Exam 1: Lecture 9: Head and Neck Myology Flashcards
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Malar m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Orbicularis oculi m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Levator nasolabialis m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Levator of the superior lip m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Apical dilator of the nostril m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Canine m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
Canine m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Orbicularis oris m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Buccinator m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Buccinator m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Cutaneous muscle of the face
What is this muscle? (Hint: most superficial muscle of the face)
-Cutaneous muscle of the face
What muscle is this? Seen by reflecting the cutaneous muscle of the face
-Masseter m.
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Canine m.
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Levator of the superior lip m. (very thick tendon going medially to the nostrils)
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Zyogmatic m.
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Malar m. (very thin muscle)
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Levator nasolabialis m.
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Depressor of lower lip m.
What muscle is indicated by the black line?
-Levator of superior lip m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Levator nasolabialis m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Caninus m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Levator nasolabialis m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Zygomaticus m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Depressor labii inferioris m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Cutaneous muscle of the face
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Parotidauricularis m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Levator nasolabialis m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Levator of the superior lip m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Canine m.
What muscles come together to form this tendon?
-Both sides of Levator of superior lip mm.
What muscle allows this response?
-Levator of superior lip mm.
What muscle is highlighted in black?
-Temporal m.
What muscle is highlighted in blue?
-Lateral pterygoid m.
What muscle is highlighted in green?
-Digastricus m.
What muscle is highlighted in red?
-Medial pterygoid m.
What is the only muscle that aids in opening the jaw?
-Digastricus m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Deep masseter m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
-Superficial masseter m.
What muscle is this?
-Masseter m.
What are the muscles of mastication?
-Pterygoid medial & lateral
-Digastricus (all 3 bellies)
-Masseter (both superficial & deep)
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Temporal m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
-Masseter m. deep