Executing: Communication, Risk, Procurement, & Stakeholder Management Flashcards
The process of ensuring timely and appropriate creation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, monitoring, and ultimate disposition of project information
Manage Communications
Tailored skills, such as, clarity of purpose, effective relationships, information sharing and leadership behaviors
Communication competence
Information about reactions to communications, deliverables, or situations
Appropriate body language; gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions
Formal delivery of information and/or documentation
Collecting and distributing performance information, including status reports, progress measurements and forecasts
Project Reporting
The process of implementing agreed-upon risk response plans
Implement Risk Responses
The process of obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a contract
Conduct Procurements
A component of the PMP that describes how to identify and account for project artifacts under configuration control, and how to record and report changes to them.
Configuration Management Plan
What is not a contract requirement?
Letter of intent
The exchange of something of value
The person has the ability and authority to enter the contract
Legal Capacity
Purpose being to obtain seller responses, select a seller, and award a contract
Conduct Procurements
Purpose being to monitor the status of the project, to update the project costs, and manage changes to the cost baseline
Control Costs
Purpose being to manage procurement relationships, monitor contract performance, and make changes and corrections to contracts as appropriate
Control Procurement