Exam 1- Wounds 3 and Wounds part of 4 Flashcards
Quiz question: three things that need to be present for a wound to heal
~blood flow
~environment (moist)
Quiz question: compare and contrast arterial and venous wound
~Arterial- deep, pale, dry, lateral, more likely to be painful, less common
~Venous- shallow, reddish, weepy, medial, less likely to be painful, more common (by 4x)
Quiz question: three types of debridement that are selective (vs nonselective)
(Selective- This is only going to get rid of the stuff that we want it to get rid of and Non selective- this will get rid of everything)
~Maggots (get only the dead tissue)
~Pulse lavage- only if the stuff under the pulse lavage is dead tissue; if the stuff under is also good tissue, it could also take away good tissue (Whirl pool- Non selective)
~Enzymatic- some would be selective and some non-selective
~Forceps/ wet gauze/ scalpel (mechanical)- can be selective depending on how you apply them (If a physician does it, it is more likely to be non-selective)
~Autolytic- your body should be completely selective unless something is going wrong
Quiz question: three points of education that you would want to give to a patient with a diabetic ulcer
~Wound positioning
~What’s your sugars; how often do you check it (80-120); when’s the last time you went to the doctor? Etc.
~Don’t go to nail salon; soak feet
~Don’t remove calluses
~Foot check
~Don’t wear compressions garments/ tight shoes/ shoes
~Proper shoes
What do you do before examining the wound?
Take vitals!
~you will have a baseline and comparison
What else will you do beside look at the wound?
~look at the whole person
~if they can walk, have them walk/ get them up
~do a gross motor screen
~sensory screen
~you have the same subj and obj
~see if they are active, if they smoke, etc
Wound: what are ways to record the size of a wound?
~Can draw it/ sketch a picture of it
~Take a picture of a wound
~trace the wound
Wound: what details of the size of the wound will you record?
~width, depth, length
~shape (is applicable)
~if there is undermining/ tunneling
Wound: what are details that you want to record about the wound? (8)
~size ~direction of where the wound is located ~color ~temperature ~anthropometric ~smell ~wound bed (wet/dry/ moist) ~is there neurotic tissue?
Periwound: what are details that you would want to record about the periwound? (3)
~turgor (firm, squishy, bogey, etc)
~regular/ irregular
~macerated/ desiccated
What do you look at during an examination of the wound? (5)
~the wound (wound bed) ~the periwound ~drainage ~pain ~removal of dressing
Details about the exam of drainage
~the amount of the drainage
Details about the exam of pain
~before and after the dressing and after the cleaning of the wound
~you want to asses when it is the most painful and are you causing pain
Detail about the exam of removal of dressing
~How well did the dressing come off
~Did any not come off
~Was the dressing Wet/dry when it came off; (will you have to apply moisture if it is dry)
~Need to record everything so that the next person will know what to expect when they come in next time
What do you do with a black, dry heel?
~Don’t do anything
~the heel is there for protection
~if you open it up, you can let in an infection
Are all wounds infected?
Are all wounds contaminated?
~it takes until 10^5 MRSE/VRE to became infected
what are signs of an infected wound? (6)
~changes in the wound: amount of drainage, color, odor ~periwound- irregular (can hit a vein) ~painful ~tender ~may not be able to walk easily ~temperature changes/ fever
Wound closure
~primary closure
~secondary closure
~tertiary closure
What is a primary closure? (3)
~When a physician closes a wound
~Staples, stitches, skin flap/ grafts, glue
~Dehiscence- breaks open/ can pop open (too much movement, infection); need to heal secondary then (Happened a lot with total knees, amputations, etc)
What is a secondary closure?
~mother nature/ when your body heals you on its own
~most happens this way
What is a tertiary closure?
~you body heals it on its own for a while and then a physician closed it up
~can’t close up after too long bc of infection
~happens with burns- grafts