Aux Feed Flashcards
A sustained LOAF is in progress. Both SGs are dry. RCS temperature is rising. A feedwater source has been restored and is available. Which one of the following describes how the SG(s) should be fed under these conditions?
A. Feed only ONE at 500 maximum gpm.
B. Feed only ONE at 1000 gpm maximum.
C. Feed BOTH at 500 gpm maximum each.
D. Feed BOTH at 1000 gpm maximum each.
Answer: B
Which one of the following describes the operation of AFN-P01 following a loss of PKA-D21 in which PKA-D21 can NOT be re-energized? Control power must be shifted to the ‘A’ battery…
A. output to restore remote operation of both the breaker and suction valves.
B. output to restore remote operation of the breaker.
C. charger output to restore remote operation of the AFN-P01 breaker.
D. charger output to restore remote operation of both the breaker and suction valves.
Answer: C
Unit 1 is exiting an outage with the plant at 345°F Tcold. During the outage, AFA-P01 was torn down for maintenance. A new governor assembly was installed due to older one having excessive tolerances. AFA-P01 is aligned and ready. All maintenance activities have been completed, as have all applicable Surveillance Requirements, with the exception of SRs,, and AFA-P01 is considered…
A. operable, however SR 3.0.4 will prevent the mode change until these surveillance requirements are complete.
B. operable, SR 3.0.1 allows the unit to complete required surveillances when plant conditions can support.
C. inoperable, however the mode change can be completed and the required surveillances must be completed within 24 hours.
D. inoperable, however the mode change can be completed and the required surveillances must be completed within 72 hours.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. AFB-P01 has been out of service for 4 hours. NBN-X03 trips on sudden pressure. Diesel Generator A fails to start. All other equipment is operable. Based on these conditions, the operating crew is expected to:
A. restore at least one AFW train to operable status within 1 hour or be in at least Mode 3 within the next 6 hours.
B. immediately initiate action to restore at least one AFW train to operable status.
C. restore either AFA-P01 or AFB-P01 to operable status within 1 hour or be in at least Mode 3 within the next 6 hours.
D. immediately initiate action to restore at least one AFW train to operable status or be in at least Mode 3 within the next 6 hours.
Answer: B
Unit at 100% power. A loss of PKA-M41 occurs Which one of the following describes the status of the Auxiliary Feedwater System?
A. Downcomer isolation valves fail and must be locally operated before AFA-P01 can be used.
B. AFA-P01 governor control power is lost and AFN-P01 has lost normal control power.
C. The Train “A” main steam supply valves fail open to ensure AFA-P01 is available for local operation.
D. The train “A” main steam supply valves fail as is but if AFA-P01 is already running it would be immediately available.
Answer: B
The Unit is exiting a refueling outage, with the plant at 345°F Tcold. During the outage, AFA-P01 was torn down for maintenance. A new governor assembly was installed, due to older one having excessive tolerances. AFA-P01 is aligned and ready. All maintenance activities have been completed, as have all applicable Surveillance Requirements, with the exception of SRs,, and, due to the fact that testing can only be accomplished once temperature reaches 532°F. AFA-P01 is considered operable because:
A. SR 3.0.4 allows this condition until steam pressure is >800 psi.
B. SR 3.0.4 allows this condition.
C. SR 3.0.1 allows this condition until steam pressure is >500 psi.
D. SR 3.0.1 allows this condition.
Answer: D
A steam generator should be “bottled up” if it is expected to take longer than _________ minutes to recover feedwater.
A. 30
B. 15
C. 45
D. 60
Answer: B
Unit experiences a transient which causes a Rx trip. AFA-P01 is out of service for scheduled maintenance. A loss of the switchyard occurs following the RX trip. Emergency Diesel Generator A trips due to high generator differential. AFB-P01 trips when started. All other systems are operating as designed. WHICH ONE of the following correctly identifies the correct procedure for plant stabilization?
A. 40EP-9EO06, LOAF.
B. 40EP-9EO08, BO.
C. 40EP-9EO09, FRP.
Answer: C
Action statements for 3.7.5 states that with “one train of AFW inoperable, restore the AFW train to a OPERABLE status within 72 hours AND 10 days from the discovery of the failure to meet the LCO”. Given the following conditions:
Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
AFA-P01 becomes inoperable at 1200 on 11-10.
AFB-P01 becomes inoperable at 1200 on 11-12.
AFA-P01 becomes operable at 1230 on 11-12.
Which of the following identifies the time and date for restoration of AFB-P01 before further action is required?
A. 1200 on 11-15.
B. 1200 on 11-13.
C. 1200 on 11-14.
D. 1200 on 11-20.
Answer: C
Unit 1 operating in Mode 3, 565°F TC, and 2250 psia Preparations are in progress for a reactor startup AFN-P01 is in service feeding both SGs Steam Generator levels are in the normal operating range An inadvertant SIAS on both Trains ‘A’ and ‘B’ occurred due to a system malfunction With no operator action, which ONE of the following describes the immediate response of the auxiliary feedwater system to this event?
A. AFB running and supplying feed to both SGs.
B. AFB running and not feeding either SG.
C. AFN running and not feeding either SG.
D. AFN running and supplying feed to both SGs.
Answer: B
The alternate feed for control power for AFN-P01 is ?
A. PKC-H13, ‘C’ Battery Charger.
B. PKA-H11, ‘A’ Battery Charger.
C. PKC-M43, ‘C’ DC Bus.
D. PNA-D25, ‘A’ Instrument Bus.
Answer: B
A reactor trip has occurred due to loss of all feed. S/G #1 level is 17% WR and lowering rapidly. S/G #1 pressure is 780 psia and lowering rapidly. S/G #2 level is 23% WR and lowering slowly. S/G #2 pressure is 1050 psia and stable. Based on these conditions, and assuming no operator action, AFA-P01 is…
A. operating and aligned to receive steam from Steam Generator #1 ONLY.
B. still in standby.
C. operating and aligned to receive steam from BOTH Steam Generators.
D. operating and aligned to receive steam from Steam Generator #2 ONLY.
Answer: C
The Unit has been at rated power for 6 months. The crew discovers that 40ST-9AF07, AFA-P01 Monthly Valve Alignment, was not performed this month. This ST satisfies SR AFN-P01 and AFB-P01 are operable. In accordance with SR 3.0.3 AND assuming a risk evaluation is performed, the crew should…
A. perform the required ST within 31 days.
B. perform the required ST within 24 hours.
C. perform the required ST within 7 days.
D. declare AFA inoperable and perform the required ST.
Answer: A
Your crew is operating AFA-P01 locally to feed the Steam Generators post Reactor Trip. Assume: SGs pressure and level in normal post trip bands. The AO locally admits steam to the turbine of AFA-P01(per procedure), which one of the following initially results from this action? Pump speed…
A. rises and discharge pressure lowers.
B. lowers and discharge pressure rises.
C. and discharge pressure rise.
D. lowers and discharge pressure lowers.
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following identifies the start sequence for the Steam-Driven Essential Auxiliary Feedwater Pump? The main steam supply:
A. BYPASS valves open first, then thirty (30) seconds later the main steam supply valves open and speed ramps up when the main valves are full open.
B. valves start opening immediately and turbine speed ramps up as the valves open.
C. valves and BYPASS valves open together. The main steam supply BYPASS valves throttle closed to regulate the speed ramp of the turbine.
D. valves immediately start opening when the sequencer sends an “OPEN” signal and the turbine speed ramps up to control flow, when the valves are full open.
Answer: A