Exam 10: General Anesthetics Flashcards
purpose of atropine pre-op
Prevent bradyarrhythmias that can be caused by general anesthesia
Fast acting IV agent used to induce anesthesia
Inhaled anesthetics used to maintain anesthesia after propofol
N2O plus another inhaled general anesthetic (-flurane)
emergence excitement
5-30% of patients experience restlessness, crying, moaning, thrashing when they come out of anesthesia
Drug that can be used to combat shivering due to hypothermia post-up
What property of inhaled anesthetics greatly affects how fast they work?
Water (blood) solubility
High solubility = slow induction
Low solubility = fast induction
Measurement of water solubility
Blood/gas partition coefficient
(concentration in blood)/(concentration in lung) when gas is in equilibrium
how quickly does N2O work? Why?
poorly soluble in blood (low blood/gas partition coefficient
How do we measure potency of inhaled general anesthetics?
Minimum Alveolar Concentration
Inhaled concentration for 50% of patients to not respond to pinprick pain
How does MAC relate to lipid solubility?
More lipid soluble = more potent
Less lipid soluble = less potent
What’s weird regarding lipid/water solubility of anesthetics?
Poorly water-soluble agents aren’t necessarily highly lipid soluble
Ex. N2O has low lipid and water solubility (fast induction, but low potency)
What’s a really good way to find out how conscious a sleeping patient is?
Bispectral Index
real time computer analysis of patient EEG
Give you a 0-100 scale from deep coma to awake
N2O side effects (3)
- air pockets (middle ear)
- Blood pressure change
- Depresses ventillary response to hypoxia
What is one side effect that N2O does NOT have compared to the other inhaled GAs/
Malignant hyperthermia
Inhaled anesthetic still used in 3rd world. Side effects?
Diethyl ether
Cheap, effective but irritates airway and is flammable
Problem with cyclopropane
Spontaneous combustion
Side effect of halothane
decreased BP at 1 MAC Vasodilation Decreased cardiac output bradycardia Decreased GFR Decreased ventilation rate Halothane hepatitis
Pharmacokinetics of halothane
Blood:Gas partition = 2.3
Slowest induction, recovery
Rare, 50% fatal side effect of halothane
Halothane Hepatitis
Enflurane odor
Halothane metabolism
Enflurane side effects
Produces electrical seizure activity, though no
evidence, contraindicated for epileptics
Isoflurane odor
Where is isoflurane excreted?
99% unchanged excreted from lungs
Preferred inhaled GA for neurosurgery? Why?
Modest vasodilation in cerebral vasculature, but metabolic rate of brain is decreased