Exam 1: Lecture 4: Equine Pelvic Limb 2 Flashcards
What do the gluteal muscles do in equines?
-Large gluteal muscles
-Collectively act to extend, abduct, & medially rotate the limb at the coxal joint
The caudal thigh (hamstring) muscles in equines have ____ heads
What do the caudal thigh (hamstring) muscles in equines do?
-Collectively act in extension of coxal joint & flexion of stifle when non-weight bearing
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Middle gluteal m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Superficial gluteal m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Biceps femoris m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Semitendinosus m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Semimembranosus m.
What is the origin of the superficial gluteal m.?
Tuber coxae & gluteal fascia
What is the insertion of the superficial gluteal m.?
Third trochanter
What is the origin of the middle gluteal m.?
-Gluteal surface of ilium, tuber coxae, sacrosciatic ligament
What is the insertion of the middle gluteal m.?
-Greater trochanter (caudal part); proximal femur between greater & third trochanters
How many parts does the middle gluteal muscle have?
2 parts
What is located in the middle gluteal muscle?
trochanteric bursa where tendon of insertion passes over cranial part of greater trochanter
What is the origin of the deep gluteal m.?
Body of ilium, ischiatic spine
What is the insertion of the deep gluteal m.?
Greater trochanter (cranial part)
What muscles make up the caudal thigh (“Hamstring”) muscles?
-Biceps femoris m.
-Semitendinosus m.
-Semimembranosus m.
All the caudal thigh muscles take partial origin from _____, but have additional (more proximal) _____
Tuber ischii (pelvic origin), vertebral origins
What is number 1?
Biceps femoris m.
What is number 2?
Semitendinosus m.
What is number 3?
Semimembranosus m.
How many parts does biceps femoris m. have in equines?
3 parts
Where does biceps femoris m. insert?
-Patella & lateral patellar lig. (1)
-Cranial border of tibia (lateral aspect) (2)
-Crural fascia & tuber calcanei via common calcanean tendon (3)
Where does semitendinosus m. insert?
-On cranial border of tibia (medial aspect) & tuber calcanei via common calcanean tendon
Where does semimembranosus m. insert?
-On medial epicondyle of femur & medial collateral ligament of stifle
What is A?
Gluteal mm.
What is B?
Biceps femoris m. (3 parts)
What is C?
Semitendinosus m.
Biceps femoris m. & semitendinosus m. are innervated by
Caudal gluteal n.
Biceps femoris m., semitendinosus m., and semimembranosus m. are innervated by
Sciatic n.
Tensor fasciae latae m., deep gluteal m., middle gluteal m. & superficial gluteal m. are innervated by
Cranial gluteal n.
Middle gluteal m., superficial gluteal m., Biceps femoris m., and semitendinosus m. are innervated by
Caudal gluteal n.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Semitendinosus m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Biceps femoris m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Superficial gluteal m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Middle gluteal m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue star?
Tensor fasciae latae m.
What muscle is indicated by the purple arrows?
Sartorius m.
What muscle is indicated by the yellow arrows?
Gracilis m.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrows?
Adductor m.
What muscle is indicated by the green arrow?
Pectineus m.
What is the origin of Sartorius m.?
Psoas fascia & tendon
What is the insertion of Sartorius m.?
Medial aspect of stifle
What is the origin of Gracilis m.?
Pelvic symphysis via symphyseal tendon
What is the insertion of Gracilis m.?
Medial aspect of stifle, cranial border of the tibia
What is the origin of Adductor m.?
Ventral surface of pubis & ischiium, symphyseal tendon
What is the insertion of Adductor m.?
Caudal aspect of & medial epicondyle of femur
What is the origin of Pectineus m.?
Margin of pubic (pecten)
What is the insertion of Pectineus m.?
Medial surface of femur
What nerve is Gracilis, Adductor, and Pectineus innervated by?
Obturator nerve
What nerve is sartorius m. innervated by?
Saphenous n. (branch of femoral n.)
The ____ m. forms the caudal border of the femoral triangle and the ____ m. forms the cranial border
Pectineus m. (caudal border), Sartorius m. (cranial border)
The femoral n. emerges from the ____ m.
Iliopsoas m.
The obturator n. passes through the
Obturator foramen
What muscles are the lateral rotators of the hip?
-External obturator m.
-Internal obturator m.
-Gemelli m.
-Quadratus femoris m.
Where do the lateral rotators of the hip insert?
In the trochanteric fossa & trochanteric crest of the femus