Exam 1 Part 7 Flashcards
How is the fundamental frequency and harmonic series?
The fundamental frequency is the first harmonic (F0=H1)
How do you find different harmonics in a series?
___nth Harmonic = H1 x n
True or false: “In terms of the source-filter theory of speech production, the source of phonation in the vocal apparatus is the vocal folds. “
True or false: “The greater harmonic spacing in the spectrum corresponds to a lower F0, while the less the space between harmonics correspond to a higher F0.”
F0 average for men
F0 average for women
F0 average for children
What is the process called for the bringing together of the vocal folds?
True or false: “Phonation of the sound source is only ever possible during voiced speech sounds (e.g., voiced consonants and vowels).”
What two aerodynamic forces cause vocal folds to be set into vibration?
Subglottal pressure below vocal folds, negative pressure between folds
True or false: Higher harmonics in the harmonic series have greater intensity that those with lower frequencies.
False; lower intensity
This is the effect that results in the vocal folds being drawn back together during the process of phonation.
True or false: The glottis in the larynx refers to the physical vocal folds used for phonation.
False; true vocal folds
“According to aerodynamic theory of phonation, how is frequency of vocal fold vibration primarily determined?”
Length, tension, mass of vocal folds
Vowels have high ___ in a spectrogram