Exam 2 Cervical Spine Part 2 Flashcards
Where is X-axis rotation greatest in the lower cervical spine? least?
Where in the lower cervical spine is Y-axis rotation the most limited? Greatest?
T/F: Y-axis rotation at C2-C3 is greater than at C3-C4.
False; greatest from C3-C6
Where in the lower cervical spine is Z-axis rotation the greatest? least?
During lateral bending of the cervical spine, what motion is coupled with +thetaZ? -thetaZ?
+thetaZ with -thetaY
-thetaZ with +thetaY
T/F: There is more rotation with lateral bending in the lower cervicals.
False; more in the upper
In addition to the cervical spine, what other area of the spine do the spinous processes rotate to the contralateral side during lateral bending?
Where are the steepest arches of curvature (during flexion/extension)? Flatest?
steepest at C6 and C7;
Flat at C2
What ailment decreases the acuity of the ThetaX arc of curvature?
What orthogonal motion is limited by the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament? Intertransverse ligament?
Neg. Theta X (extension); Theta Z (Contralateral lateral flexion )
Which surfaces of the lower cervical vertebral bodies are sellar or saddle-shaped?
Superior and inferior surfaces
T/F: The shape of the lower cervical bodies reduces X axis rotation.
False; promote X axis rotation
T/F: The shape of the lower cervical bodies reduces X axis translation.
T/F: In the cervical spine, axial rotation about a longitudinal axis and lateral rotation about a sagittal axis are unnatural and not pure movements. For this reason, they are always coupled with one another.
What motion is limited by the uncinate processes?
lateral flexion