Face & Scalp Flashcards
why do facial lacerations tend to gape?
no deep fascia in face
what’s important about an attached craniotomy?
scalp arteries anastomose freely and as long as at least one of these arteries remains intact, the scalp has a good chance at recovering
which arteries supply the calvaria?
LITTLE from scalp arteries, mostly from middle meningeal
why don’t superficial scalp wounds gape?
strength of epicranial aponeurosis
why do deep scalp wounds that cut through the epicranial aponeurosis in the coronal plane gape widely?
pull of frontal and occipital bellies of occipitofrontalis in opposite directions
which layer is the danger area of the scalp?
loose connective tissue layer because pus and blood spread easily on it
how can infection pass into cranial cavity through the loose CT layer of the scalp?
emissary veins which pass through parietal foramina in calvaria and reach intracranial structures such as meninges
what stops loose CT infections from going into the neck?
occipital belly attachment to occipital bone and mastoid processes
what stops a scalp infection from spreading more laterally than the zygomatic arches?
epicranial aponeurosis is continuous with temporal fascia that attaches to the zygomatic arches
why can a scalp infection enter the eyelids and root of the nose?
frontal belly inserts into skin and subQ tissue instead of bone
what is ecchymosis?
black eye from blows to periorbital region (soft tissue damage)
what is a sebaceous cyst?
obstruction of sebaceous glands & retention of their fluids
what is a cephalhematoma?
blood pooling between pericranium and calvaria over one parietal bone from a difficult birth
the action of nasalis muscle can tell?
whether a person is a nasal or chronic mouth breather
habitual mouth breathing is caused by?
nasal obstruction
chronic mouth breathers usually develop?
dental malocclusion (improper bite)
injury to the facial nerve (CN VII) causes?
bell palsy
loss of tonus of orbicularis oculi causes?
inferior eyelid sags, which prevents lacrimal fluid spreading to cornea
if the cornea can’t receive lacrimal fluid?
cornea becomes vulnerable to ulceration and scarring can impair vision
paralysis to buccinator and orbicularis oris causes?
food to accumulate in oral vestibule during chewing
what nerve block is used to repair the maixllary incisor teeth?
infraorbital nerve block
where is an infraorbital nerve block given?
infraorbital foramen by elevating upper lip and passing the needle through the junction of the oral mucosa and gingiva
how do you anesthetize the skin of the lower lip and chin?
injection into mental foramen to mental nerve
how do you anesthetize the skin and the cheek?
injection into mucosa covering the retromolar fossa
lesions of the entire CN V cause?
anesthesia to: -ipsilateral anterior half of scalp -face except for angle of mandible, cornea, and conjunctive -mucous membranes of nose, mouth, and anterior tongue -paralysis of facial muscles of mastication