Face and Parotid Region Flashcards
What are the attachments of the buccinator?
From alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible, pterygoid hamulus and pterygomandibular raphe to the buccal angle.
What are the actions of the buccinator?
Compresses cheek
What is the innervation of the buccinator?
Buccal branch of facial n.
What are the attachments of depressor anguli oris?
From mandible to buccal angle
What are the actions of depressor anguli oris?
Depresses buccal angle laterally
What is the innervation of depressor anguli oris?
Buccal and mandibular branch of the facial n.
What are the attachments of frontalis?
From the superficial fascia of the eyebrows to the epicranial aponeurosis
What is the function of the frontalis?
Protracts the scalp or elevates eyebrows and nose.
What is the innervation of frontalis?
Temporal branch of facial n.
What are the attachments of levator labii superioris?
From the inferior orbital margin to the lateral aspect of the upper lip
What is the function of levator labii superioris?
Rasies and everts upper lip.
What is the innervation of levator labii superioris?
Buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial n.
What are the attachments of nasalis?
From the maxilla lateral and inferior to the nasal nothch to the bridge and ala of the nose.
What are the actions of nasalis?
Transverse fibers compress and alar fibers widen the nasal aperture
What is the innervation of nasalis?
Buccal branch of facial n.
What are the attachments of orbicularis oculi?
From the orbital margin and medial palpebral ligament to the superficial fascia of the eyelid
What is the function of orbicularis oculi?
A palpebral sphincter (closes eyes)
What is the innervation of orbicularis oculi?
Temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial n.
What are the attachments of orbicularis oris?
From the angle of the mouth to the superficial fascia of the upper lip
What is the function of orbicularis oris?
An oral sphincter (closes mouth)
What is the innervation of orbicularis oris?
Buccal and mandibular branches of facial n.
What are the attachments of platysma?
From the lower border of the mandible to the superficial fascia of the skin if the neck overlying the clavicle.
What is the function of platysma?
Wrinknles the anterior nuchal skin
What is the innervation of platysma?
Cervical branch of facial n.
What are the attachments of zygomaticus major?
From the zygomatic bone to angle of the mouth.
What is the function of zygomaticus major?
Raises the buccal angle
What is the innervation of zygomaticus major?
Buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial n.
What muscles are used to puff out your cheeks?
Buccinator and orbicularis oris.
What muscle is used to make a kissing face?
Orbicularis oris.
What muscle is used to turn down the corners of your mouth?
Depressor anguli oris
What muscles are used to bare your teeth?
Levator labii superioris and depressor labii.
What muscles are used to pull your lips back and show your teeth?
Dilators of mouth:
Risorius plus levator labii superioris and depressor labii inferioris
What muscles are used to pull top corner of lip up?
Zygomaticus major and minor.
What muscles are used to flare your nostrils?
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and alar part of nasalis.
What are the sinus cavities of the skull?
Frontal sinuses, Maxillary sinuses, and sphenoidal sinuses.
What are the bones that make up the roof of the orbit?
Frontal bone and lesser wing of sphenoid.
What are the bones that make up the medial wall of the orbit?
Ethmoid bone and lacrimal bone
What are the bones that make up the floor of the orbit?
Maxilla and zygomatic bone.
What are the bones that make up the lateral wall of the orbit?
Greater wing of sphenoid bone and zygomatic bone.