Exam 3- Stroke part 1 Flashcards
A stroke is usually ___ but can be ___
~usually appears suddenly
~can appear slowly
Some of the slow appearing strokes
~TIAs, pin stroke, mini strokes
2 main types of strokes
Ischemic/ Occlusive and Hemorrhagic
what is the most common type of stroke
80% of strokes are occlusive
Hemorrhagic- some details
2 things associated with it
~High blood pressure
~Associated with headaches
Hemorrhagic- Common types
~berry aneurism
~AVM (arteriosus venous malformation)
MB: I also have intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral hemorrhage in my notes. I also have subarachnoid hemorrhage as being paired with the berry aneurysm. Don’t have that lecture recorded so unable to verify.
Hemorrhagic- berry aneurism
an out pouching of the circle of willis
Hemorrhagic- AVM
abnormal connection of the artery and vein
AVM = arteriovenous malformation
Hemorrhagic- 3 courses for an aneurism
~Pick up on a scan when looking for it
~Pick it up on a another scan (looking at something different)
~it pops
2 ways to fix an aneurism
Clip and coil
Clip for an aneurism
~can be used for an aneurism that has or has not been popped
~Need a craniotomy
Coil for an aneurism
~for people for not ruptured
~a birds nest of wire that fills the hole
~will cause the body to fill back in the aneurism
~Do not need a craniotomy
Hemorrhagic- Will have cell death
~cell starved of blood distal to bleed
~pressure on cells right at the site; usually occlude broken artery
~pressure away from the site; can act like a contra coup injury
~other arteries can be occluded
~may have uncal herniation and/or midline shift
Hemorrhagic- will present in therapy
~wide spread
~will be hard to decide where their symptoms came from
~will be younger
~rarely will fully recover
Occlusive- 2 types
Occlusive- Thrombolytic
Build up of plaque, etc that will cause a blockage in the artery
Occlusive- Embolytic
Blood/plaque/ air/ fat/cancer breaks off and moves
Occlusive- Embolytic- blood
~We can do a good a good job getting rid of blood clots with TPA tissue plasminogen activators- thins blood and gets rid of blood clots
~need to give these to someone within 3 hours
~More than 3 hours, the structures distally already starting to die
~Its not worth the risk to thin the blood that much
Occlusive- Embolytic- fat
can caused post surgery
symptoms resolve within 24 hours
Some details on how you know it is a Major stroke
~Complete paralyze on one side ~High cortical processes loss ~Has come cognitive loss ~Speak problems ~Visual problems ~Much harder for pt to return to function
Some details on how you know it is a minor stroke
~Still the same person you were before- personality stays the same
~Steppage gait; foot drop; some limb paresis
~A little sensory or motor deficit; distal portion of the UE or LE
Some details on how you know it is a shower stroke/ what is it?
~Occlusive, but sometimes when a clot breaks off and a lot of little clots will break off too
~Lots of little strokes all over
~Can occur after surgeries when you are trying to prevent/correct for a stroke- endarterectomy (plaque build up in the carotids)
~The plaque can lead to a shower stroke if all the plaque is not sucked up
some Diagnosis Tests to test for possible stroke
~Echocardiogram- did it happen from a build up of blood settling in the heart
~Carotid US- did it happen form a build up from plaque in the carotids