Exam III practice questions Flashcards
Name a non-collagenous protein associated with bone:
osteonectin, osteopontin, osteocalcin, sialoprotein, phosphoprotein, glycoprotein, bone specific protein, bone morphogenetic protein, carboxyglutamic acid containing protein
According to your text, which bone morphogenic proteins promote bone formation?
BMP 2, 4, 6 and 7
(if only one BMP can be chosen pick BMP2)
What compounds are found in bone matrix vesicles?
alkaline phosphatase, pyrophosphatase, glycoprotein, phosphoproteins, and phospholipids
A ____ is defined as a denuded area of bone that extends through the marginal bone creating a “cleft-like” defect
Multiple myeloma accounts for nearly ____ % of all malignancies involving bone
According to your text, the intrinsic fibers of alveolar bone are oriented ____ to the bone surface; the extrinsic fibers of the PDL are oriented ____ to the bone surface
intrinsic= parallel
extrinsic = perpindicular
Normally, at 4-5 years of age, the jaws will accomodate a total of ___ erupted and unerupted teethteeth
20 erupted + 28 developing (unerupted) teeth= 48 teeth total
What is the rate of eruption of teeth:
3mm every 3 months but this is NOT a constant rate
The deciduous dentition has generally completed eruption by age:
3 years
Melanocytes are derived from cells of what embryonic structure:
neural crest
After root formation is complete, the reduced enamel epithelium forms the ____ after eruption
junctional epithelium
What is the most common neoplastic (cancerous) lesion arising from odontogenic epithelium?
Oral cancer accounts for approximately ___ % of all cancers
3 %
The highest incidence of squamous cell carcinoma is found in what population?
Middle-Aged African-American
According to your text, where are oxytalan fibers found?
Periodontal ligament
Oral cancer accounts for approximately ___% of all cancers
Short columnar/tall cuboidal epithelial cells are are found in which ducts?
striated ducts
What is the classification of the submandibular gland?
Mixed seromucous gland (predominately serous with mucous contributions)
What is the terminal exretory duct of the submandibular gland?
Wharton’s duct
Pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumor that accounts for ___% of parotid salivary gland tumors
According to your text, on the posterior slope of the TMJ articular eminence, the inner perpendicular collagen fibers are responsible for ____.
resting compression of mandibular condyle against the articular surface
In the intimal layer of the TMJ, the macrophage-like cells are the:
Type A cells
The type B synovial cells of the synovial membrane secrete:
Which receptors are found in the TMJ area?
A: Ruffini Corpuscles- proprioception
B: Pacinian Corpuscles- dynamic mechanoreception
C: Golgi Tendon Organs- static mechanoreception
D: Free Nerve Endings- pain
2- What is the fibrillar component of the mature dentin matrix?
Type 1 collagen
2- Histologically, the presence of ____ is used to distinguish between the root dentin from the crown dentin
Tome’s Granular layer
2- According to your text, when compared to intertubular dentin, how is peritubular dentin characterized?
It has a greater content of inorganic salts, more mineralized because exposed to more granular stuff
2- During the transition from undifferentiated cell to mature odontoblast, what is the function of fibronectin?
Help align themselves along the basal lamina, assume polarity and differentiate into secretory cells
2- What is contained in the odontoblastic matrix vesicle?
Alkaline phosphatase, phospholipids, phosphoproteins, pyrophosphatase, Ca2+, PO4-, annexin, and calcium hydroxyapatite crystallites
2- What growth factors are secreted by IEE during initiation of odontoblastic differentiation?
- transforming growth factor (TGF)
- Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
- Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)
- Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)
2- What is the function of Annexin V in odontoblastic matrix vesicles?
Mediates flow of calcium into the matrix vesicle; also serves as a collagen receptors that binds matrix vesicles to collagen
2- The theory most commonly accepted to explain why pain is elicited when dentin is mechanically stimulated is the ____ theory
Brannstrom’s Hydrodynamic Theory
2- In the dental pulp, macrophages and dendritic cells constitute ____% of the total cell population
2- The cells responsible for physiologic matrix of the cementum surface and alveolar bone proper are derived from undifferentiated cells located in the:
interstitial spaces of the PDL
2- Where is Tome’s granular layer found?
Dentin of the root adjacent to the cementum
2- A gap between the enamel and cementum at the CEJ has an incidence of occurence of approximately ____%.
2- Cementicles are thought to be formed in response to what stimuli?
Response to local trauma or hyperactive occlusion and appear in increasing numbers with increasing age
2- What do teeth look like that exhibit dental erosion?
A- Teeth have broad concavities, with cupping of occlusal surfaces and dentin exposure
B- Incisal translucency as well as wear on non-occluding surfaces
C- Amalgam restorations appear “raised” and have a non-tarnished appearance
2- A patient with GERD will likely have tooth erosion caused by:
Stomach acid
2- The thickness of cementum at the CEJ is approximately ___ micrometers
30-50 micrometers (thinnest here)
2- What is the primary function of cementum?
Provides attachment for the PDL
2- It is thought that nonmyelinated nerve C fibers of the dental pulp are associated with this type of pain:
Dull, diffuse
2- Most myelinated nerve fibers in the dental pulp are designated as ____ fibers
2- It is estimated that each nerve fiber contributes ____ branches to Raschkow’s Plexus
2- Where do epithelial rests of Malassez originate from?
Remains of Hertwigs Root Sheath
2- An acute pulpal abcess is characterized by dense aggregations of what cell?
neutrophils and macrophages and other inflammatory cells
2- When a developing carious lesion reaches the DEJ, this will often initiate the formation of what at the pulp interface of the dentin:
reparative dentin (tertiary dentin)
2- The principal fiber group in the PDL that constitutes the main support of the tooth against masticatory forces is theL
2- Which PDL fiber group does not exhibit a bony insertion?
2-The “biologic width” is comprised of 1 mm of ___ epithelium and 1 mm of ____.
junction epithelium & gingival fiber ligament (GFL)
2-An aggressive benign tumor derived from odontogenic epithelium that exhibits a radiolucent, multilocular radiographic appearance could be:
2- The lateral periodontal cyst is thought to have its origins in the:
Epithelial rest of Malassez in the PDL
Leukotrienes, Thromboxanes, and prostaglandins all activate type A cells in the arachadonic acid pathway. Phospholipids are associated with edema, vasodilation and pain in areas of inflammation
Both statements are true
The initial layer of the TMJ has two types of cells and the type B cells secrete hyaluronate
The left image is a young persons condylar head
The superior lateral pterygoid attaches to the joint capsule the articular disc. The inferior lateral pterygoid attaches to the neck of the condyle
Both statements are true
This image is of a ____. A characteristic of this is _____.
mucocele; salivary gland duct is damaged
Giant cell tumors cause a painless expansion of bone. Radiographically can be confused with amelobastoma or a periapical cyst.
Both statements are true
The image below shows _____. This can be caused by:
a- facial-lingual alignment of teeth
b- mesial-distal contour of CEJ
c- facial-lingual width of teeth
d- presence of enamel pearls or cervical enamel projections
This image shows :
gingival parakeratosis
This image shows ____. A characteristic of this is:
geographical tongue; filiform with food bolus
Pre-eruptive growth includes:
a- length of jaw
b- width of jaw
c- alveolar ridge height
d- buccal-lingual width of alveolus
This image shows
lichen planus
Hairy tongue is caused by filiform papillae growth and delayed shedding:
These images show
benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
This image shows:
complex odontoma
Complex odontoma defect originates in the initiation stage:
Bone lining cells =
inactive osteoblasts that are thought to protect bone from osteoclasts
Dilaceration is caused by a defect in:
Hertwig’s root sheath
Root is NOT needed for eruption:
Identify the medial nasal prominance:
in yellow
Taste innervation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue:
CN7- facial nerve
Cleft lip results when there is a lack of fusion between:
medial nasal and maxillary processes
Mixed gland involved in salivation upon food:
submandibular gland
Stratum intermedium has cells that release alkaline phosphatase. Eventually it is included in the reduced epithelium that forms the junctional epithelium after eruption.
both statements are true
Metaplasia is a reversible change in which one cell type is replaced by another
Myoepithelial cells associated with acini and secreting stuff from salivary glands
Teeth follow the gubernacular canal during eruption. Gubernacular canal contains remnants from dental laminal epithelium.
both statements true
When mandible moves, the disc also moves so all articulation is on the fibrous portion of the disc
Characteristic of woven bone:
collagen randomly oriented
Osteoclast making the environment very acidic to break down hydroxyapatite and then proteins breaking down organic materials
both statements true
Von Ebners glands are associated with:
serous only and circumvallate papillae
Choose the false statement regarding the dislocation of the TMJ
Disc is capable of healing itself quickly
Are deciduous teeth replaced from the buccal or lingual?
Vermillion border characteristic:
blood vessels close to the surface
Tertiary dentin is released immediately in response to outside forces. It is laid down in a clean fashion.
First statement true; second statement false