exam 3 ch 18 Flashcards
Plant resins can harden into amber, preserving insects and other biological material
amber and freezing:
extremely dry environments that cause the drying out of organisms
Desiccating environments:
Ground that remains frozen for many years
Structures are buried in sediments and dissolved minerals either replace the
original mineral content, or precipitate in and around it
permineralization and replacement:
Remains decay after being buried in sediment; Molds consist of unfilled spaces & casts form when new material infiltrates the space, fills it, and hardens into rock.
Natural molds and casts:
Record behavior instead of direct anatomical form
trace fossils:
(taphos = burial) The study of the fossilization process
Factors that contribute to the difference between what was once alive and its representation in
the fossil record
Taphonomic bias:
First confirmed life forms, the prokaryotes (no nucleus), evolve.
-Cyanobacteria (Stromatolites) create enough oxygen to accumulate in the atmosphere
Archean Eon 4.0Ga-2.5Ga:
Period in which the Earth & moon were hit more frequently by a higher
number of large asteroids
4.1 to 3.8 billion years Late-Heavy Bombardment:
The pull of the moon slows the Earth’s rotation
tidal Braking:
Water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, but no free oxygen.
-Sun ~92% of current brightness
Eoarchean atmosphere:
-The atmosphere & likely surface, had more intense ultraviolet radiation as ozone could not form
from an anoxic atmosphere
Eoarchean atmosphere:
may have been the primary fuel production method in Eoarchean
Anoxygenic photosynthesis
Photosynthesis that uses hydrogen sulfide as a reductant (instead
of water) to make sugars and gives elemental sulfur off as waste (instead of oxygen)
3.77 Ga Anoxygenic photosynthesis:
First major continent, composed of cratons from Southern Africa and
3.6 Ga Vaalbara Supercontinent: