Ex-Core Monitoring System Flashcards
Which of the following describes the operational bypass associated with the Core Protection Calculator trips? These trips are automatically…
A. bypassed when power drops to 1E-4%.
B. bypassed when power drops to 1E-2%.
C. placed in service when power increases to 1E-4%.
D. placed in service when power increases to 1E-2%.
Answer: C
A reactor startup is in progress. A .4 DPM SUR is indicated on B04. The HIGH LOG power trip bypass permissive is just been received. Which one of the following indications is normal for the conditions given?
A. Startup channels indicate 1900 CPS and increasing.
B. Control channels are on scale and increasing.
C. Linear safety channel “B” on scale and increasing.
D. Log safety channel indicating approximately 1 x 10-4% power and increasing.
Answer: D
During power ascension, the CPCs shift from a value based on a fixed power distribution (canned) to an actual value of ASI when…
A. any of the CPC’s three excore NI detectors reaches 17%.
B. the sum of the CPC’s three excore NI detectors reaches 51%.
C. the sum of the CPC’s three excore NI detectors reaches 17%.
D. any of the CPC’s three excore NI detectors reaches 51%.
Answer: B
What B05 indications would be observed if the middle detector on safety channel failed low while at 100% power?
A. Log channel indication would go to 0.
B. Linear channel indication would decrease by 1/2.
C. Linear channel indication would go to 0.
D. Log channel indication would decrease by 1/3.
Answer: A
How does COLSS interface with RPS?
A. Incore detectors are used to calibrate NI’s.
B. JSCALOR is used to calibrate safety channel NI’s.
C. RCS flow from COLSS feeds the DNBR trip.
D. Incore detectors are monitored for the DNBR trips.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is at Rated Thermal Power The lower safety channel detector for the “C” channel fails to zero output Channel “C” linear power will….
A. remain the same and log power will remain the same.
B. decrease and log power will decrease.
C. remain the same and log power will decrease.
D. decrease and log power will remain the same.
Answer: D
What detectors are used for the control channels in the nuclear instrumentation excore system?\
A. Internal powered Rhodium detectors.
B. U-235 fission chambers.
C. BF3 proportional counters.
D. Boron 10 lined ion chambers.
Answer: D
The inner surfaces of a fission chamber are lined with, which allows neutron detection.
A. Uranium enriched with Uranium-235.
B. Uranium enriched with Boron-10.
C. Plutonium enriched with Plutonium-239.
D. Plutonium enriched with Boron-10.
Answer: A