Exam VI study Guide Flashcards
- Know the different ways of determining nutritional status (you will not have to do a calculation) as well as what constitutes overweight and obesity.
- Body Weight
- Relative Weight = actual weight/desirable weight
- BMI = weight(kg)/height(meters)
- Percentage of Body Fat
- BMI and Waist Circumference constitute overweight and obesity.
- Know that there is a link between obesity and increased incidence of _______
DM type II
- Know differences between kwashiorkor and marasmus
-Marasmus-too few calories, too little protein
(think both too little, person will be little)
-Kwashiorkor-adequate calories, too little protein
(person will have big belly, person is SICKER)
BMI 25-29.9 =
BMI 30 or more =
BMI < 40 =
Morbidly obese
Negative feedback system
tells to turn hormone stimulation on and off
Tells hypothalmus what to do
the unifying center between the ANS and the endocrine
most common cause of Acute kidney failure
Most common cause of acute kidney injury is
tubular necrosis
Diabetes type 2
to much insulin floating around
link between obesity and DM 2
adipose fat has resistin which is a hormone that creates a resistance to insulin