Factors affecting membrane structure Flashcards
What is the affect of temperature on membrane structure?
increases temperatures means the kinetic energy of the phospholipids will increase
this makes a membrane more fluid and it begins to lose its structure
if temperatures continues to increase the cell will eventually break down
the loss of structure increases permeability
What is the affect of temperature on carrier and channel proteins?
proteins will be denatures at high temperatures
as they denature, permeability will be affected
What is the effect of solvents on the membrane structure?
water is a polar molecule, creates membrane stability with the phospholipids (particularly the bilayer)
many solvents are less polar than water, e.g. alcohol or non polar benzene
organic solvents will dissolve membrane and disrupt cells
when the membrane is disrupted it becomes more permeable
Why is alcohol so damaging and what are its uses?
alcohols dissolve the membranes of bacteria in a wound, which kills them and reduces the risk of infection
pure or strong alcohol solutions are toxic as they destroy cells in the body
What are the effects of cholesterol at different temperatures?
at body temp. cholesterol decreases fluidity because it interacts with tails of the phospholipids
at lower temperatures, cholesterol prevents the membrane from solidifying, which maintains fluidity
What are the effects of a low cholesterol level?
can make the cell too fluid and more likely to burst