CVCS Flashcards
VCT level is 45% RWT to charging pump suction valve (CHN-UV-536) is open VCT outlet valve (CHN-UV-501) is closed Which of the following describes the interlock between CHN-UV-536 and CHN-UV-501?
A. UV-501 will automatically open following a manual closure of UV-536.
B. UV-536 auto opens on a loss of power to UV-501.
C. UV-536 will auto open whenever UV-501 is closed.
D. UV-536 will auto open whenever UV-501 is opened.
Answer: A
Which one of the following describes the sequence of events that will occur when a low level of 5% occurs in the volume control tank?
A. Charging pump suction will come from a boric acid makeup pump that will automatically start.
B. Letdown is automatically diverted from the volume control tank to the pre-holdup ion exchanger.
C. Charging pump suction will come from a reactor makeup water pump that will automatically start.
D. Holdup pumps will secure if the holdup pump to the reactor drain filter valve, CHN-V686, is open.
Answer: A
A reactor trip has occurred from 100% power. Plant conditions require IMMEDIATE boration. RCS pressure is 2230 psia. RWT level is 65%. Which one (1) of the following methods is available for immediate boration given the above conditions? Gravity feed through…
A. CH-V327 to charging pumps.
B. CH-HV-536 to charging pumps.
C. CH-V164 via CH-UV-514 to charging pumps.
D. HPSI pumps and high pressure injection valves.
Answer: A
Plant conditions require IMMEDIATE boration. RCS pressure is 2230 psia. RWT level is 65%. WHICH ONE (1) of the following methods is available for immediate boration given the above conditions? Align Charging pump…
A. suction to the RWT through CHN-UV-514, ensuring the Boric Acid Makeup filter is bypassed.
B. suction to the RWT through CHE-UV-536.
C. suction to the RWT through CHN-UV-514, ensuring a BAMP pump is operating.
D. alternate suction through CHB-V327.
Answer: D
Unit 1 is at 100% power. An RCS leak to the NC system is in progress. Which of the following would be indicative of an RCS leak into the letdown heat exchanger?
A. backpressure control valve closing.
B. backpressure control valve opening.
C. indicated letdown flow increasing.
D. NC flow from the heat exchanger decreases.
Answer: A
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. Seal Injection is isolated to the RCPs due to a leak in the Aux building. Which of the following describes the effect (if any) that this has on the RCP temperatures.
A. HP Seal Cooler inlet temperature will rise to between 200°F and 220°F, all other seal temperatures should increase by about 70°F.
B. Isolating Seal Injection should have NO impact on the seal temperatures.
C. HP Seal Cooler inlet temperature will rise to between 200°F and 220°F while all other seal temperatures remain normal.
D. HP Seal Cooler inlet temperature should remain relatively constant, while all other seal temperatures should increase by about 70°F.
Answer: C
Which one of the following will cause an auto open of the RWT to Charging Pump Suction Valve CHE-UV-536?
A. a low-low (5%) VCT level.
B. a low-low (5%) VCT level and a loss of power to UV-514.
C. a loss of power to UV-514.
D. UV-501 is taken to close position with UV-514 closed.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. A failure of CHB-UV-515, letdown to regen heat exchanger, caused a loss of letdown. PZR level is 55%. The operating crew has stopped all charging pumps to establish conditions to support extended operations with letdown isolated. A loss of nuclear cooling water occurs. To avoid tripping the reactor and securing all RCPs, the operating crew must restore:
A. both seal injection and NC within 10 minutes.
B. seal injection within 10 minutes.
C. both seal injection and NC within 3 minutes.
D. NC within 3 minutes.
Answer: D
WHICH ONE of the following requires that boration be established per 40AO-9ZZ01, “EMERGENCY BORATION”?
A. Entry into the Lower Mode Functional Recovery Procedure.
B. A plant cooldown has been directed by the CRS.
C. Entry into any Emergency Operating Procedure.
D. Shutdown Margin has been lost.
Answer: D
Plant conditions are such that shutdown margin is less than required. Regarding the use of gravity feed from the Safety Injection System through CH-V327 to the charging pumps, which one of the following statements is correct?
A. When the RWT level reaches 40%, a charging pump low suction trip will occur.
B. In order to use this method, manual valve operations must be performed outside the control room.
C. The RWT level must be above 73% if this flow path is used to ensure charging pump suction.
D. In order to satisfy Technical Specification requirements, the boration flow rate must be 50 gpm.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. The chemical and volume control system is in its normal lineup. Which one of the following would occur if letdown heat exchanger outlet temperature exceeds 135°F?
A. Volume control tank level would increase.
B. Seal injection flow would decrease.
C. Letdown flow would isolate.
D. Charging flow would increase for additional cooling.
Answer: C