External Brain Flashcards
Name the 3 constituents of the brainstem?
Midbrain Pons Medulla
Brainstem matter organisation?
Grey in and white out
Medulla - develops from? continues as? emerging CNs? connected to?
Hindbrain Spinal cord via the foramen magnum IX, X, XI and XII Cerebellum
Pons - develops from? connected to? emerging CNs?
Metencephalon Cerebellum V, VI, VII and VIII
Midbrain - develops from? connects the? central cavity? emerging CNs? surface features?
Mesencephalon Connects the pons and cerebellum to forebrain via the tentorium cerebelli Cerebral aqueduct III and IV (posteriorly) Cerebral peduncle and the superior cerebellar peduncle
Cerebellum - matter organisation? separating lobes? connection via?
Grey in and white out Vermis Peduncles
Cerebellum - information from? function? sending info? abnormaility?
Info from motor intention of brain, ipsilateral proprioceptors from periphery and vestibular nuclei (posture and balance) (posture and fine motor control) Sends blueprint to cerebral cortex (via superior cerebellar peduncle) Abnormality causing ataxia (incoordination)
Larger dip
Median longitudinal fissure?
Split the 2 hemispheres
Corpus callosum?
Connect the 2 hemispheres together
Topography of the Brain - name the 4 lobes? name the 2 sulci? name the 2 main gyri?

Sagittal section of the brain - main gyrus? main fissure? main sulcus? connector?

Name the 4 main lobes of the brain?
Frontal, Pariteal, Temporal and Occipital
Frontal - function?
Motor function and intellect
Parietal - function?
Occipital - function?
Temporal - function?
Hearing and smell
Frontal lobe - Area 4? Area 6? Area 8? Area44/45?
Area 4 - precentral gyrus is the Primary Motor Cortex - somatotopic representation of contralateral half of body (motor)
Area 6 - Premotor Cortex - bilateral representation
Area 8 - middle frontal gyrus - Frontal Eye Field - oluntary conjugate deviation of eyes
Area 44/45 - inferior frontal gyrus - Broca’s Area of Motor Speech
Prefrontal cortex - cognitive, function of higher intelect, judgement, prediction and planning
Parietal lobe - Area 3/1/2? superior pariteal lobule? inferior parietal lobule?
Area 3/1/2 - Post-central gyrus - Primary Sensory Area - recieves general sensation from contralateral half of body (sensory)
Superior parietal lobule - intepretation of general sensory information and conscious awareness of contra half of body
Inferior parietal lobule - interface between somatosensotry cortex, visual and auditory assocation area (language functions)
Temporal lobe - Area 41/41? Auditory assocaition area? Inferior surface?
Area 41/42 - superior temporal gyrus - Primary Auditory Cortex - (Heschl’s convulutions)
Auditory assocations areas - dominant hemisphere (Wernicke’s area) Understanding spoken word
Inferior surface - info from olfactory tract (smell)
Occipital lobe - Area 17? Area 18/19?
Area 17 - found on either side of calcarine sulcus - Primary Visual Cortex
Area 18/19 - Visual Association Cortex - interpretation of visual images
Limbic lobe - composed of? function?
Cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus and the amygdala
Involved in memory and emotion
Language areas - Broca’s (aphasia)? Wernicke’s (aphasia)? Aphasia (damage)?
Broca’s is the motor speech area (Aphasia - frontal lobe, miss small words wth weakness of one side of body)
Wernicke’s is the auditory assocaiton area for recognition of spoken speech (fleunt speech with meaningless words, can’t understand, temporal lobe wth no paralysis)
Aphasia - problem with speech damage in speech area
Cranial nerve origins?

Arterial supply to the brain?
2 ICA supply the brain
2 Vertebral supply the brain
Circle of Willis - name the 8 main vessels?
Vertebral artery
Anterior spinal artery
Basilar artery
Posterior cerebral artery
Posterior communicating artery
Interal carotid artery
Anterior communcating artery
Anterior cerebral artery
Name the 3 main branches of the ICA?
Anterior cerebral
Middle cerebal
Posterior communicating
Vertebral arteries - branches?
Join together to form the basilar artery
Supply brainstem and cerebellum
Divide into 2 posterior cerebral arerties supplying the cerebral hemisphere