through to reproduce and divide
Makes phospholipids for the cell membrane
smooth ER
Where do the amino acids come from that are attached to the tRNA’s?
From the food that you eat. They enter your cells by phagocytosis.
During passive transport how do molecules move?
- From high to low concentration
- Down the conentration gradient.
Slow regular sequence of development in a community
Law that explains how alleles segrate during a gamete formation
Law of Segregation
Chromosomes that contain the same type of genes
homologous chromosomes
What are the three phases of aerobic Cellular Respiration?
- Glycolysis
- Kreb’s Cycle
- Electron Transport Chain
What is the role of tRNA during translation?
It trucks around amino acids back to the ribosome only when it’s complementary to the codon on the mRNA.
Part of cell division when the nucleus divides
Describe the DNA molecules at the conclusion of DNA replication?
Each DNA molecule is half old and half new.
(semiconservative model)
During which phase of the cell cylce does DNA copy?
S phase of interphase
Which scientist believed that structures in an organism develop because of the over use or innate desire to have that structure
Process that copies organisms DNA
Type of molecule DNA is an example of?
Nucleic Acid
Number of cells that result from entire meiotic process
Which nitrogenous base is complementary to Guanine?
Building blocks of a DNA molecule
more than one cell
Type of solution that has more solvent and less solute
Conversion of nitrogen into gas
The genetic makeup of an organisms specific trait
Change due to genes
When you are completing a transcription problem what molecule are you representing?
You are the RNA polymerase because you look at the sense strand (DNA) and determine what the complementary RNA nucleotides are as you create the mRNA.
_______ releases large products or waste molecules out of the cell.
Another name for water cycle
hydrologic cycle
Stage of water cycle that follows precipitation after days of raining
What is the mRNA codon complementary to?
tRNA anticodon
Collection of living matter enclosed by a barrier that separates the cell from it’s surroundings
The decoding of RNA into amino acids
Type of transport that takes in large molecules into the cell…so large they can’t fit through the phospholipids or the integral proteins.
What is the role of rRNA?
It reads the message codon by codon during the translation process
Type of meiosis that forms the eggs
(remember only one cell becomes an egg; the remaining three dissolve)
Diversity of life is known as
What product from fermentation drives the glycolysis process?
- 2 NAD+
Concluded that all plants are made up of cells
Matthias Schleiden
Cell shrinks by osmosis water leaves cell
Genotype with different forms of the allele
All the biomes plus the atmosphere are known as the
Where do we find the majority of phosphorus within our biosphere?
locked up in rock and sediment.
Two types of endocytosis
Type of transport that requires the use of ATP by the cell
Active Transport
During which phase of mitosis does DNA turn into the chromatin form?
Designation of the daughter cells since they only have one set of DNA
Why is nitrogen necessary for a unicellular or mulitcellular organism?
for proteins
During which phase of interphase does the cell enlarge?
What is rRNA also referred as?
Which organelle do spindle fibers grow out of?
Loss of osmotic pressure in a plant cell
What did Mendel first experiment with
Pea plants
During cellular respiration, this organelle breaks down large carbohydrate molecules into individual glucose molecules.
During the nitrogen cycle what are the bacteria called that change waste into ammonia?
decomposing bacteria
What is an example of homozygous recessive
attach to glycoproteins
Peripheral proteins
What is the cell’s purpose in making mRNA?
DNA contains genes for making proteins at the ribosome. However DNA can’t leave the nuclesu because it’s double stranded. Instead mRNA (the message) is made with only the important information. Since mRNA is single stranded it CAN leave the nucleus and join the ribosome in the cytoplasm.
Stage of water cycle where water turns from a gas to a liquid
Three main molecules that make up a cell membrane
Which scientist believed that an organism adapts in order to survive in its environment
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Islands where Darwin gathered most of his specimens and data
Galapagos Islands
Receives the products of the ER’s and ships them to the membrane for export.
Golgi apparatus
Component of cell walls
Type of cell that lacks a nucleus
prokaryotic cell
Occupies the 3rd trophic level
secondary consumers
Hormones and secretions enter a cell through…
During anaphase, when the sister chromatids detach and move to opposite poles of the cell, what are the DNA molecules now called?
daughter chromomsomes
During which phase of interphase are the organelles doubled?
G2 phase
The hunter is known as
Why is carbon necessary for a unicellular or mulitcellular organism?
to organic molecules
Type of community interaction where one organisms hunts another
stage of water cycle prior to condensation
evaporation or transpiration
Which process happens first in protein synthesis?
What leads to condensation?
Cooling of the atmosphere
What splits at the beginning of anaphase?
What returns during telophase?
- Nuclei
- Nucleoli
Occupies the 5th trophic level
quaternary consumers
The human tailbone is an example of a
Vestigial Structure
Genetic part of an organisms specific trait
The chances of a certain outcome
What is fertilization
Male and female reproductive cells joining
Specialized structure that preforms an important function in a cell
Existing DNA is used as a template to make more DNA
What a tetrad is referring to
4 sister chromatids
When comparing anatomy, which type of structures exist between different species that are not only similar in makeup but also in function.
Homologous Structures
Type of microscope that gives us an external 3D view of a specimen
Scanning electron microsope
Type of solution that has more solute and less solvent
First step in an experiment
Type of cell that is synthesized during meiosis?
Which type of fermentation do yeast go through?
alcoholic fermentation
They are at the top of the food chain and aren’t consumed by an other organism besides decomposers
Apex predator/consumer
Where does translation take place?
In the cytoplasm at the ribosome
(either at the free or bound ribosomes)
Helps make the cells mobile
cilia and flagella
What are alleles
Different forms of a gene
An organism that has two different alleles for a trait
What does the DNA coil around to form a sister chromatid?
histone proteins
Begin the breakdown of a dead organism
Type of cell that bacteria are classified as
prokaryotic cell
2 traits being crossed
Which form of DNA is long and thin?
Why is phosphorus necessary for a unicellular or mulitcellular organism?
for the synthesis of DNA or RNA
During which phase of cellular respiration is the carbon dioxide produced?
Krebs Cycle
Which scientist believed that evolution happens in quick burst followed by long periods of little evolutionary change
Gould and Eldridge
What are the three main phases of the cell cycle?
- Interphase
- M phase (mitosis)
- C phase (cytokinesis)
What are the three phases of DNA replication?
Microscope that thinnly slices the speciman. Electrons are then forced through the speciman. The rate at which the electrons are collected on the other side is used to put together an image
Transmission electron microscope
Which products of glycolysis move on to the Krebs cycle?
Pyruvic acid
Occupies the 1st trophic level
How many nucleotides make up one codon?
three nucleotides or bases
Order of the genotypic ratio of a monohybrid
_Homozygous dominan_t: Hetero: Homozygous recessive
What does survival of the fittest mean?
Those organisms that are better adapted to the challenges of the environment and competition of other organisms are more likely to survive and pass on their favorable traits to their offspring.
Which enzyme prepares the DNA and exposes the sense strand during transcription?
Eats other heterotrophs for food(consumer)
What stops with bacteria in terms of feeding relationships
First to look at protozoa (moving living organisms) in pond water
Anton Van Leewenhooke
Increase in osmotic pressure in an plant cell leads to the cell becoming ____
What disappears during prophase of mitosis?
What shape is DNA?
Double Helix
What is the center of the cell also known as?
- Equator
- Equatorial plate
- Metaphase plate
Studying the DNA and proteins of difference organims is called
Comparitive biochemistry
Which products of glycolysis move on to the electron transport chain?
2 NADH molecules
Separating the parents alleles
Finalize the breakdown of dead organisms
What is an example of homozygous dominant
A number of the same organisms make up
A bug’s exoskeleton and a mouse’s skeletons are examples of
Analogous Structures
The pairing of like chromsomes
- Homologous pairs
- Synapsis
- Tetrad
Original source of energy in the ecosystem
Formula for probability
1 / total number of occurance
What aids in atmospheric fixation?
Which type of selective pressure leads to speciation or the formation of new species?
Distruptive selection
Phase after Cytokinesis I
Prophase I
(No interphase between Meiosis I and Meiosis II)
Another name for homozygous
Part of the phospholipid that faces the cytoplasm or the environment
Hydrophillic phospholipid head
What are the products of alchoholic fermentation?
- ethyl alcohol
- 2 NAD+
- 2 carbon dioxides
What happens to the DNA during telophase?
Uncondenses/unwinds back into the chromatin long and thin form?
Part of the phospholipid that doesn’t like the solvent in the cytoplasm or the environment
Fatty Acid Tails
Which scientist believed in the use/ disuse theory
Locations where secondary succession might occur from
abandoned farmfield
newly created shallow pond
after a forest fire, tornado or flood
Process plants use to make glucose
Phase of meiosis where the homologous pairs form?
Prophase I
The animal being hunted is called the
During natural selection what influences which organisms will survive and which will be more likely to die?
- Pressures of the environment
- Competition wih other organims for resources
Many different populations make up….
What do we call the bacteria that change ammonia, nitrates and nitrites back into atmosheric nitrogen?
denitrifying bacteria
What moves the chromosomes to the equator during metaphase?
spindle fibers
Regulates the movement of food into the cell and waste out of the cell
Cell membrane
Which phase is known as the middle phase?
Type of meiosis that forms sperm
What is the cell called at the beginning of the cell cycle?
Parent Cell
Concluded that all cells come from preexisting cells
Rudolf Virchow
During which phase of mitosis do the DNA molecules form chromosomes?
Type of meiosis that is just like mitosis
meiosis II
Organisms that are only one cell in size are known as….
Stage of water cycle following infiltration or seepage
root uptake
How many numbers are there in a phenotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross?
___: ____
What is the chemical formula for glucose?
Microscope that gives us an internal up-close view of a speciman
Transmission Electron Microscope
Evaporation from plants
first organisms to settle an area during sucession
Possible numbers in a genotype ratio of a monohybrid cross
Name of the ship that Darwin sailed on during his voyage to South America including the Galapagos Islands
HMS Beagle
Diffusion through an integral protein from high to low concentration.
Facilitated diffusion
Microscope that coats the speciman with a metal. Electrons bounce off the speciman and produce and image
Scanning electron microscope
What method is used to determine the gametes of a parent in a dihybrid
- First
- Outside
- Inside
- Last
Helps to move around organelles inside the cell as well as products fromt he ER’s to the Golgi bodies.
Type of symbiosis where one organisms benefits and the other is not benefitting or being harmed
Phase of meiosis where the cells become haploid
Cytokinesis I
Have the ability to make their own food
A protien is a macromolecule that is composed of the _____ building blocks
amino acid
Allowing molecules to pass through
The “steps” of a DNA molecule is made up of???
During the nitrogen cycle what process fixes atmospheric nitrogen into the ground?
atmospheric fixation
If transcription synthesizes the mRNA, what is formed during translation?
the protein
amino acid chains
Type of solution that is more concentrated than the other solution.
hypertonic solution
Type of community interaction where organisms fight for a mate
Three types of passive transport
- Diffusion
- Osmosis
- Facilitated Diffusion