Exam- Pharmacy Management 0.1 Flashcards
What is the Practice Standards Scheme and its Importance?
A voluntary initiative to accredit veterinary practices in the UK- promotes/maintains highest standards of veterinary care
What is the PSS Membership Scheme recognised by?
the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, RCVS-accredited practices no requirement of VMD inspection as PSS standards meet criteria-
responsible for the regulation and use of manufacturing drugs
What does the PSS enforce?
All veterinary practice premises in the UK have an obligation to fulfil in order to operate
All VPP must be registered, for veterinary surgeons to supply medicines from them
RCVS hold register of VPP- behalf of VMD
If the VPP is part of the PSS will the inspection form part of the whole process?
Yes, the regular medicines inspection will count towards the whole practice assessment, by the PSS assessor (once per 4 years)
PSS modules include requirements that would be assessed by the VMD (VMR)
Who is the PSS run by?
Practice Standard Group (PSG)- veterinary professionals for the profession, comprises representatives from veterinary and nursing organisations in the UK
What is the PSS responsible for?
Setting and reviewing scheme’s standards, rules and inspection protocol- overseen by standards committee (recs subjected ratification RCVS)
What are the requirements for assessors?
5 years qualified as an MRCVS, experience in part/ full-time practice- approved suitable experience in species area, undertaking assessments for appropriate accreditation
What is the Review Group?
A panel of assessors responsible for interpreting standards- order to resolve complex queries arise during assessment process
considers matters of affecting assessment/ accreditation process- delay requests/ extenuating circumstances