Evolution of Eukaryotic Cell + Endosymbiotic Theory Flashcards
Evolution of Eukaryotic Cell
1- first cells were prokaryotes
2- evidence suggests Archaea are more closely related to Eu
3- evolved in stages
4- Endosymbiotic Theory (chloroplasts & mitochondria originally from prokaryotes that were taken up by larger cells)
Endosymbiotic Theory
1- prokaryotic cell w/o nucleus
2- cell gains nucleus from cell membrane invaginating around DNA in double membrane (nuclear envelope)
3- gains endomembrane system by proliferation of membrane
4- gains mitochondria
5 AC- gains protomitochondria = animal cell
5 PC- gains chloroplasts = plant cell
Supporting Evidence
1- mitochondria & chloroplast similar to bacteria in size & structure
2- double membrane: inner from original Prk, outer from invagination from engulfing EuC
3- DNA single circular strand similar to Prk & divide by splitting
4- have own ribosomes similar to those in Prk & make own proteins
5- ribosome RNA base sequence suggest Prk origin