Experiments Flashcards
Ivan Pavlov’s experiments
with dogs and classical conditioning (1900s)
John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner
conduct the Little Albert experiment showing evidence of classical conditioning (1920)
Solomon Asch’s conformity experiments
shows how group pressure can persuade an individual to conform to an obviously wrong opinion (1951)
B.F. Skinner’s demonstrations
of operant conditioning (1930s - 1960s)
Harry Harlow’s experiments with
baby monkeys and wire and cloth surrogate mothers (1957–1974)
Stanley Milgram’s experiments on
human obedience (1963)
Philip Zimbardo’s
Stanford prison experiment (1971)
Allan and Beatrix Gardner’ attempts to teach
American Sign Language to the chimpanzee Washoe (1970s)
Martin Seligman studies
learned helplessness in dogs (1970s)
Rosenhan experiment (1972). It involved the use of
healthy associates or “pseudopatients,” who briefly simulated auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals. The hospital staff failed to detect a single pseudopatient. The study is considered an important and influential criticism of psychiatric diagnosis.
Kansas City preventive patrol experiment
(1972–1973) It was designed to test the assumption that the presence (or potential presence) of police officers in marked cars reduced the likelihood of a crime being committed. No relationship was found.
Elizabeth Loftus’ and John C. Palmer’s car crash experiment
shows that leading questions can produce false memories
Benjamin Libet’s experiment on free will shows
that a readiness potential appears before the notion of doing the task enters conscious experience, sparking debate about the illusory nature of free will yet again. (1983)
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran’s
experiment on phantom limbs with the Mirror Box throw light on the nature of ‘learned paralysis’ (1998)
Bruce K. Alexander’s [Rat Park studies]
looked at the development of drug addiction