Eukaryotes pt.1 Flashcards
What are the three types of microscopic eukaryotes?
- Fungi
- Protozoa
- Helminths
What are the main differences of the flagella of eurkaryotic cells?
- Covered by cell membrane (thicker)
- a 9+2 microtubule arrangement
- move in a whiplash manner
What are cilia?
External structure, used for motility, found only in Protozoa and animal cells
What is the arrangement of cilia?
More common than flagella. 9+2 microtubule arrangement.
Where are the glycocalyx located on eukarotic cells?
Make direct contact with the outside environment.
What is the purpose of the glycocalyx of eukaryotic cells?
Protection and adherence
What type of eukaryotic cells have a cell wall?
Only Fungi and Algae
How are the layers of the cell walls of eukaryotic cells composed?
Thick inner layer (made of chitin or cellulose)
thin outer layer (mixed glycans)
How is the nucleus of eukaryotic cells composed?
Surrounded by nuclear envelope with holes call nuclear pores for transportation into nucleus.
What structure is found within the nucleus?
What is its purpose?
- site of rRNA ribosome synthesis
- houses chromosomes
What is the endoplasmic reticulum (purpose) of eukaryotic cells?
Tunnel network used for transportation and storage.
Where is the rough ER of eukaryotic cells located?
Starts at nuclear envelope
ends at cell membrane
What is the purpose of the rough ER?
Transports material/ ribosomes (rough) from nucleus to cytoplasm to cell exterior.
What is the smooth ER and what is ts purpose.
Closed tubular network used for processing nutrients and synthesizing lipids.
What is the golgi complex (purpose) of eukarotic cells?
Non continuous organelle, where proteins are modified and transported
What are the folds and inside of the ER and Golgi known as?
folds= cisternae
inside= lumen
The ER is the site of ____ where the golgi receives ____.
Transition vesicle
What macromolecules do the golgi complex add?
Polysaccharide and lipids
The golgi complex is the site of ______ ______ where material is sent to lysosome or outside cell.
Condensing Vesicle
What are lysosomes and where are they made?
Vesicle organelle made in the golgi.
Where are the enzymes of lysosomes made?
Endoplasmic reticulum
What are the jobs of Lysosomes?
- Intracellular digestion
- Degrading old organells
- Protection from invading microorganisms
What are vacuoles (purpose)?
Membrane bound sacs used for
- Digestion
- Storage of fats and glycogen
- Excretion (protozoa expel water)
How do vacuoles become suited for digestion?
Fuse with lysosome to become phagosome.
What are the jobs of mitochondria?
- Supplies power
- Enzymes and electron carrier for aerobic respiration
Why is it theorized that mitochondria are descendents of bacteria?
Divide independently from cell.
Have circular DNA
Have different sized ribosomes (similar to bacteria)
- What are Chloroplasts?
- What is their purpose?
- Organells found in algae and plant cells.
- Produces organic nutrients for other organisms
produces oxygen gas
What are thylakoids of chloroplasts?
What is their purpose?
Sacs in the membranes of chroplasts.
Turn into granum that contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis
What is the stroma of chloroplasts and what is its purpose?
Surrounds thylakoids
Used in carb synthesis