Evolution Doddle Flashcards
When was simple life first developed on Earth?
Approximately 3 billion years ago. All life forms developed from these very simple organisms.
What is evolution?
Evolution is the change in heritable characteristics of a population over time. Evolution occurs through a process called natural selection.
Who introduced natural selection and when?
When was natural selection first introduced by the British naturalist Charles Darwin in 1800s often referred to as Darwin’s theory of evolution.
What is natural selection?
Natural selection explains how species change over time as a result of differences in the characteristics and survival individuals.
Natural selection
1. Variation
There must be differences between the character of individuals within a population of species such as fur colour or beak size. An individuals set of observable characteristics is its phenotypes
- Inheritance
Some of the characteristics can be passed on from parent to offspring. These are called inherited characteristics. On,y characteristics with a genetic basis can be inherited.
- Competition
There must be differences is the ability of an individuals to access shared resources such as food, mates, shelter etc. The ability of individuals to compete with others depend on their characteristics
- Selection
Individuals with characteristics making them well adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. These individuals will pass on their heritable characteristics to the next generation.
Natural selection
- Genetic variation exists between individuals of a population
- Individuals compete with each other for food, water and mates, and to avoid predators.
- Individuals with adaptive phenotypes compete better are are more likely to survive and reproduce
- Individuals with less adaptive phenotypes and fewer competitive characteristics die or reproduce less
- Genes for adaptive characteristics are more likely to be inherited. This means the number of species with the adaptive characteristics will increase. Over many generations, eventually all the individuals will have the characteristic.
Giraffes genetic variation
Due to variation, the ancestors of modern giraffes would have had necks of different lengths
Giraffes with longer necks would have been able to reach more food than the short necked giraffes
As a result, the longer-necked giraffes were more likely to survive and produce offspring in greater number.
This increases the chance of the long-necked characteristic (a heritable characteristic) to be passed down
Tree snake genetic variation
The common tree snake in Australia (native) feeds on frogs and geckos. The snake has evolved a reduced head size.
In 1973, the cane toad was introduced to Australia and it became a major pest
The toad is highly toxic and its large size ensures that any predator eating the entire toad would get a large dose of poison.
Initially, the tree snake fed on the cane toads. They had not encountered the toads so they did not have any resistance against its poison. Most snakes that the toad died quickly.
As snakes eat their food whole, a small head prevents them from eating large prey e.g. can toad
Therefore, a small head has a selective advantage, allowing snakes to avoid can toad poisoning.
Smaller headed snakes have a greater chance of surviving to reproduce.
The average head size of the population shrank as more small-headed snakes survived to pass on their genes
What is speciation?
Over time, new species evolve from earlier species as a result of natural selection. This process is called speciation.
Speciation can occur if two populations of a species become geographically isolated from one another. In different environments, different characteristics are adaptive so different heritable characteristics are selected for.
Over many generations, the populations can become so different in phenotype that they can no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring. At this point they have become two different species
What do fossils provide proof of?
How organisms have gradually over millions of years
What is the history of life shown by fossils called?
Fossil record
There are gaps in the fossil record but it still helps to tell the evolution story of past and present day organisms
We can see gradual changes in preserved specimens of the same species over time using the fossils record
56mil yrs ago - Hyracotherium
Height=0.4m Front foot=4 toes Teeth=short-crowned and without cement Diet=plants and leaves Habitat=forest and grassland
40 million yrs ago - Mesohippus
Height=0.6m Front foot=four toes Teeth=shirt-crowned and without cement Diet=grass and leaves Habitat=forest and grassland
17 million yrs ago - Merychippus
Height=1.0m Front foot=three toes Teeth=long-crowned and cement covered Diet=grass Habitat=grassland
12 million yrs ago - Pilohippus
Height=1.2m Front foot=three toes Teeth=long-crowned and cement covered Diet=grasses Habitat=grassland
4 million yrs ago - Equus (modern horse)
Height=1.6m Front foot=3 toes Teeth=long-crowned and cement covered Diet=grasses Habitat=grassland
How and why did the horses evolve?
Early ancestors of the horse ate soft plants and leaves, and lived in forests. As the forests shrank and grasses evolved, the horse’s ancestors evolved in response
Their teeth became longer and evolved flatter grinding surfaces and a covering of hard cement, to be better adapted to chewing tough grasses
They became larger, long-legged and moved on tip-toes, to be better adapted to fast running on open plain grassland.
Can we see natural selection?
It usually happens over generations so it is very slow for us to see. However, organisms like bacteria have very short generation, which makes it possible to observe changes in characteristics as a result of natural selection. On thing that is of concern for doctors is antibiotic resistance. This prevents bacteria’s being killed by antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections.
Stage 1 of how does antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve?
A bacterial infection cause a sore throat. As the bacteria divide, a random mutation causes one bacteria cell to become resistant to a popular type off antibiotic
Stage 2 of how does antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve?
The patient is prescribed antibiotics by their GP and is told to keep taking them until they’re used up
Stage 3 of how does antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve?
As the patient takes the antibiotics, the non-resistant bacteria are killed but the antibiotic-resistant bacteria have a competitive advantage, enabling them to survive.
Stage 4 of how does antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve?
When the patient starts to feel better he stops taking the antibiotics, but the resistant bacteria remain
Stage 5 of how does antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve?
The surviving bacteria become widespread. If the bacteria becomes resistant to other types of antibiotics they are called superbugs
A special feature or behaviour that makes an organism particularly well-suited to its environment
A type of drug used to treat bacterial infections
Antibiotic resistance
A trait found in some bacteria which prevents them from being killed by antibiotics
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
A British naturalist who proposed that evolution took place through the process of natural selection
The fight for shared resources between individuals of the same or different species
The gradual change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time through the process of natural selection
The preserved remains, impressions or traces of an organisms that lived millions of years ago
Fossil record
The history of life on Earth as shown by fossils
A short section of DNA that codes for the production of a specific protein, which contributes to particular characteristics
The process by which parents pass on characteristics to their offspring. Only characteristics controlled by genes can be inherited
Natural selection
Natural selection was first proposed in the 1800s by Charles Darwin and is the process by which evolution occurs. Individuals that are well-adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more than less well adapted individuals. As a result, the genes of well-adapted individuals are more likely to be passed to the next generation
The set of observable characteristics of an organism produced as a result of the interaction between its genes and the environment
A group of individuals belonging to the same species living in the same area
The formation of a new species from an existing species once speciation has occurred the two populations can longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
A bacteria that has mutated to became resistant to several different types of antibiotic
The natural difference between individual members of a species