- plasma membrane
- cytoplasm
- mitochondria
- golgi apparatus
- nuclear pore
- nucleolus
- ribosomes
- rough endoplasmic reticulum
- smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- small vacuole
- centrioles
- nucleur membrane
- lyosomes
- central large vacuole
- chloroplasts
- cell wall
- plasma membrane
- mitochondria
- endoplasmic reticulum
- cytoplasm
- nucleus
- nucleolus
- nuclear membrane
- ribosomes
- golgi apparatus
- starch granules
what is the cytoplasm
-site for chemical reactions, region within cell where organelles are found
what is the rough endoplasmic reticulum
structure: complex system of membranous tubules studded with ribosomes (FOLDED, flat STRUCTURE)
function: synthesis, folding and modification of proteins which are transported throughout the cell
- membrane production
what is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
structure: long network of tubelike structure
- interior called the lumen
-function: synthesis of lipids and other important molecules, production of membranes,
metabolism and detoxification and calcium ion storage
what are ribosomes
- no membrane
- carry out protein synthesis
- composed of RNA and a type of protein
- two subunits
what is the Golgi apparatus
- ‘post office of cell’
- modifies, packages and ships proteins throughout cell
- builds lysosomes
- receives products from ER
what are centrioles
structure: found as a pair, each one composed of microtubules
function: organizing microtubule assembly for nuclear division (SPINGLE FORMATION)
what is the mitochondria
WIFI symbol
-function: ‘powerhouse of the cell”: site for cellular respiration (ATP)
what is the plasma membrane
-semi-fluid phospholipid bilayer in which proteins are embedded
- forms boundary between the cell and the extracellular environment
- regulates movement of substances in and out of the cell
what is the nucleus
- surrounded by a nuclear envelope
- function: contains most of the cell’s genetic material; regulates all the activities of the cell
what is the nucleolus
- within the nucleus
- function: synthesis of ribosomal RNA
what are lysosomes
structure: single membrane bound sac of enzymes
function> intracellular digestion of macromolecules
what are vacuoles
- structure: membrane bound sacs
- function: -store water and cell sap
- provides cell volume
what are chloroplasts
- contain double membrane; size of bacterial cell
- photosynthesis occurs here
compare plant and animal cells
-exterior of the cell includes an outer cell wall with a plasma membrane just inside
-chloroplasts are present in the cytoplasm area
-large centrally located vacuoles are present
-carbohydrates are stored as starch
-do not contain centrioles within a centrosome area
-because a rigid cell wall is present, this cell type has a fixed
-the exterior of the cell only includes a plasma membrane (no cell wall)
-there are no chloroplasts
-vaculoes are small or not present
-carbohydrates are stored as glycogen
-contain centrioles within a centrosome area
-without a cell wall, this cell if flexible +rounded shape
what is the cell wall
protects and maintains cell