CEDMCS Flashcards
During a reactor startup, which of the following describes the required action if criticality is achieved above the PDILs and below the -500 pcm position?
A. Insert regulating groups to their lower group stops.
B. Stabilze power and take critical data.
C. Insert ALL CEAs to their lower group stops.
D. Immediately trip the reactor and commence boration.
Answer: A
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. Subgroup 5 has been transferred to the hold bus. The ‘B’ Main Feed Pump trips. Which of the following describe the plant response?
A. A RPCB will initiate with group four providing sufficient negative reactivity to offset the reduction of feedwater.
B. A normal RPCB will be initiated.
C. The reactor will trip if group 5 is not inserted manually within 40 seconds following the RPCB signal.
D. The reactor will trip immediately.
Answer: D
Unit 1 is operating at rated power A Regulating Group 5 CEA has been determined to be UNTRIPPABLE (STUCK) The Operating Crew is reviewing the Tech Specs associated with this problem While they are performing this, a trip of the ‘B’ MFP occurs Based on this, which ONE of the following describes how the plant will respond?
A. The reactor will trip immediately.
B. A normal RPCB will be completed.
C. The reactor will trip in approximately 30 seconds.
D. A RPCB will occur, however a building penalty factor will eventually (within 10 minutes) lead to a plant trip.
Answer: A
Unit 1 is operating at rated power with ARO. A Regulating Group 3 CEA (non twelve finger) slips to 138 inches withdrawn. A Regulating Group 5 CEA slips to 145 inches withdrawn. The operating crew is required by procedure to …
A. reduce turbine load to maintain Tave and Tref within 5 degrees of each other and reduce reactor power within 10 minutes.
B. trip the reactor and implement the SPTAs.
C. reduce turbine load to maintain Tave and Tref within 3 degrees of each other and reduce reactor power within 20 minutes.
D. reduce turbine load to maintain Tave and Tref within 3 degrees of each other and reduce reactor power within 10 minutes.
Answer: D
In response to a Continuous Gripper High Voltage alarm an operator is transferring a subgroup to the hold bus, what operator action actually removes the continuous high voltage?
A. Closing the individual CEA breakers on the Hold Bus Power Switch Assembly.
B. Operating the hold bus transfer toggle switch.
C. Selecting the appropriate subgroup on the SG/SEL thumbwheel.
D. Opening the individual CEA circuit breakers on the associated subgroup Power Switch Assembly.
Answer: D
Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. A Regulating Group 4 CEA drops to the bottom of the core. Based on these conditions, the operating crew must:
A. begin efforts to restore the CEA in 10 minutes.
B. have the CEA restored within 15 minutes.
C. be less than 80% power within 30 minutes.
D. begin a power reduction within 10 minutes.
Answer: D
Unit 1 is operating at rated power with all rods 150 inches withdrawn. A Regulating Group 3 CEA slips to 135 inches withdrawn. Shortly after this, a Regulating Group 5 CEA drops to the bottom of the core. Based on these conditions, the operating crew must:
A. monitor CPC DNBR and LPD margins to trip and trip the reactor if either one approaches its trip setpoint.
B. monitor CPC ASI and trip the reactor if it approaches +0.5.
C. reduce turbine load to maintain Tavg and Tref within 3°F of each other.
D. immediately trip the reactor.
Answer: D
The function of the Dropped Rod Contact (DRC) is to…
A. stop all rod motion in any CEDMCS mode.
B. reset the individual CEA pulse counter.
C. reset Reactor Power Cutback (RPCB) flag in COLSS.
D. initiate an auto reactor trip if two or more rods drop in the core.
Answer: B
Plant is at 100% power I&C is testing the UV detectors at the CEDMCS control panels The Tech depresses the UV1 test pushbutton, the UV light illuminates Upon release of the test button the UV light remains illuminated The Tech then depresses the UV2 test button Besides sending signal to the SBCS for a Quick Open Block Permissive which of the following occur?
A. The Feedwater Control system will shift to Reactor Trip Override.
B. Nothing else will occur.
C. RTSG Breaker 1 will open but no reactor trip will occur.
D. RTSG Breakers 1 and 4 will open causing a reactor trip.
Answer: A
Plant is at 100% power An I&C technician is testing the UV detectors at the CEDMCS control panels When the UV1 test pushbutton is depressed, the UV light illuminates. Upon release of the test button the UV light remains illuminated. The UV2 test button is then depressed. Besides placing DFWCS in RTO which of the following occur?
A. an ATWS occurs
B. the turbine will trip
C. a reactor trip is inititiated
D. RTCB’s 1 and 3 (only) will open
Answer: B
There are two rows of amber card status LED indicators located on each CEDMCS subgroup logic housing front panel. These indicators will:
A. come on if the corresponding circuit board fails its internal timing test every six seconds
B. go off if the corresponding circuit board is not fully seated in its connector or when an incorrect type of card is installed in the indicated position
C. come on if the corresponding circuit board is not fully seated in its connector or when an incorrect type of card is installed in the indicated position
D. go off if the corresponding circuit board fails its internal timing test every six seconds
Answer: C
There is a row of red timer failure LED indicators located on each CEDMCS subgroup logic housing front panel that…
A. extinguish to indicate a timer card has failed.
B. light to indicate a timer card has failed.
C. light to indicate a timer card has lost its sync with the master timer.
D. extinguish to indicate a timer card has lost its sync with the master timer.
Answer: B
The subgroup assigned to Regulating Group 5 has been transferred to the hold bus. The associated power switch has been removed from the cabinet for repair. A Reactor Power Cutback initiates due to a loss of a main feed pump and the RPCB system has commanded the Reg Gp 5 subgroup to drop. Reg Group 5 will initially…
A. remain in position.
B. drive in auto sequential.
C. drop as commanded by RPCS.
D. remain in position until the operator attempts to drive the Reg Gp 5 subgroup in, causing the subgroup to drop.
Answer: A
Plant is at 40% power after a RPCB A CWP has been received CEDMCS in AUTO sequential. If the operator pushes and holds the CWP bypass button, CEAs can…
A. be withdrawn in any mode except standby.
B. NOT be withdrawn in any mode.
C. be withdrawn in manual individual only.
D. be withdrawn in manual group or manual individual only.
Answer: A
The function of the Dropped Rod Contact (DRC) is to:
A. Stop all rod motion in any CEDMCS mode.
B. Initiate an auto reactor trip if two or more rods drop in the core.
C. Reset the individual CEA pulse counter.
D. Reset Reactor Power Cutback (RPCB) flag in COLSS.
Answer: C
Which ONE of the following statements regarding CEDMCS is correct?
A. CWP will stop all CEA motion for all modes of CEDMCS operation.
B. AWP will stop all CEA motion in either direction in “AUTO SEQUENTIAL”.
C. AWP will stop all CEA motion in “AUTO SEQUENTIAL” and “MANUAL SEQUENTIAL” only.
D. CWP will stop all outward motion of CEAs in all modes of CEDMCS operation.
Answer: D
The plant is at 100% power when suddenly the following alarms and indications are observed in the Control Room: Reactor power decrease. Tavg/Tref Hi-Lo Alarm Window 4A08B on B04 with RCS temperatures decreasing. One four-fingered CEA bottom light on the core mimic and LEL lit. Pressurizer level and pressure decrease. COLSS, CPC, & PDIL alarms. Expected CVCS actions due to decreasing pressurizer level. Which ONE of the following conditions would MOST likely be observed in the next five minutes, if NO operator actions were taken?
A. The reactor would have tripped due to low pressurizer pressure.
B. Reactor power would stabilize at ~ 100% with a higher than full power Tavg.
C. Reactor power would stabilize at 50% with a lower than full power Tavg.
D. Reactor power would stabilize at ~ 100% power with a lower than full power Tavg.
Answer: D
Unit 1 is operating at rated power when backpressure in the Main Condenser starts to rise. Regulating Group 5 is at 135 inches. Turbine load is being shifted to SBCS valve 1007 in an effort to stabilize backpressure. CEDMCS is inadvertently left in AUTO SEQUENTIAL. Assuming Steam Demand remains constant. The Operating Crew should expect CEAs to…
A. start stepping in.
B. start stepping out.
C. remain in their present position due to AMI.
D. remain in their present position due to AWP.
Answer: A
On a loss of power to the logic cards associated with a subgroup, CEDMCS would respond by:
A. energizing the lower gripper CEDM coils in the subgroup in such a manner that a low hold voltage would be applied to them.
B. deenergizing the CEDM coils in the subgroup causing the CEA’s in the subgroup to drop.
C. energizing the CEDM coils in the subgroup in such a manner that the CEA’s would start stepping in.
D. energizing the upper gripper CEDM coils in the subgroup in such a manner that a high voltage would be applied to them.
Answer: D
A problem on CEDMCS panel C01A has resulted in a Continuous Gripper High Voltage (CGHV) Alarm on CEDMCS Supervisory Panel C01D. None of the CGHV LED’s on C01A are lit. Which of the following conditions on C01A would result in these indications?
A. A timer failure.
B. A loss of the Auxiliary Power Supply.
C. A loose logic card.
D. A loss of both logic power supplies (PS1 & PS2).
Answer: B
A caution contained in our alarm response procedures states that a CEDM failure may occur if a Continuous Gripper High Voltage is applied for greater than…
A. 20 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 15 minutes
D. 10 minutes
Answer: D
The control room directs you to respond to a CEDMCS TRBL alarm. No maintenance is in progress. The Continuous Gripper High Voltage (CGHV) alarm is indicated on supervisory panel 1-J-SFN-C01D. The CGHV LED’s number 7 and 9 are lit on subgroups 5 and 7 The NLO shall notify the control room and:
A. transfer subgroup 5 to the hold bus
B. check for a loose or blown fuse in the logic power for the subgroups
C. notify the Reactor Operator to trip the reactor
D. cycle the power supply breakers to clear the alarm
Answer: B
The control room directs you to respond to a CEDMCS TRBL alarm. No maintenance is in progress. The Clock Failure (CLF) alarm is indicated on supervisory panel 1-J-SFN-C01D. You should notify the control room and:
A. direct the Reactor operator to trip the reactor.
B. attempt to reset the alarm by depressing the SYSTEM MASTER RESET.
C. attempt to reset the alarm by depressing the TIMER FAILURE RESET on the affected subgroup.
D. determine which CEA’s are affected by observing the “Timer Failure” lights on all subgroup housing front panels.
Answer: B
An approach to criticality is being performed. The startup is occurring 45 hours after a trip from 75% power at MOC. If the ECBC (Estimated Critical Boron Concentration) is calculated for 38 hours after the trip,…
A. actual critical rod position versus ECRP would not be affected.
B. reaching criticality will not be possible (Xenon precluded).
C. criticality with rod position below the ECRP should be expected.
D. criticality with rod position above the ECRP should be expected.
Answer: C
In response to a Continuous Gripper High Voltage alarm, an operator is transferring a subgroup to the hold bus. What operator action actually energizes the upper gripper from the hold bus?
A. Closing the Individual CEA breakers on the Hold Bus Power Switch Assembly
B. Selecting the appropriate subgroup on the SG/SEL thumbwheel
C. Pushing the red light above the subgroup number on the hold bus panel
D. Operating the transfer toggle switch
Answer: D
The plant is initially at 100% power when the following alarms and indications are observed in the Control Room: Reactor power decrease. Tavg/Tref Hi-Lo alarm. RCS temperatures decreasing. One four-fingered CEA bottom light on the core mimic and LEL lit. Pressurizer level and pressure decrease. COLSS, CPC, & PDIL alarms. Expected CVCS actions due to decreasing pressurizer level. Which ONE of the following conditions would be observed in the next five minutes if NO operator actions were taken?
A. Reactor power would stabilize at 95% with a lower than full power Tavg.
B. Reactor power would stabilize at about 100% power with a lower than full power Tavg.
C. Reactor power would stabilize at 95% with a higher than full power Tavg.
D. Reactor power would stabilize at about 100% with a higher than full power Tavg.
Answer: B
A CEDMCS MG set received a bearing high temperature alarm and the Shift Manager has directed the shutdown of the affected MG. Which of the following depicts the allowed CEDMCS operating mode(s) with one MG set shutdown?
A. MI and Standby.
B. Standby only.
C. All modes allowed.
D. MS, MG, MI, Standby.
Answer: A
Unit 1 is at 100% power. 40ST - 9SF01, CEA Exercising, is in progress. CEA #14 is being exercised and CEDMCS Trouble annunciator alarms. The AO reports that the CEA breaker on the Power Switch assembly for CEA # 14 is tripped open. CEA 14 is indicating within 2.5” of its group. Which of the following action(s) is(are) necessary:
A. Enter Tech Spec 3.1.5 for an inoperable CEA.
B. Trip the reactor and enter SPTAs.
C. Perform CEAC inoperable procedure, 72AO - 9RJ04.
D. Continue with the Surveillance Test after realigning the other CEAs to within 1.5” of CEA # 14.
Answer: A
Which of the following CEDM coils is energized when the CEA subgroup is on the hold bus?
A. Lower latch coil (Lower gripper coil).
B. Upper lift coil.
C. Lower lift coil.
D. Upper latch coil (Upper gripper coil).
Answer: D
0100…..With the plant operating at rated power with ARO, a 4 finger CEA drops to the bottom of the core.
0230…..The operating crew is ready to realign the CEA with its group.
Based on these conditions, which one of the following is an appropriate rate of CEA withdrawal to restore the CEA within the shortest time allowed by procedure?
A. Unlimited, since it has been over an hour since the CEA has dropped.
B. 5 inches per minute.
C. 10 inches per minute.
D. 15 inches per minute.
Answer: B
On a loss of the plant computer, CEAs can…
A. only be moved in Manual Group and Manual Individual.
B. not be moved.
C. only be moved in Manual Group.
D. be moved in any CEDMCS mode, except standby.
Answer: A
The plant is at 100% power. Reactor power begins decreasing. Hi-Lo alarm window 4A08B on B04 lit with RCS temperatures decreasing. One four fingered CEA bottom light on the core mimic and LEL lit. Pressurizer level and pressure decreases. COLSS, CPC and PDIL alarms. Which one of the following is correct after five minutes if NO operator actions were taken?
A. The reactor would trip due to low pressurizer pressure.
B. Reactor power would stabilize at approximately 100% with a lower than full power Tavg.
C. Reactor power would stabilize at approximately 85% with a lower than full power Tavg.
D. Reactor power would stabilize at approximately 100% with normal full power Tavg.
Answer: B
The plant is initially at 100% power when the following alarms and indications are observed in the Control Room: Reactor power decrease. Tavg/Tref Hi-Lo alarm. RCS temperatures decreasing. One four-fingered CEA bottom light on the core mimic and LEL lit. Pressurizer level and pressure decrease. COLSS, CPC, & PDIL alarms. Expected CVCS actions due to decreasing pressurizer level. Which ONE of the following conditions would be observed in the next five minutes if NO operator actions were taken?
A. Reactor power would stabilize at 95% with a lower than full power Tavg.
B. Reactor power would stabilize at about 100% power with a lower than full power Tavg.
C. Reactor power would stabilize at 95% with a higher than full power Tavg.
D. Reactor power would stabilize at about 100% with a higher than full power Tavg.
Answer: B
Given the following plant conditions: Unit 1 is operating at 82% power. All systems are in normal lineup when the generator trips due to a loss of field. SBCV #4 is OOS. CEA’s are not selected for large load reject. Based on these conditions, the operating crew should:
A. insert CEAs in manual sequential.
B. trip the reactor.
C. start a rapid shutdown per 40OP-9ZZ05, Power Operations.
D. immediately select CEAs for large load reject and manually initiate a cutback.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. A Main Turbine trip occurs. A RPCB fails to automatically actuate. The Primary Operator IMMEDIATELY depresses the following two pushbuttons simultaneously: “DROP SUBGRPS” “LOSS OF FEEDPUMP” Comparing the plant response to this action versus how the plant would have responded if the “LARGE LOAD REJECT” pushbutton has been depressed, which of the following is accurate? The actions taken would result in…
A. a smaller rise in pressurizer pressure.
B. more CEAs dropped on the RPCB.
C. fewer CEAs dropped on the RPCB.
D. a larger rise in pressurizer pressure.
Answer: D
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. The “A” Main Feed Pump trips. A RPCB fails to automatically occur. In order to manually initiate the required RPCB, the crew must:
A. first depress the DROP SUBGROUPS pushbutton, release, and then depress the LOSS OF FEED PUMP pushbutton.
B. simultaneously depress the DROP SUBGROUPS and LOSS OF FEED PUMP pushbuttons.
C. depress and hold the DROP SUBGROUPS pushbutton, and then depress SUBGROUP SELECT pushbuttons 4, 5 and 22.
D. first depress and release the DROP SUBGROUPS pushbutton, then the LOSS OF FEED PUMP pushbutton followed by SUBGROUP SELECT pushbuttons 4, 5 and 22.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is operating at rated power. A Main Feed pump trip occurs. A RPCB fails to automatically actuate. The Primary Operator depresses the following two pushbuttons simultaneously: “DROP SUBGRPS” “LARGE LOAD REJECT” Comparing the plant response to this action versus how the plant would have responded if the “LOSS OF FEED PUMP” pushbutton had been depressed, which of the following is accurate? The action could result in…
A. a turbine setback failure.
B. an undesirable SBCS quick open.
C. a high RCS pressure trip.
D. a high SG level reactor trip.
Answer: B
Unit 1 is at 100% power. 40ST - 9SF01, CEA Exercising, is in progress. CEA #14 is being exercised and CEDMCS Trouble annunciator alarms. The AO reports that the CEA breaker on the Power Switch assembly for CEA # 14 is tripped open. CEA 14 is indicating within 2.5” of its group. Which of the following action(s) is(are) necessary:
A. Enter Tech Spec 3.1.5 for an inoperable CEA.
B. Trip the reactor and enter SPTAs.
C. Perform CEAC inoperable procedure, 72AO - 9RJ04.
D. Continue with the Surveillance Test after realigning the other CEAs to within 1.5” of CEA # 14.
Answer: A