F Class Road Test Flashcards
What shall you do when coming up on a railway crossing? Provide answers for both crossings with and without barriers/lights)
Do NOT stop at the crossings with automatic warning devices such as barriers and signal lights. If you stop and impede the traffic, it is an AUTOMATIC FAIL.
Near the driving centre in Hamilton, most crossings are equipped with the barriers and signal lights. Just drive through as you would in a regular car.
If the railway has no barriers or lights, it will be marked with a sign.
- Stop 5 metres before the crossing.
- Turn hazard lights on
- Open both windows, look and listen
- If there is no approaching train, start driving but continue looking and listening
- Turn the hazards off, close the windows
What are the general steps for stopping at stop signs and red lights?
Stop completely for 3 seconds, then inch forward to see the road clearly, especially if you are turning right on the red light where it is allowed.
Daily inspection test divided into three sections to be performed in what order?
- exterior inspection
- in-cab check
- interior inspection
Which portion of the daily inspection test will be required to inspect in full during the road test?
in-cab check
* exterior and interior portions of the daily inspection test will be administed via random selection of testing items for the applicable Schedule.
Prior to exterior inspection fo the vehicle, how should the vehicle be prepared?
parking brake engaged and wheels chocked (i think the latter is for air brakes)
During the inspection of each item, what are the three steps that you will be completing?
1) demosntrate and describe how you would inspect the particular item
2) explain what the defect(s) would be for the particular item
3) describe what action you would take upon identifying a minor and/or major defect
Driver Seat - C/F
What are the two things you are inspecting?
1) Seat is damaged or fails to remain in set position
- you must know that the drive seat must be properly positioned to be able to control the vehicle
- know methods for confirming the seating positions, locking methods
- know that minor defect: when seat is damaged or won’t stay in the position needed to drive
2) seat belt/tether belt is insecure, missing or malfunctions
- know the importance of seat belts
- how to properly wear them
- the condition they must be in to function properly
- MAJOR defect: when any seat belt or tether belt is insecure, missing or malfunctions
The importance of seatbelts and how to properly wear them
- keeps you in the position during a collision so that other components like airbags can protect you, you don’t fly through the windshield
- reduces risk and/or severity of injury
How to properly wear them:
- needs to be properly adjusted and securely fastened
- crosses chest and lower hips (these areas are better able to resist the force of a crash)
- seatbelt is not twisted
- seatbelt should never be behind back or under arm
Procedure for checking driver seat
Inspect: NOTE - same checks as in-cab inspection
1) driver seat to ensure it is not damaged and will stay in position needed to drive
- moves forward/backward, stays in set position when you try to move it, secured to the floor by all four bolts)
2) seat belt to ensure tether belt is secure and works correctly clipped and unclipped
- not cut or damaged
- clicks in/out
- secure if you tug on it when clicked in
- securely attached to seat/car at all points
3) minor/major defects
Emergency Equipment - Interior (C/F)
What are you looking for?
1) emergency equipment is missing, damaged, or defective
- must know that emergency equipment is required for the type of transport you are involved in
- how to check it
- minor defect: when any necessary emergency equipment is missing, damaged, or doesn’t work properly
What emergency equipment do you need?
- fire extinguisher
- hazard triangles
- first aid kit
Procedure for inspecting item: Emergency Equipment
verbally identify where the emergency flares, lamp or reflectors are located and that they are working properly and secure
- fire extinguisher, hazard triangle, and first aid kit present, undamaged and secure
Heater/Defroster - Interior (C/F)
What are you looking for?
1) control or system failure
- know the importance of the heater/defroster always being available for keeping the windshield clear of condensation
- minor defect: when heater/defroster system operates incorrectly
Procedure for checking heater/defroster
- turn on heater/defroster and check at all levels of air flow and ensure system operates correctly in all positions
- defroster provides a clear view (and use it when necessary to keep the windshield clear)
- place hand on vents that you are testing
Glass and Mirrors INTERIOR- C/F
What are you looking for?
1) required mirror or window glass fails to provide the required view to the drive as a result of being cracked, broken, damaged, missing or mal-adjusted
- know the importance of always having a clear view of conditions around vehicle, the mirrors and windows that are required on the vehicle
minor defect:
- interior: when there is damage to the required mirror or window that reduces needed visibility needed by the driver as a result of being cracked, broken, damaged, missing, or maladjusted
MAJOR defect:
- WHEN CARRYING PASSENGERS: driver’s view of the road is obstructed in the area swept by windshield wipers
Procedure for checking glass/mirrors - interior
If interior check: inspect mirrors and windows (front windshield, driver & passenger door glasses, rear glass, all the windows) for any cracks or damage that reduce required view to the driver, ensure all mirrors are properly adjusted
- look at side windows and windshield, say “no damage, full visibility”
- mirrors: look at both and say that they are both properly adjusted
Windshield wiper/washer
What are you looking for?
1) Wiper blade damaged, missing or fails to adequately clear driver’s field of vision
- know the normal condition and function of wiper blades
- recognize when they no longer function well
- minor defect: when wiper blader is damaged, missing or won’t clear area of windshield in front of driver
2) control or system malfunction
- know how to operate windshield wipers and washers
- know that ensuring they are readily available requires periodic testing
- minor defect: when control or any part of the system fails to function properly
3) when use of wipers or washer is required: wiper or washer fails to adequately clear driver’s field of vision in area swept by driver’s side wiper
- know that being able to see roadway clearly in poor weather is very important (visibiliy is dependent on wipers being able to clear water, snow and ice from the windshield)
- MAJOR defect: when prevailing weather conditions require use of wipes or washers and they are not able to keep clear the area swept by the driver’s side wiper
What does the normal function of winshield wipers look like and when are they not functioning well?
Normal function: it is able to sweep in both directions and clear the windshield (remove debris, snow, rain, etc.)
Not functioning well: not able to clear in both directions, inadequately clears the windshield
- the wipers are missing or there is damage to it
Procedure for checking windshield wiper/washer
1) turn on windshield wipers and move them sequentially from slowest to fastest mode (ensure that wipers function properly in all direction)
2) clean windshield with fluid and say that the wipers work properly, the amount of cleaning fluid is sufficient
Passenger Compartment
What are you looking for with this inspection item?
1) Stanchion padding is damaged
- know how to inspect stanchion padding
- minor defect: when stanchion padding is damaged
2) damaged steps or floor
- know how to inspect the steps and floor
- minor defect: if steps/floor is damaged
3) insecure or damaged overhead luggage rack or compartment
- know how to inspect overhead luggage rack or compartment
- minor defect: when overhead luggage rack or compartment is insecure or damaged
4) malfunction/absence of required passenger- or mobility- device restraints
- know how to inspect the required passenger- or mobility- device restraints
- minor defect: when they malfunction or are missing
- MAJOR defect: when the affected position is occupied and the required passenger- or mobility-device retraints malfunction or are missing
5) Passenger seat is insecure
- know how to inspect passenger seat
- minor defect: when seat is insecure
- MAJOR defect: when seat is occupied and is insecure
Procedure for inspecting passenger compartment
1) ask to examine driver’s or front passenger’s seat as passenger compartment
2) examine seat (try to move seat), examine seatbelt, look at steps and floor
3) examine or verbalize examination of overhead luggage compartment/rack
4) say “passenger seat is secure and padding is not damaged; there is no damage to the seatbelt so required passenger- or mobility-device restraints function properly; no damage to the steps/floor; no damaged to overhead/luggage rack”
5) minor and major defects
Exhaust System
What are you looking for?
1) Exhaust leak
- know how to visually inspect the exhaust system
- minor defect: when there is a noticeable exhaust leak
2) Exhaust leak that causes exhaust gas to enter the occupant compartment
- know the hazard of prolonged exposure to engine exhaust gases (irritation to the body’s respiratory system, dizziness, headache, also concerns regarding CO poisoning)
- MAJOR defect: when exhaust gases from an exhaust system leak are getting into the cabin/cab
Procedure for checking exhaust system
1) Run the vehicle
2) Open the hood (or other compartments as required) and inspect exhaust system to ensure there are no signs of exhaust leaks
- Say “I don’t smell any gas or exhaust fumes”
- Look under engine bay to examine front pipe and say “I don’t see any leaks”
- Go to side of van to examine center section (look at exhaust pipe that’s hanging), say “I don’t see any leaks or cracks, the center section in secure and there is no damage”
- Go to the back and examine tail pipe, say “i don’t see any leaks, cracks, there is no damage, and tail pipe is secure”
3) get inside cabin and say “I don’t smell any gas or exhaust fumes”
4) read minor and major defects
Glass/Mirrors EXTERIOR
What are you looking for?
1) required mirror or glass has broken or damaged attachments onto vehicle body
- know that the windows and mirrors (basically all external mirrors) that are necessary for safe operation must be securely attached to vehicle
- minor defect: required mirror or glass has broken or damaged attachments onto vehicle body
Procedure for inspection of Glass/Mirrors - External
1) step back and look at driver’s window: “i don’t see any cracks or damage to the window; I can see through the window so there is full visibility”
- Windows: examine and say “i don’t see any cracks, damage, there is full visibility”
- Windshield: examine and say “i don’t see any cracks, damage, there is full visibility”
- *Wiper attachments: check and say they are properly attached; make sure there is not ice on them
2) repeat for windshield and then passenger side
1) walk around vehicle checking that all mirrors are not cracked or damaged providing a clear view (windows)/required view (mirrors); check that all mirror brackets are secure
Mirrors: give a little shake and ensure attached and that mirror brackets are secured, and look into mirrors, “I don’t see any cracks, damage; there is full visibility; mirror is securely attached to the vehicle”
3) *ask inspector if they want all windows checked (including ones on the side or back)
Hydraulic Brake System
What are you looking for?
1) Brake fluid level is below indicated minimum level and brake fluid reservoir is less than one-quarter full
- know location of brake cylinder reservoir
- how to check level of brake fluid
- minor defect: when brak fluid is below mark indicating minimum level as determine by manufacturer
- MAJOR defect: when reservoir is less than one qaurter full
2) Brake fluid leak
- know that brake fluid is required for the system to operate
- know that loss of brake fluid can cause brakes to malfunction or fail completely
- MAJOR defect: when there is a brake fluid leak
Procedure for checking brake fluid (exterior)
1) open hood
2) check that brake fluid is above minimum required level, more than 1/4 full, say “the amount of fluid is more than a quarter full and above the minimum level; there are no leaks”
3) look into engine - “no leaks of brake fluid”; look underneath van and say “i don’t see any leaks of brake fluid”
4) check cap for damage, say “it is closed properly, and there is no damage”
5) get into driver seat - pump brake 3 or 4 times (vehicle is off at this time) and wait til pedal gets hard; hold foot on brake pedal and start engine; brake pedal should drop slightly (which is the pressure from the hydraulic brake system) - “brake system has sufficient reserve”
5) read minor and major defects
Wheels, Hubs, and Fasteners - Hub oil and wheel (hub) seal
What are you inspecting?
1) Hub oil below minimum level (when fitted with sight glass)
- must know that wheel hubs use bearings that require lubricaiton
- soil is often used as a bearing lubricant
- hub caps used with oil-lubricated bearings may have a clear window allowing a visual inspection of the oil fill level
- minor defect: when you can see that this hub-oil level is below minimum
2) Leaking wheel seal
- must know that wheel hubs require seals to keep the lubricant inside the hub, when a wheel seal is leaking, the wheel bearing can fail
- minor defect: when there is evidence of a leaking wheel seal
3) Evidence of imminent wheel, hub, or bearing failure
- must know the normal appearnce of wheel and hub components, the visual indication sof more serious unsafe conditions
- major defect: when there is visual evidence that a wheel, hub or bearing failure could occur
Procedure for checking hub oil and wheel hub seals.
One wheel will be selected:
1) when sight glass is present (or describe the procedure if not present) - inspect the hub oil level to ensure oil is above minimum level (not that cargo van’s hubs are covered and ther ay not oil hubs)
* “i’m looking through the glass, and there are no leaks; hub oil level is above the minimum level, and hub is secure and has no damage”
2) inspect to ensure there is no evidence of leaking wheel seal - look inside the wheel for oil and stains
* “wheel seal is not leaking”
3) inspect to ensure there is no visual evidence that a wheel, hub, or bearing failure could occur
* look at the whole thing again and say “there is no evidence of imminent wheel, hub, or bearing failure”
4) read major defects (line 3); all minor defects
Wheels, Hubs, and Fasteners - Wheel Fasteners
What are you inspecting?
1) Wheel has loose, missing, or ineffective fastener
- must know visual features of different types of wheel systems
- importance of keeping wheel fasteners (nuts and bolts) properly tightened
- be able to detect missing fasteners and recognize visual signs of loose/ineffective fasteners
- major defect: when any wheel has a loose, missing or ineffective fastener
2) Evidence of imminent wheel, hub or bearing failure
- know normal appearance of wheel and hub components and visual indications of more serious unsafe conditions
- major defect: when there is visual evidence that a wheel, hub or bearing failure could occur
Procedure for checking wheel fasteners
1) inspect for any missing fasteners and recognize visual signs of loose or ineffective fasteners (such as a gap between nut and wheel)
* check each fastener on wheel by trying to tighten it, state they are all present, tight and secure
2) always check and state that there is no wheel, hub, or bearing failure (check by pushing the wheel from both the inner and outer wall) - Major C
3) read: no minor defects; read major defects (a) and (c)
Wheels, Hubs, and Fasteners - Wheels
What are you inspecting?
1) Look and check externally at the front of the rim and say “no cracks or other damage; attached securely”
2) look and palpate back of rim, “no cracks or other damage; attached securely”
3) examine lug nuts
4) look at wheel and say “there is no damage and no evidence of imminent wheel failure”
5) read no minor defects; major defects (b) (c)
During the in-cab check, what are you to be checking for?
1) Parking brake on, start the vehicle and performing the following checks:
2) Signs - seatbelt and parking brake sign
3) All the gauges - confirm and indicate they are normal and working properly (oil, temp, gas, battery, speedometer- this will be shown to work while driving)
4) Driver’s seat and seat belt - confirm seat is secure and seat belt is secure, and in good working condition (move it back and forth, stays in set position when you try to move it, secured to floor by all bolts) & seat belt is not cut or damaged, clicks in/out and secure if tugged on when clicked in, securely attached to seat/car at all points)
5) Mirror and windshield - Mirrors are properly adjusted, not cracked or damaged, provide a clear view; windshield and side windows “no damage, full visibility”
6) Windshield wipers - move them through each speed from slowest to fastest and make sure they are working normally
7) Washer fluid - say that wipers work properly, amoutn of cleaning fluid is sufficient
8) Heater/defroster controls - confirm the heater(s) and defroster(s) work in all positions - place hand on vents you are testing
9) Steering wheel - securely attached to the vehicle, turn wheel both ways until it locks, release and say “the wheel responds properly”; check for free play (move steering wheel slightly) and say “no excesssive free play
10) Honk the horn
11) Check left and right indicators, high beam and hazard lights
Checking parking brake (if instructor asks prior to driving)
1) put parking brake on
2) put vehicle in drive mode
3) vehicle should remain stationary
Backing Skills Test - 90 degree alley dock (driver’s side), offset left or offset right
1) Observation - before backing, must exit vehicle to check its path and observe the environemtn around the vehicle; and while backing, you must use mirros to check vehicle path
2) Signals/Horn - must activate your four way flashers and sound the horn before backing
3) speed - always reverse at a walking pace
4) Pull ups - allowed but limited number. an excessive number of pull ups will count as errors
5) Final Position - back the vehicle as close as possible to the final position
Tires: tire pressure - what are you specifically inspecting?
1) Tire Leaking, if leak cannot be heard
- must know importance of keeping tires properly inflated
- appreciate need to regularly check for leaks
- minor defect: when leak appears evidence but cannot be felt or heard in any tire
2) Flat tire and tire leaking, if leak can be felt or heard
- must know dangers of operating with a flat tire
- major defect: when tire is flat or when a leak can be felt or heard
Procedure for checking: Tires - Leaks
1) Select one tire of the vehicle, inspect if by listening and feeling for any leaks and say “the tire isn’t flat and don’t see or hear any leaks”
2) Give the tire a little kick, say “pressure is good”
3) Read minor (b) and major (a)(a.1)
Tires - Tire sidewall and tread
what are you inspecting?
1) Damaged tread or sidewall of tire
- must be able to distinguish between the tread and sidewall of a tire
- know visual signs of tread and widewall damage
- minor defect: when there is damage to treat or sidewall area
2) Tire tread depth is less than wear limit
- must know how to check tire tread depth and min. allowable depth for variou stire positions in vehicle safety regulations
- major defect: when tire’s tread depth is below the allowable wear limit
3) Tire is in contact with another tire or any vehicle component other than mud flap
- must know that tires should never contact other vehicle components (tire contacting a mud flap is not a safety concern)
- major defect: when any tire is in contact with another tire or any other vehicle component
4) Tire has exposed cords in the tread or outer sidewall area
- must know that tires are constructed with steel cords inside their casings, which are not covered in rubber for protection
- major defect: when cords are exposed in the tread or sidewall of any tire
Procedure for inspecting: Tires - Tire sidewall and tread
1) Look at sidewall and say “I don’t see any exposed cords or other damage to the sidewall”
2) Look at tread (front and back) - “The tread depth is sufficient (at least 3mm in the front tires, 1.5mm in the back tires)”
3) Look underneath vehicle say “tire is not in contact with another tire or any vehicle compartment othter than a mud flap” (run hovering hand around tire)
4) Check inner/outer sidewall and tread wall individually, state “no damage or exposed cords”
5) read minor (a) and major (b) (c) (d)? (e)
Suspension System - Air Leak
What are you inspecting?
1) Air leak in air-suspension system
- minor defect: when air leak is noticeable in the air suspection system
2) Damaged (patched, cut, bruised, cracked to braid or deflated) air bag
- must know normal appearance of air bags used in vehicle suspension systems
- recognize signs of damage and identify when the damage may also cause an air bag to be defalted
- MAJOR defect: when any air bag is damaged and has no air in it
Procedure for inspecting: Suspension System - Air Leak
1) Look underneath between front tire and frame to locate a coil spring, say “I don’t hear any air leaks from the suspension system; the spring is secure; no damage, no cracks”
2) Look at (pretend) airbag within coil spring say “I don’t see any damage to the air bag. Airbag is properly attaached”
3) Minor defect (a), Major defect (a)
Suspension System - Spring Leafs
What are you inspecting?
1) Broken Spring Leaf
- know importance of doing visual inspection of spring leafs
- how to identify broken spring leaf
- minor defect: when any spring has single broken leaf
2) Crack or broken main spring leaf or more than one broken spring leaf
- know which leaves in a spring are considered “main” leaves
- major defect: when either main leaf or more than one other leaf is broken
3) Part of spring leaf or suspection is missing, shifted out of place, in contact with another vehicle component
- know the condition of the suspension-system components
- know hardware that attaches it to the vehicle need to be inspected visually
- must be able to recognize signs of more seriou sunsafe suspecsion system conditions
- major defect: when any part of a spring leaf or suspension part is missing, has shift out of place or is in contact with another vehicle component
Procedure for inspecting spring leafs
1) go to rear wheel, look at main spring leaf and say “I don’t see any cracks or other damage”
2) Examine other spring leafs, say “I don’t see any broken or missing leafs; no missing parts of the suspension; leafs are not shifted out of place and not in contact with another vehicle component”
3) As a whole “I don’t hear any leaks from the suspension system”
3) minor defect (b); major defects: (b)(c)
Suspension System - Suspensio fasteners
What are you inspecting?
1) Suspension fastener is loose, missing or broken
- must know the condition of the suspension system components and the hardware that attaches it to teh vehicle need to be inspected visually
- able to recognize signs of loose, missing or broken components
- minor defect: when any suspension fastener is loose, missing or broken
2) Loose U-bolt
- know how to locate an identify suspension U-bolts
- know importance of ensuring they remain tight and signs of loose U-bolts
- major defect: when any spring U-bolt is loose
Procedure for inspecting spring U-bolts in suspension system
1) Examine U-bolt - say “I don’t see any damage; U-bolt is secure, not loose”
2) Examine fasteners attaching spring leafs to the frame (fixed mount at the front and a flxible shackle mount at the rear - “I don’t see loose, missing, or broken fasteners”
- U bolts: no minor defects; major defect (d)
- Fasteners: minor defect (c); no major defects
Doors and Emergency Exits
What are you inspecting?
Door, window, or hatch fails to open or close securely
- must know that any window, door, or hatch must be able to be opened and closed securely
- minor defect: when any door fails to open/close securely
2) When carrying passengers, window/door fails to open from inside or close securely
- when carrying passengers, windows must be able to open and close securely
- doors must open and close as intended
- major defect when windows/any door fails to open or close securely
Procedure for inspecting doors/emergency exits
1) Stand outside, look at door - “i don’t see any damage to my door, it looks secure”
2) open door and close - “door is secure; it opens properly and closes safely; there is no damage”
3) ask if they want to check the other doors of the vehicle
Exterior Body and Frame
What are you inspecting?
1) Insecure or missing body parts
- must know that secure vehicle body parts are necessary for safe operation
- minor defect: when any body parts are insecure or missing
2) Insecure or missing compartment door
- must know that compartment door is necessary for safe operation, must be securely attached to the vehicle
- minor defect: when the compartment door is insecure or missing
3) Damaged frame or body
- must know that some conditions of the frame or cargo body can be serious safety concerns
- minor defect: when it is visible that a frame or body is damaged
4) One or more visibly shifted, cracked, collapsing or sagging frame member
- must know that some conditions of the frame or cargo body can be very serious safety concerns
- major defect: when it is visible that any frame component has shifted, is cracked, collapsing or is sagging
Procedure for inspecting: Exterior Body and Frame
1) pop the hood - look down at the frame “i don’t see any damage to the frame; no shifting, cracking; no sagging, no collapsing; it’s secure, no missing parts”
2) look underneath front of van - “I don’t see any damage to the frame; no visible cracking, no shifting, no collapsing, no sagging; it is secure, no missing parts”
3) look at side/back (or all sides if they ask to inspect the entire vehicle) - “I don’t see any damage to the frame and frame members; no visible cracking, no shifting, no collapsing, no sagging; it is secure and there are no missing parts”
4) step back, look at entire body of vehicle - “I don’t see any damage to the body of the vehicle; there is no cracks; everything looks secure; no missing parts, compartment door is present and secure” - can also shake bumper to show them you are inspecting
5) read major and minor defects
Procedure for inspecting Fuel System
1) Open compartment containing gas cap
2) tightened the gas cap and make sure it’s secure - “gas cap is tight and undamaged”
3) get down on ground and look underneath at fuel tank, look and say “I don’t see any damage or leaks, gas tank is secured to the vehicle”
4) no minor defects; read major defects
The 5 major fluids and the importance of them
1) transmission fluid: required for smooth, easy gear changes; acts as a lubricant
2) coolant: required for normal operation of your vehicle, preventing from overheating or freezing
3) brake fluid: required for brakes to work (allows for building pressure when stepping on brakes)
4) engine oil: required as a lubricant to reduce friction and overheating (cooling properties as well to maintain the engine at an operative temperature)
5) windshield washer fluid: to clear windshield and provide unobstructued view
Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration
a record of time you have spent on and off duty, that you can drive within a day
CVOR stickers - orange (semi-annual inspection)
CVOR stickers - yellow (annual inspection)
Emergency stops
1) find a safe place to pull over, right signal to let other drivers know
2) pull over, put hazards on
3) put car in park
4) parking brake
1) release parking brake
2) put car into drive
3) turn hazards off and signal
4) safely merge into traffic when possible
Vehicle’s gearbox, allows you to use the vehicle’s engine energy when necessary, and in automatic cars the tranmission would change gears automatically and smoothly, and transport the engine’s power to the wheels to move the vehicle