Exam 3 Flashcards
Act or process of sucking up or in
3 elements needed for fire
Oxygen, fuel, heat
Requiring oxygen to live and grow
Amino acid
Basic component of proteins
Not requiring oxygen to live and grow
Enzymes or organic molecules, help protect body from harmful chemicals (free radicals)
Aseptic control that inhibits, retards growth of, or kills pathogenic organisms
Being free from infection
Body mechanics
The way the body moves and maintains balance
Chain infection
Factors that lead to the transmission or spread of disease
Fatlike substance synthesized in the liver and found in body cells and animal fats
Free from organisms causing disease
Containing infection or infectious organisms
Physical and chemical breakdown of food in preparation for absorption
Aseptic-control method that destroys pathogens but does not kill
Study of the cause of disease
Infection or disease originating within the body
Applied science used to promote safety and well-being of people by the environment and preventing injuries
Infection or disease originating outside of the body
Fat-restricted diet
Diet with limited fats
Group of plantlike animals living on dead organic matter
Virus spread by contact with rodents or their excretions
High-protein diet
Diet containing large amounts of protein-rich foods
Without recognizable cause; self-originating
Low-cholesterol diet
Diet restricting foods high in saturated fat
Low-protein diet
Diet limits food high in protein
Low-residue diet
Limits foods containing large amounts of residue (indigestibles)
Use of food nutrients by the body to produce energy
Originating in a health care facility such as a hospital
All body processes related to food; body’s use of food for growth, development, and health
Acting and taking advantage of opportunities
Occupational safety and health administration
Bones become brittle and break easily
- pull the pin
- aim the nozzle
- squeeze the handle
- sweep
Disease-producing organisms
one celled organisms often found in decayed materials and contaminated water
- rescue anyone in immediate danger
- activate the alarm
- confine the fire
- extinguish the fire
Microorganisms that live on other organisms
Process that results in total destruction of microorganisms
One of a large group of small microorganisms that cause disease
Hairlike projections
Autoclave is good for how long
30 days
Chemical disinfection
chemicals that kill everything besides spores and viruses, not a method of sterilization
Lipids in body
called triglycerides, or the fats and fatty acids found in the body
Importance of water
regulates body functions, essential for digestion of food, helps body tissues absorb nutrients, moves waste material through the body, makes up most of blood plasma and cytoplasm of cells
Powerful medicines used to prevent bacterial infections
Basal metabolic rate
(BMR) rate at which the body uses energy just for maintaining its own tissue without doing voluntary work
Mechanical digestion
Food is broken down by teeth and moved through digestive system by peristalsis, which is a rhythmic, wavelike motion of the muscles
Chemical digestion
Food is mixed with digestive juices secreted by the mouth, stomach, small intestine, and pancreas. Juices contains enzymes which break down food chemically so nutrients are absorbed
Sources of protein
Complete protein: meats, fish, milk, cheese, eggs
Incomplete protein: cereals, soybeans, dry beans, peas, corn, nuts
Risk factors associated with obesity
Heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke
Risk factors of nosocomial infections
Cause serious or life-threatening infections like staphylococcus, pseudomonas, and enterococci, spread to other patients and workers
Role of nutrition
Includes all body processes relating to food-digestion, absorption, metabolism, circulation, elimination. These allow the body to use food for energy, maintain good health and growth
Portal of exit
Way for the causative agent to escape from the reservoir where it has been growing
Portal of entry
Way for the causative agent to enter a new reservoir or host, like breaks in the skin, digestive tract, or respiratory tract
Area where the causative agent can live; common reservoirs are humans, animals, environment, fomites
Mode of transmission
Way the causative agent can be transmitted to another reservoir or host: direct or indirect contact, air or droplet, vectors, vehicle
Best reservoirs
Blood and skin
Prison likely to get infection or disease because body defenses are weak
Infectious or causative agent
A pathogen, such as bacteria or a virus than can cause a disease