Exam 2- Neuro Exam Flashcards
In your Neuro Exam, you want to figure out..
~nature/ cause
~extent of severity (Will I get this person better/ can I get this person better)
~benefit of therapy (Will normally take longer to find out if the pt will benefit from therapy)
Organic causes
~Is there a structural reason
~Swelling, scarring, space (after), bleeding, clots, etc
Inorganic causes
~We do not have a structure, but have a functional loss
~Mental disorders
~Munchausen’s (by Proxy) you want to make yourself ill; you cannot trick yourself into showing that you are doing it (our parents are doing it)
~PTSD- nothing is organically wrong, but their body cannot deal with what is going on with them (start treating them and they get better
~Malingering s/s to test to see if they are faking
~NOT phatom limb because there is still part of the nerve here
Localized causes
~myopathy ~neuropathy ~plexopathy ~radiculopathy ~myelopathy ~encephalopathy
peripheral nerve
nerve plexus
nerve root
spinal cord
diffused causes
~No specialized terms for these
~Ex: GBS, MS, AIDS, cancer
etiology (10)
~Congenial/ hereditary (Huntington) ~Chromosomal/ Genetic (Downs) ~Traumatic/ Post traumatic ~Infections/ Post-infection ~Idiopathic ~Environmental ~Vascular (stroke) ~Autoimmune ~Neoplastic (cancerous) ~Toxic metabolic
what does CC stand for?
chief complaint
What does HPI stand for?
history of present illness
What does PMH stand for?
past medical history
What does PHI stand for?
pertinent health info
What does FH stand for?
family history
What does SH stand for?
social history
What does OH stand for?
occupational history
What does ROS stand for?
review of system
details on CC
~What their complaint is (I cant walk, etc), will not be the stroke, it will be the most annoying problem/ what problem that they want to solve first
~We have to let them tell us what is bothering us; let them tell us how the pain is (don’t give them adjectives)
~Will help to make goals
details on “how do they feel about it?”
~How does that affect your life?
~If you are now in a wheel chair, were you in one before or were you running?
~Will like to tell you what other clinicians have diagnosed them with; you don’t want get the wrong idea (don’t get a biased before)
~Do not use adjectives when evaluating a neuro patient
~if they don’t come up with something, do not prompt them! Ask them to pay attention to their complaint over the next few days/hrs, etc so they can describe it to us next time.
~Ask how they feel about the problem/limitation
details on HPI
~Get a chronically history of the present illness
~If you are in the hospital, you should be able to look in the chart
~Onset- sudden, etc; constant, gradual,
~Agg/ease factors
details on PMH
~Neuro can be huge; ortho can be short
~Need to look at what is important
~Venous wound- CHF important
~Brain injury- concussions in the past could be important information; ankle sprain not as important
~Birth conditions- can decrease the chance of getting back to function
~Surgeries before the stroke, etc