Exam 2- Lecture 5 Flashcards
Are brief (only seconds or minutes) -> moods last hours, even days
Are specific
-> responses to specific events or experiences
Are functional (motivate behavior)
- fear -> escape
- guilt -> make amends
- anger -> retribution
- physiological component makes action possible
Top five- love, anger, hate, depression, fear
Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory
Positive emotions set you up to thrive
- open you up to opportunities (build resources, etc.)
- broaden thinking (creative)
William James
Theory of where emotions come from
Specific physiological reaction -> specific emotion
Problem: not true, many look similar
Schachter & Singer
Two-factor theory
Unexplained physiological arousal -> cognitive explanation
Suspension bridge study
- higher bridge, more likely to call
- > mistaken for love/attraction
Lazarus- Appraisal processes
We evaluate events and objects based on their goal relevance
Primary appraisal:
- quick and unconscious
- relevant?
- pleasant or unpleasant?
Second appraisal:
- specific and deliberate
- evaluate the situation
- determine a specific emotional response
Are emotions universal?
Darwin- YES
- similarity to emotional expressions in other animals
More recent findings:
- 80-90% agreement on facial expressions, even in a remote tribal group
Tracy’s pride studies
- posture of pride recognized across cultures, expressed by the blind, similar to animals
some cultural variation in expression
How emotions affect social relationships
Empathetic emotions
Emotional mimicry increases closeness and liking
Emotions can signal power of lack of it in a group
Self-presentational emotions (embarrassment, shame)
higher- anger
lower- embarrassment (serve as a cue to others), shame (similar)
Empathetic emotions
by watching someone else experience X, helpful for emotional relationships
Disappointment, embarrassment, etc.
How emotions affect social cognition
Influence how we process info and make judgements
Feelings-as-information (Schwartz & Clore)
-> determine what is going on by looking at own feelings
Positive emotions -> “top (overall/general) down”
Negative emotions -> “bottom (details) up”
Feelings-as-information (Schwartz & Clore)
Determine what is going on by looking to own feelings
- use feelings as info to the state of things
Moral judgement
Haidt “gut feelings” as guide for moral judgements
Sibling scenario
-> disgust, know it is wrong, but cannot justify
Moral judgement and political views
disgust sensitivity- people who are more easily disgusted tend to be more politically conservative
Affective forecasting
We overestimate how positive and negative we will feel (amount and duration) in response to good and bad events
Tenure study, break up study
Because of:
Immune neglect (forget we have it)
Tenure study, break up study
Affective forecasting
Tenure- not given; bounce back within few months to year
Break up
- single; feel like it would be amazing-> not really
- relationship; feel would be devastated-> not really
Focus on the specific event, not about all the other factors that will actually come into play during the event
Immune neglect
Psychological immune system
Ex. Not take blame for bad events, reconstruct events to help feel good about self, coping resources
We often forget that we have it/ that it is there