Exam 3 Subluxation Part 1 Flashcards
What are the 4 distinct ways that “subluxation” is used by our profession?
Chiropractic theory
Professional Identity
Clinical Finding Clinical Diagnosis
T/F: DD Palmer was the first to say that symptoms/dysfunction are caused by pinched nerves.
False; No one in Chiropractic (should) claim the nerves are pinched. DD said it was due to subluxation of a vertebrae which narrows the interverebral foramina.
“The real, primary cause of disease is tension; the cause of tension is pressure; the cause of pressure in 95% of diseased conditions is subluxated vertebrae.”
“The real, primary cause of disease is tension; the cause of tension is pressure; the cause of pressure in ___% of diseased conditions is subluxated vertebrae.”
T/F: Marked or prolonged compression of the nerve roots within the IVF was hypothesized to lead to increased neural activity, increased pain, parasthesia, and hypertonic muscles according to the theory of subluxation induced nerve root compression.
False; this is true of moderate compression. marked/prolonged induces loss of function
T/F: Nerves may be impinged upon by any displaced bone, but pinched only by fracture and extreme displacement.
True (according to DD)
T/F: Occlusion of the IVF is the primary cause of disease, according to DD Palmer.
False; impingement/pressure, not squeezing or pinched
Why are spinal nerve rootlets at the interpedicular region more susceptible to pressure, inflammation and ischemia than are the nerve roots as they exit the IVF? What structure is especially susceptible here?
spinal nerve rootlets lack the epineural covering t the interpedicular region;
T/F: Chronically injured dorsal nerve roots respond more vigorously to mechanical deformation.
T/F: Spinal nerve roots must be DIRECTLY compressed by bony structures to develop pathological dysunction.
False, other stuctrues within the IVF (blood vessels, lymphatics, fat, etc) can compress the nerve roots
Sustained misalignment or inflammation of th spinal motion segment may stretch or compress the local vascular structures, which can lead to what?
disruption of the neural blood supply and neuroischemia
T/F: Mechanical pressures and tension can lead to subclinical neurophysiologic alterations ranging from changes in intraneural protein composition to altered nerve conduction.
T/F: The density of sodium ion channels in the soma and initial segment of the DRG cells is relatively low, suggesting these regions may be unusually unexcitable.
False; relatively high, thus, unusually excitable
T/F: DRs and DRGs are less susceptible to the effects of mechanical compression.
False; more susceptible
T/F: Whether spinal manipulation can alter neural function by mechanically changing compressional pressures or reducing the concentration of metabolites in the IVF is unknow,
What region is most likely narrowed by joint malposition which contributes to dysfunction of the spinal NRs?
interpedicular zone