exam 3 ch.10 Flashcards
Anorexia Nervosa
eating disorder characterized by extreme weight loss, distorted body image, and morbid fear of obesity
symptoms: hair loss, fatigue, low metabolic rate, muscle tears
treatment: hospitalization is weight is below 75%, nutrition therapy to stop weight loss and restore food habits, psychological therapy
physical effects: low body weight, low body temperature, slower metabolic rate, decreased heart rate, iron deficieny
Bulimia Nervosa
eating disorder in which one binge eats then attempts to purge (vomiting, laxatives, etc.) regular weight
symptoms: swollen salivary glands, irritation of esophagus, stomach ulcers
treatments: nutrition therapy (regular eating habits), psychological therapy
physical effects: demineralization of teeth, low potassium levels, swelling of salivary glands
binge eating
eating large amounts of food even when not hungry
treatments: similar nutrition therapy as bulimia nervosa