excercise and oxygen debt Flashcards
why does more excercise = more cellular respiration?
because there is more muscle contraction which requires energy from cellular respiration
why does more cellular respiration = increased breathing rate
because more cellular respiration requires more oxygen and breathing is the bodies way of aquiring oxygen
why must anaerobic respiration sometimes occur during excercise?
sometimes the rate of excercise is too high and there isn’t enough oxygen to keep up so anaerobic respiration must occur as it doesn’t require oxygen but still releases energy
why is anaerobic respiration sometimes the best option despite it being less efficient than aerobic respiration?
if there isn’t enough oxygen, it is the best option to release at least some energy with anaerobic respiration, because of it was aerobic respiration, no energy would be released if there was no oxygen as it requires oxygen
what is built up in muscle tissue as a result of anaerobic respiration?
lactic acid
what must the body do to lactic acid?
get rid of it
how does the body get rid of lactic acid?
reacts it with oxygen
what is oxygen debt
when there is lots of lactic acid so lots of oxygen is required to react with it
where does lactic acid react with oxygen?
in the liver
how is lactic acid transported to the liver?
lactic acid in muscle cells is transported to the liver by the blood
what is produced when lactic acid and kxygen react in the liver?
lactic acid + oxygen —>
how do we investigate the effect of excercise on the body?
measure breathing rate and heart rate
what is breathing rate?
how many times the chest rises and falls in a given amount of time