Ethnicity and eduction- internal factors Flashcards
What does Becker say about labelling in education?
Focuses on how teachers view pupils from different
What do Gillbourne and Youdell say about labelling?
Teachers are quick to disciplne black students then others for similar behaviour
-pupils reinforces stereotypes leading to further problem’s
What do Bourne and Foster say about labelling?
Black boys seen as threats so more likely to be excluded and in lower sets
What does wright say about labelling?
Asian pupils are victims of labelling due to their ethnocentric views
So therefore asian pupils are left out of discussion, have names mispronounced leading to marginalisations
What does mirza say are the 3 types of teacher racism?
-The colour blind- believe all children are equal but when they see racism they turn a blind eye
-The liberal chauvinist- believe black people are culturally deprived so have low expectations
-The overt racist- black people are inferior so therefore actively discriminate against them
What does sewell say about pupils response to racism?
He analysed boys reactions towards racism and said teh 4 types are
Sewell- what does conformity mean?
majority of black pupils accept failure of schools and eager to succseed
Sewell- what is rebellion?
Rejecting values of school
Joining a peer pressure reinforcing negative stereotypes
e.g. Black Mashimo
Sewell- what is retreatism?
Low profile and disconnected with peer groups subcultures and the school
Sewell- what is innovation?
2nd largest groups, pro education but anti school
distanced self from conformity but enough to keep credibility with revels whilst valuing education success
The ethnocentric curriculum- Troyona and Williams + Davis?
The national curriculum is specifically british and focused on white culture ignoring non European language, literature and music
The ethnocentric curriculum- Balls theory?
‘Little Engaladim’ only focusing on white british culture and tried to recreate a mythical age of empire and pass glories by largely ignoring the history of black and asian culture
The ethnocentric curriculum- Coards theory?
Black culture and history taught to he primarive
‘white- good’ and ‘black- evil-
what does ethnocentric mean?
an attitude of hat gives priority to culture and viewpoint of one particular of ethnic group while disregarding others
What is individual racism?
results of prejudice view of an individuals