Control of Resipratory Function Chapter 21 Flashcards
“a subjective experience of breathing discomfort that consists of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity”
Involuntary breathing is controlled by
Controlled by Medulla (ANS) - specifically the Respiratory Center (located within the Brain Stem, innervated by Vagus Nerve)
breathing is when the
Cortex - Overrides
an example would be holding your breath if needed.
What position would give the patient better circulation and better air
high fowlers
In the apex, the alvioli are
less in number but are bigger
What are conducting airways lined with?
mucous membranes
What do conducting airways do
Move air into lungs
Warm and humidify air
Trap inhaled particles
gas is exchanged within the
True or false
The right bronchus is larger than the left
What is the smallest functional unit of the lung
Does co2 drive respiratory rate?
No, expecially not for COPD people
The interstitial space is
the area between the basement membranes where gas exchange occurs
Lung structure/airways
Type I cells are?
Alveolar cells
Most cells are these cells
Type II cells are?
also Alveolar cells known as Pneumocytes
What do Pneumocytes do
they produce surfactant
What is surfactant
surfactant helps reduce surface tention to keep alvioli inflated.
babies that are born early may not have enough surfactant and they could die
What is the main function of the lungs?
Gas exchange
Moves o2 into the blood
and co2 our of the blood
What is required for gas exchange
ventilation and profusion
What are the other functions of the lung other than gas exchange?
Blood storage
Regulates vasoconstricting (angiotension II) and vasodilating substances…(andiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II which is a blood constrictor)
Maintain PH (C02 up or down)
Eliminates water through breathing
maintain normal body temp
immune responses (antibacterial properties)
hormone secretion
What components must a normal lung have in order to stay alive
Adequate inspired O2 – (FiO2) Ventilation and perfusion of alveoli A permeable alveolocapillary membrane Adequate blood flow Ability to transport O2 Ability to Eliminate CO2
What is Fio2
a fraction of inspired o2, the amount of the oxygen content in the air you breathe
room air = 21% o2
what would happen if you didn’t have adequate oxygen
1 liter of oxygen =
2 litter of oxygen =
28% increase in 4% incriments starting at 24%