Experiments Flashcards
Operational Definition
Describe how concepts are measured and what techniques are used in the study; usually allows us to translate the concept into some type of numeric score
Critical Thinking
Does not blindly accept conclusions; evaluates evidence
Case Study
Study one or more indivuals in the hope of revealing things true of us all
Ascertaining attitudes or behaviors of people by questioning
Naturalistic Observation
Observing and recording behavior in naturally occuring situations
Wording Effect
Wording can change the results of a survey
Investigator manipulates one or more factors to observe their effect on some behavior or mental process
Positive Correlation
Two variables vary systematically in the SAME direction
Negative Correlation
Two variables vary systematically in OPPOSITE direction
Independent Variable
Factor that is manipulated; variable whose effect is being studied
Dependent Variable
Factor that may change in response to manipulations; usually a behavior or mental process
Experimental Condition/Group
Exposes participants to the treatment
Control Condition/Group
Contrasts with experimental treatment; serves as a comparison
Inert substance or condition administered instead of a presumed active agent to see if it triggers the effects
Double-Blind Procedure
Both participants and staff are ignorant (blind) about treatment or placebo