What is another name for Scleroderma?
Progressive Systemic Sclerosis (PSS)
What is the pathogenesis of scleroderma? Namely: is it a malignancy of fibroblasts? What do fibroblasts produce?
It is NOT a malignancy of fibroblasts, but its fibroblasts gone wild..They produce too much collagen
What are the 5 features of CREST syndrome?
C: Calcinosis R:Reynaud Phenominon E:Esophageal Dysfunction S:Sclerodactyly T:Telangiectasia
What are the two ANA’s (AutoaNtibody Association) for SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)? What percentage diagnosis can you achieve with these two ANAs?
- Anti-Double Stranded DNA (Native DNA) 2. Anti-Smith…90% diagnosis
What are the two ANA’s in Sjogren’s Syndrome?
- Anti SS-A 2. Anti-SS-B
What is the ANA for PSS (Progressive Systemic Sclerosis)? AND its abbreviation..
Anti-DNA-topoisomerase (Scl-70): PSS
What are the 2 major differences between Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis?
- Derma=microANGIOpathy vs Poly=no angiopathy 2. Derma=EYELID (heliotropic) rash vs Poly=no eyelid (heliotropic) rash
What is the CREST variant ANA? How is this different from the ANA of the “parent” condition of CREST (PSS)?
CREST: AntiCentromere vs PSS: [[MAIN ONE:Scl-70]], nucleolar antibodies, nonhistone nuclear protein (and anticentromere)
Which autoimmune disease is associated with visceral malignancies (lungs, colon, stomach…)?
Which autoimmune disease has a 40x increased risk for malignant lymphoma?
S-Jo-gren Syndrome
What are the 3 factors most related to the cause of SLE?
- ESTROGEN (women) 2.GENETICS 3.RACE: Black Women
What are the 5 ANA Fluorescent Staining Patterns?
- Homogenous (diffuse) 2. Rim 3. Speckled 4.Nucleolar 5.Centromere
What is the mildest form/best prognosis of Lupus Nephritis?
Mes-an-gial Lupus
Lupus Path: Result of Lupus in Serous Membrane?
Serous Membrane: pleuritis
Lupus Path: Result of Lupus in lungs?
Pneumonia, fibrosis, pleural disease
What is the most common manifestation of Lupus?
Joints! 90% of pt have Poly-arth-ralgia
Result of lupus in kidney?
Glomer-ulo-neph-ritis 3/4 of pt’s
Result of Lupus in the heart (2)? BOARDS!
Result of Lupus on the Brain?
Vasculitis leading to hemorrage and infarction…Psychoses, depression, mood change, seizures
Result of lupus on Spleen? UNIQUE!
ONION-SKIN pattern around small arteries
Which 2 autoimmune diseases are related to Raynaud’s phenomenon?
What are the 3 drugs that can cause Lupus like symptoms?
What is the different ANA associated with Drug induced lupus?
HISTONES! (double stranded and smith do not show up)
What are the 3 the skin manifestations of lupus?
butterfly rash, hair loss, oral mucosa ulcerations