exam 3 ch 17 slide 1-63 Flashcards
Based on Stratigraphy and fossil records & divides the 4.5 billion year history of
life according to major events
Geologic Time Scale
Billion years ago
Ga (Giga annum)
Million years ago
Ma (Mega annum)
Geologic Time Scale:
It is subdivided into:
4 Eons
Longest time division
4 Eons
2nd longest time division
Divisions of eras
Smallest geologic time division we will
look at
~4.5Ga to 538Ma, in which cells, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and
multicellular life formed
Precambrian Supereon
Deals with the natural laws of the Universe that keep it in order; as well as the origin, evolution, structure, and fate of the Universe.
universe age determined by
- The rate of expansion of space.
- Cosmic Microwave Background from the big bang.
- Measurements of radioactive decay
A measure of the current expansion rate of the universe determined by
comparing distance values to the velocity of the galaxies
The Hubble constant:
- the rate of expansion
The Hubble constant:
Epoch during which electrons and protons first bond to form hydrogen atoms
- Cosmic Microwave Background from the big bang
-Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB
Cooled remnant of the first light that could ever travel
freely throughout the Universe emitted ~380,000 years after the universe formed.
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB
To cool (decrease in density) to 2.7K at the measured expansion rate of
the universe it would take: ____________________ of spreading out = the age of the Universe
~13.8 billion years
what is the longest ever redshift observed
~13.8 billion years
all Elements heavier than iron are only made naturally in_________
meaning that stars with these elements had to have come from even older stars that exploded
supernovas (exploding stars)
- measurements of super active decay
After about 100 million years?
the stars
After ~290 million years
(13.5 Ga to today) 200 Billion – 1 Trillion Galaxies form that make up the cosmic web we call?
Milky Way Galaxy has _____________stars
100-400 BILLION
the milky way galaxy is how many miles across?
600 quintillion
Gravity formed the Earth from the leftover material orbiting the sun & LIFE likely evolved
Hadean Eon 4.5Ga-4.0Ga:
4.45 Ga. A Mars sized body collided with the Earth, ejecting lighter materials
into space, creating the moon and increasing the density of the Earth
Collision with Theia
how long did it take for earth to cool down
5 million years
the early Hadean atmosphere began with hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonium, and small percentages of water
vapor, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.
Early Atmospheric Composition
hydrogen helium methane and ammonia
early atmospheric composition
Volcanic activity around 4.3-4.2 Ga releases SO2 and
dramatically increased the amount of Water vapor and CO2 and increasing atmospheric pressure
Mid-Late Atmospheric Composition:
Methane, ammonia, and increasing percentages of water vapor, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide
Mid-Late Atmospheric Composition:
contain trace amounts of uranium and thorium and can be used for radiometric dating
Zircon Crystals:
Oldest Zircon Crystals from rocks in?
Jack Hills Australia
__________________ near Hudson Bay are some of the oldest Hadean rocks on Earth. -Indicate an early form of plate tectonics
4.3 Ga Metamorphic rocks
Isotopic fractionation process that separates stable isotopes from each other by their mass during unidirectional processes
Kinetic fractionation:
Potentially ___________ preserved in a 4.1-billion-year-old zircon crystal
biogenic carbon
Possible fossilized microorganisms from seafloor-hydrothermal vent-related precipitates
Ammonia + Methane + water + CO2 + SO2 + Hydrogen Cyanide in
atmosphere & rock
Hadean Chemistry:
The transition from nonliving elements, to organic components, and then life itself.
Chemical Evolution:
In 1952 they added gases together in Hadean proportions, added
electricity to simulate lightning and generated amino acids; the monomers of proteins
The Miller-Urey Experiment
In 1966, used water ice to concentrate hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to
form Adenine
The Orgel Experiment:
In 2009 Chemists mixed early chemical residues and cycles of adding water, heat
Sutherland Experiment:
Inorganic synthesis of RNA
Prebiotic RNA:
RNA World Hypothesis: RNA was the first molecule of life.
- RNA can store information.
- RNA can catalyze reactions.
- RNA can generate identical copies of itself (heredity).