Eye Flashcards
Name the 6 bones which make up the bony orbit and what they form - roof? floor? medial wall? lateral wall? apex?
Roof - Frontal
Floor - Maxillary
Medial wall - Maxillary, Lacrimal and Ethmoid
Lateral wall - Zygomatic and Greater Sphenoid
Apex - Lesser Sphenoid
Name the 3 main foramina of the orbit?
Optic foramen
Superior orbital fissure
Inferior orbital fissure
Nerve which passes via the optic foramen?
Optic nerve
Nerves which pass via the SOF?
III, IV and VI and V1
Nerve which passes via the IOF
Name the 10 main constituents of the eyeball?
Cornea Aqueous humour Iris Ciliary body Lens Vitreous humour Optic nerve Retina Choroid Sclera
Name the 3 constituents of the fibrous coat of the eyeball?
Aqueous humour
Name the 3 constituents of the vascular coat of the eyeball?
Ciliary body
Name the 3 constituents of the sensory coat of the eyeball?
Cornea - function?
Transparent allowing light rays into eyeball
Also the refractive medium of the eye (2/3 power)
Sclera - function?
Opaque, giving attachment to muscles moving the eyeball
Ciliary body - function?
Suspends the lens and produces AH
Iris - fucntion?
Controls the diameter of the pupil and therefore controlling the # of light rays enetring
Choroid - function?
Supplies blood to outer layers of retina
Retina - function?
Light sensitive rods and cones enabling us to see
Physiological blind spot?
Optic disc start of optic nerve
Macula lutea - content?
Fovea centralis packed with cones
Lens - function? lens suspension?
Transparent and avascular
suspensory ligaments from the ciliary body
Aqueous humour - definition? function? produced by? drained by? glaucoma?
Watery fluid
Intraocular pressure
Ciliary body
Trabecular meshwork of the anterior chambre
Obstruction of pathway, increased AH, increased PA
Vitreous humour - definition? function?
Transparent gel
Cushion the retina
Conjunctiva - definition? anatomy (4)
Thin vascular membrane covers inner surface of eyelid and loops back over sclera (not cover cornea)
Inferior and superior fornix
Palpebral conjunctiva
Ocular conjunctiva
Lacrimal gland - located? innervation? duct opening? tear function? tear drainage?
Above the eye
Facial nerve
During each blink, eyelid spreads tears evenly over surface of cornea
Drainage through punctae into lacrimal sac (over lacrimal bone) into the nasolacrimal duct into the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity
Name the 2 constrictor and 1 dilator muscle of the eye (intrinsic) - innevrations?
- Ciliaris muscle and constrictor pupillae by parasympth (III)
- dilator pupillae by sympathetic plexus
Name the 6 muscles which move the eye (extrinsic)?
Medial rectus Lateral rectus Superior rectus Inferior rectus Superior oblique Inferior oblique
Recti - action?
M - adduct
L - abduct
S - elevate
I - depress
Oblique - action?
S - intorsion
I - extorsion
Superior oblque - innervation?
SO4 (Schalke)
Lateral rectus - innveration?
LR6 (molar)
All other muscles - innervation?
Branches of the ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve - nasociliary? lacrimal? frontal?
Nasociliary nerve:
- medial orbit, ethmoid sinus and nasal cavity
- supplies orbit and lacrimal gland
- divides into supraorbital and supratrochlear
Optic tract synpase at?
Lateral geniculate body of the thalamus
From the LGB to synapse at the?
Passes the internal capsule to the primary visual cortex n the occipital lobe